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9DPIUI with Donor 4528

nebsnebs Junior Member Junior Member
Hi Anyone and Everyone:

So, today I am 9 days post my first IUI (Sat Apr 5th and Sun Apr 6th). I'm on 200mg of Progesterone twice daily and I am just starting to get nervous. My beta is scheduled for Monday (Easter Monday). I've been having really crazy symptoms that I have been blaming on the hormones - e.g., I'm at work right now and I can't button my pants because of the bloating. So, I am completely aware that the hormones' side effects mimc early pregancy symptoms and I want to cry from the frustration of not knowing if this procedure worked. Not that it should matter, but if this works I'll be a SMBC. I am not planning on taking a HPT because I'm scared I'm going to jinx it.

So, anyway, I'm reaching out to see if there's anyone out there in this 2ww boat with me. Possible Christmas baby? Any support would be greatly appreciated.


  • libergirllibergirl Junior Member Junior Member
    Hi nebs! I'm 5 days post my first IUI (Apr. 12). I feel like I'm experiencing some symptoms but I've been down this road before (the natural route) and I've been disappointed. My doctor has me going in on Friday for blood work, which makes it only 7DPIUI, and then I am to go again next Friday (14DPIUI). I've decided not to take any pregnancy tests until i'm at least 5 days late with AF. I hate HPTs. I'm crossing my fingers that it works, for both of us! An end of the year baby would be a wonderful Christmas miracle. Good luck!
  • nebsnebs Junior Member Junior Member
    Thanks, libergirl! I am at day 11piui and the closer day 15(beta test day) gets, the crazier I get. I refuse to take any HPTs too. I think the disappointment will be hard enough with just the blood test, so why go through it twice. My natural cycle is all over the place, so I'm not even sure when AF would be due, so I'm just going to push through till Monday. I wish you lots of luck and baby dust too!
  • bookie2780bookie2780 Junior Member Junior Member
    Hi nebs, I'm 4dpiui (April 13) and I'm trying to stay sane. I'm not having any symptoms and not really sure what to expect. I was really unsure about my timing. I got a +OPK on Friday night and went in for IUI in Sunday AM. I just don't know if it worked. Guess we'll see in about a week. Good luck to you both.
  • nebsnebs Junior Member Junior Member
    Hi, bookie. I wish you lots of luck. All I've been doing is going through website after website looking at symptoms. I hope we all get BFPs!!! So good luck and baby dust to you too!
  • nebsnebs Junior Member Junior Member
    Sorry, everyone. I just got the call and it's a BFN for me. I hope everyone has better luck than I did.
  • libergirllibergirl Junior Member Junior Member
    Hi Nebs - sorry to hear. But look at AF as your opportunity to start all over again. I'm starting to feel AF symptoms so I don't think it worked for me either. I test on Friday. If it doesn't work, we'll just have to shoot for a January baby :-)
  • nebsnebs Junior Member Junior Member
    Hi libergirl. I'm going to keep my hope up for you. My doctor already prescribed 100mg of Clomid for the next cycle. I'm still debating on it as I'm paying for it out of pocket and I'm scared it won't work either. But we'll see. I have to wait for AF anyway. I'm not sure what to do, but I wish you lots of luck!
  • libergirllibergirl Junior Member Junior Member
    Hi nebs and bookie, how's it going? I got a BFN on the first cycle. I am 9DPIUI with my second try. I'm starting to feel cramps, which I usually get about a week before AF, so I'm thinking this one didn't work either. I go in on Friday for the blood/pregnancy test.
  • nebsnebs Junior Member Junior Member
    Hi Libergirl! Good luck! I'm 10dpiui with my second try too! I've been keeping hush about this one. Friday is my beta test also, so best of luck to us both!!!

    I've been cramping for the past few days too, but I don't know if it's menstrual or IBS or even a cyst (cause I took 100mg of Clomid this cycle). So I'm going to stay hopeful for you and I. Good luck!
  • nebsnebs Junior Member Junior Member
    This morning, I had my beta. I won't get the results until around 2 this afternoon. But, I POAS this morning and I'm not sure what I'm looking at. I wish I could attach a picture, but there's a very faint second line... I've only seen that once - after my trigger. I asked the nurse today about my last follicle measurement and one was 31.2 (holy crap) and the other was 20.3. I think the 31.2 one was over mature (based on my online forum reading, lol).

    I don't know. I was going to have the nurse leave a message when they give the results, but now I'm confused so I'm going to have to answer the phone. *sigh* Glad I took today off.

    Libergirl, I wish you tons of luck. *VIRTUAL HUG!!!*
  • libergirllibergirl Junior Member Junior Member
    Hi Nebs!

