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To Note:
Private Donor Groups and Private Sibling Connection Groups are now located under the category "Groups". Search the donor number in the search box and you should find exactly what you're looking for!

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1) Press "Join" at the right of the group
2) Once prompted to confirm your request please list this information so we can verify your information:
Name (under which the vial was purchased)
Clinic Name
Donor number
Child Date of Birth

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Clomid and IUI multiples?

My doc wants to put me on Clomid, I have no fertility issues (DH is sterile). He said he wants me on it to maximize my chances so we don't have to multiple cycles/minimize the amount. What are my chances of having multiples?

Anyone on here of multiples from clomid?

When I got pregnant naturally w/ my ex husband, I got pregnant on the very first month (I charted my basal temp).


  • taramdwyertaramdwyer Junior Member Junior Member
    I forget what my doctor said but I think it was a 2-6% percent chance. I take clomid, I'm on try 4 and still no pregnancies. Frozen sperm is not as effective of fresh sperm because you get a lot less of it and those frozen guys don't move as quick so it may help to up your egg production. I think it also depends on your age
  • SumSTAR524SumSTAR524 Member Member
    My dr used FemrA. Lower chances of muilitplies. But gives you more chances
  • KJtrips+KJtrips+ Member Member
    I have clomid + trigger + IUI does happen. Best thing is to have an ultrasound or two during the cycle to know how many follies you have growing. Good luck!
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