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Private Donor Groups and Private Sibling Connection Groups are now located under the category "Groups". Search the donor number in the search box and you should find exactly what you're looking for!

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Donors 4213, 4512

shariberrydaxshariberrydax Junior Member Junior Member
So, evidently vials came out of quarantine for both donors 4213 and 4512 and people wait-listed got whatever amount of vials they needed. I guess that is what must have happened since, of the inquiries I received definitely wanting to set something up for vials of both donors, no one got back in touch with me. So, I'm not 100% certain whether they no longer are interested or whether some just are busy. Hopefully each person who inquired got what they needed. Anyway, I guess if these vials I've got are meant to create more lives someday then someone will get them.

For now the vials all remain available, an IVF vial from 4213, an IVF vial & an IUI vial from 4512. This process of ttc was such a struggle at times that I hate to just dispose of the vials now, especially since the donors are discontinued. Yet, as much as I hate to dispose of the vials for these two donors, both of whom I am told are being retired (I think that's the term), I'm not willing to spend any more money paying for storage.

So, when the storage bills come due I'll execute paperwork for destruction of the vials if no one takes them off my hands before that point in time.

From what I understand, there is a $5,000 fee involved with Fairfax Cryo in obtaining vials to attempt siblings from donors retired from listing, and that's if the donor even is willing to provide more. So, if anyone who contacted me previously still would like the vial(s) or if anyone else still is interested let me know.

babydust & best wishes to all


  • janbabyjanbaby Senior Member Senior Member
    I am currently having to look for another donor, I used the last vials available for a sibling to my 15 month old son. I unfortunately just miscarried identical twins, so although I am still grieving over that I still want to try again when I can. My donor has to be CMV negative and I would like blonde hair blue eyes which is kind of hard to find. I noticed 4213 is all of those but I am doing IUI, do you know can IVF vials be used? Also how much are you wanting for the vial and is it still at Fairfax, and when is your storage few due?
  • shariberrydaxshariberrydax Junior Member Junior Member
    Hi Janbaby. I am so very sorry for your loss. I also miscarried, twice, several years ago. It was quite devastating, for my whole family.
    Donor 4213 *IS* CMV ***Negative***, which is why I switched to him from donor 4512. I'll link the information for donor 4213, which
    lists him as "inactive":

    Like my beautiful daughter, donor 4213 has blue eyes...silvery blue probably, since that is what my daughter's eyes look like.
    I'm not sure how I'd describe my daughter's hair color but it does have a distinctively blonde highlight.

    I'm sorry but I do not know whether an IVF vial can (or should) be used for an IUI procedure. I believe that you'd be working
    with a lot less of the donor's sample than you'd have with an IUI vial. I don't know if that is the only difference. You should
    ask your RE about that; I would not want to speculate and give out wrong information.
  • Mrs.SaraBellMrs.SaraBell Junior Member Junior Member
    Hi Sheri,
    I also have a baby from donor 4213. A little boy. I was wondering if you had heard of any other siblings, as I have not. Just interested.
  • mjvmjv Junior Member Junior Member
    I am definatly still interested in vials of 4512. Have Pmd you a few times but got no reply? Not sure if you're getting them.
  • Nancy23Nancy23 Junior Member Junior Member
    Hi Shariberrydax,

    Do you still have an IVF vial available from donor 4213? If so, is the vial at Fairfax? Thank you.
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