    I was holding my breath reading your post. I hope you end up getting a BFP!! xx xx

    I took my beta test today and it was negative, so another BFN. However, I was expecting it because of the signs of AF I started feeling early this week.

    I've decided to move on to IVF. It's so early, I know but based on what I've been reading, it's way more effective than IUI. And the great thing is that my insurance covers it, but there is a lifetime maximum of 50K for fertility procedures and 10K for meds, so why waste more time with IUIs. My doctor said he would submit the paperwork to change the type of cycle - I hope there isn't a requirement of a certain number of IUIs before moving on to IVF.

    I've been reading a lot about the IVF process and it sounds arduous. But I'm up for the challenge. I go in on Tuesday to start the process. I'm not exactly sure what that means but we'll see. I'm actually feeling a bit more optimistic. IUIs just always seemed like a long shot for me. I'm glad it works for so many others and also glad that my insurance covers IVF.

    I'm trying to stay encouraged. At the beginning of every cycle, I always envision 9 months later holding a bundle of joy in my arms.

    Crossing my fingers for a BFP for you.
  • nebsnebs Junior Member Junior Member
    Libergirl, I'm so sorry to hear another BFN. Honestly, I think switching to IVF is a great idea. I would do it, but my insurance isn't paying for any of this and I can't afford IVF myself. But I have high hopes for you. IVF has much higher success rates. Please keep in touch and let me know how it goes!

    As for me... I don't know. Technically the beta was positive, but it was low. Like miscarriage low - only 13 at 15dpiui. But the nurse said to keep taking the progesterone suppositories and we're retesting Tuesday morning. The nurse said it's probably a chemical pregnancy, which is sad. But I'm grateful that I even got this far. I've never been pregnant (that I know of), so it's nice to know it's possible. I got my crying out and I'll keep praying for a miracle. I'm going to try to stay hopeful. There's a small possibility my hcg numbers will increase. If not, I'll be trying once again. This was only my second try, so maybe 3 is the lucky one?

    I wish you so much luck. You will have your little sticky bean soon, I know it!
  • nebsnebs Junior Member Junior Member
    So, I had my second beta this morning. 83.5!!! OMG. This might actually happen. I'm still stunned. I haven't told anyone about any of this, but my Mom is coming home today from an overseas trip so I think she'll be the first to know tomorrow (besides you guys).

    I'm not out of the woods yet, another beta on Thursday. Wish me luck. And apparently miracles do happen.

    I should add that it is still very early and my numbers are still kind of low. I'll keep praying and hoping things continue on this course. It might be time for me to switch forums... But I'll miss you, Libergirl, and I'm keeping you in my prayers because you've been with me from that first 2ww and I know good things will happen for you.
  • libergirllibergirl Junior Member Junior Member
    Hi Nebs! So excited about your numbers! How did your test on Thursday? I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.
  • 4120seba4120seba Junior Member Junior Member
    Hello Ladies, some time has passed by and I was wondering if any of you conceived from donor 4528. I will be having IVF with this donor next month.
  • nebsnebs Junior Member Junior Member
    Hi 4120seba, no I was not able to conceive with this donor. But I wish you lots of luck!
    4120seba wrote: »
    Hello Ladies, some time has passed by and I was wondering if any of you conceived from donor 4528. I will be having IVF with this donor next month.
  • Holly76Holly76 Junior Member Junior Member
    Hi All - last night I started my third round of 100mg of clomid - June and July had unsuccessful IUIs (my first two tries). I'm single, 38, and according to the fertility testing, for all intents and purposes, am normal "for my age". :)
    I am moving on to my #2 donor, since there were only a few samples of #1 (both were unsuccessful anyway); and this month I am planning on going in two days in a row for IUI. Has anyone tried this method and been successful?
    This process is tough, and I've only been through two IUIs. Could the third be a charm? My insurance is covering none of this process.
  • Angtwin1Angtwin1 Junior Member Junior Member
    Hi all..I'm 38 and single as well... my insurance doesn't cover anything either :( I'm 4 dpiui on my first go around at this,,. we will see what the blood test says on the 28th.. My friend did 2 iui already and she has 2 inseminations each time and she still got 2 BFN... i don't understand it ???
  • ck2014ck2014 Member Member
    Hi Holly,
    I will be starting my 3rd round of IUI. The 1st one was 1 round of IUI & unsuccessful. The 2nd one was with a different donor with 2 back to back IUI's and also unsuccessful. I've only used ovidrel both cycles. The 3rd round will be in about 10 days and I haven't decided if I will do 2 back to back or not. I am skipping the ovidrel this time.

    I've heard stories where people have success 1st round to where it's taken 7 rounds of IUI. Who know what factors decide.

    Good Luck to us all :)
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