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advice for first time iui

JamieMU01JamieMU01 Junior Member Junior Member
Well, we did it...

After a failed vr, my husband & I decided on iui with ds as a way to make my dreams of having a baby a reality. We finally decided on a donor that matched his physical characteristics and one that I felt comfortable with. My vials ship tomorrow!!!!

My RE stores at their facility so even though I will have the vials, I want to really do all I can to increase my odds for baby making a success. I am going to do medicated cycles even though I have no known issues (clomid & trigger) as another way to hopefully tip the scales in our direction.

I know that it would be helpful to lose a little weight and be as stress free as I can be, but does anyone have any advice for those of us just starting out that just might increase our chances of a bfp?!?


  • MrsKochMrsKoch Member Member
    Has your doc checked your amh, done an hsg, etc to make sure you don't have any infertility issues? Take folic acid and prenatals if you haven't dobe so yet. I've also started Co Q10 and Dhea because of my issues. I'm in the middle of my first cycle right now. Good luck!
  • KJtrips+KJtrips+ Member Member
    I would be monitored by ultrasound (not just for the risk of multiples on meds *I have clomid triplets* but for timing too) not just go off of OPK's alone, and if it were me I would add a trigger shot to be as sure as possible that you have timing as close as you can. Good luck!
  • JamieMU01JamieMU01 Junior Member Junior Member
    My HSG was good... Had to do all that before the VR, so our only known issue is the fact that my hubby has no swimmers. Thanks for the advice... I am at CD2 now and prepping for our first attempt. Going to talk to a nurse tomorrow, but it's either give it a shot in May or wait until the fall... My chart shows that my travel plans this summer are going to interfere with O times...
  • BarbraBarbra Member Member
    Good luck Jamie!! I got prego on the third round of IUI, I also used clomid and a shot of overdral (not sure of spelling) as for keeping stress low, HA who can do that during this! I hope all goes well and enjoy the summer and your travels.
    Lots of baby dust to ya!
  • JamieMU01JamieMU01 Junior Member Junior Member
    Update: I was on 100mg Clomid & ultrasound on Friday showed 3 mature follies (23, 18 on the right & another 17 on the left). I triggered last night at 8:00pm and go in tomorrow morning for my first iui. Doing my best to be realistic, so instead I am just hopefully optimistic!
  • MyahsmomMyahsmom Junior Member Junior Member
    Good luck we had about the same story and now have a beautiful daughter :) and my husband cried when she was born and so happy to have her!!
  • CRippli1CRippli1 Member Member
    Jaime, how are you doing?
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