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on my own

lonely0322lonely0322 Junior Member Junior Member
I'm 29 years old and have been thinking about getting pregnant. Sadly I am nowhere near finding my dream man, marriage, and having a child. I was wishing for that fairy-tail life but doesn't seem like it's going to happen, so I wanted to see if there are any women who are facing the same thing as I am, and would like to talk. I'd also like to hear from women who made the choose to skip the fairy-tail dream and do it on their own!


  • D-rizzyD-rizzy Senior Member Senior Member
    Hi! I am in the same situation as you as far as deciding to have a child on my own and not wait for Prince Charming. I am 37 and my odds of getting pregnant have decreased so I wish I would not have waited so long but I know at 29 I was not ready. My first insemination will be the second week of June and I am so excited!!
  • panther99panther99 Junior Member Junior Member
    I'm 32. And faceing the same boat your in. I'm currently sched. For blood work and an HSG. Though gonna wait till my
    Next cycle to start. Nervous as hell but ready to start a life of my own, even if I'm going a bit backwards. Lol.
    I'd recommend you to start dhea and fish oil or krill oil ( no aftertaste). As well as prenatal. Stare tracking your ovulation dates. Usually 12 days before the first day of your period. Get the 20 pack of clear blue. And some cheap off brand ovulation sticks. So you can use the cheap ones before the better brands.
    The HSG I'm a bit worried bout, but my doc. Is prescribing valium, along with 4 tabs of antibiotics to take an hour before procedure. To make sure your uterus and tubes are clear of blockages............hell if we have boys.... It'll be a future prince in training. Lol. J/k. Good luck to you. decided on the donor?. I'm useing 4703. Adorable baby pic.!
  • D-rizzyD-rizzy Senior Member Senior Member
    I was really worried about the HSG as well because of what people told me but it wasn't bad at all. I took ibuprofen before but I don't think I needed it. The anticipation was much worse than the actual test
  • kimbettkimbett Junior Member Junior Member
    29 is still young. I think you should freeze your eggs. I am 40 I just did my transfer. I am doing it on my own but I'm 40. If you freeze your eggs you can still possibly meet Mr right someday. If you don't you still have those young eggs waiting for you. I wish I had done that.
  • txgrl74txgrl74 Senior Member Senior Member
    I'm also doing it alone. I'm 39 and haven't found the one either. I also had the hsg test, although I had mine during surgery to have a cyst removed so I had no additional pain. I just had my first IUI and are in the Tww. Good luck with whatever you decide.
  • JoyJoy Junior Member Junior Member
    I came to the same place and just had my daughter at 43. Releasing the dream of Mr. Right or at least separating him from the desire to be your babies father is the hardest thing about the process in my opinion. I wish I had done it earlier but am glad I waited until I was ready emotionally and financially to be a mother. Good luck to all you out there doing IUI. It worked for me and it will work for you! 29 is a lovely age to become a mamma but so is 39, follow your heart and I believe you will make the right decision.
  • sugarbean592sugarbean592 Junior Member Junior Member
    I am 34, almost 35. I am on my 2nd iui and got pregnant, just got my positive test today. I waited all my life for the 'American dream' but apparently it wasn't in the cards for me. In January I went in for my yearly pap and things came back not so great. Doctor removed 3 tumors in my uterus, I decided to do this while I could. It was almost too late for me. I advise you not to wait too long but I do feel 29 is a little but younger. I encourage 32. Best of luck with your decision!!!!
  • jvz5042jvz5042 Junior Member Junior Member
    Hey lonely girl....I am in the exact same boat your in. When I was little I always joked that if I didn't find Mr. Right by the time I was 30 I would do it on my own. At 28 I started thinking that the fairy tale might not happen for me or it might take longer than I have to give. So I decided to start the iui process. Turned 29 this February and had my first iui on the 3rd. Would love to chat. You have a lifetime to meet Mr. Right but only a small window to have a baby!
  • nyflynyfly Member Member
    Hello ladies. I will be 35 next week. I am in the same exact situation. I have a wonderful career, have traveled, live a blessed life except I haven't fared well in love! I agree w. Most everyone- I would wait a few more years as 29 is young. However, I was researching adoption and this process for two or three years and really was able to make a very informed decision with no hesitations. Take this time and look into all your options so you make the best decision for you. Never forget 1 day can change everything! Keep your chin up!

    --I bought my vials and have had my consult. Next up day 3 test and Hsg then iui beginning of July.
    I wish everyone luck.

  • Angtwin1Angtwin1 Junior Member Junior Member
    Hi all..I'm 38 and have not found Mr. Right as well! I am going to start my cycle in august and I can't wait!!Good luck :)
  • D-rizzyD-rizzy Senior Member Senior Member
    How are all the single ladies doing on here? Any updates on where people are at in the process? I should be receiving my first IUI in the next few days!!
  • nyflynyfly Member Member
    @drizzy (everyone else, too)- I should have mine @ 7/6 or 7/7.
    Just waiting on AF so I can start my clomid.

    How are u doing ? I'm trying to balance my excitement w. Reality. May I ask where u are located?
  • txgrl74txgrl74 Senior Member Senior Member
    Hi D-Rizzy, my Tww is over. I went in last Thursday for the blood work. I wasn't pregnant. I go in Friday for an sonogram to see which side has the mature follicle. If it's the right I should be trying second IUI next week, if not it will be next month. Good luck with your IUI!!
  • GiaGia Junior Member Junior Member
    Hi D-rizzy, I'm in my TWW and won't know anything until next week. I'm keeping busy and thinking sticky baby thoughts. Good luck with your IUI!
  • D-rizzyD-rizzy Senior Member Senior Member
    I am going in tomorrow. I am SO excited!!!
  • D-rizzyD-rizzy Senior Member Senior Member
    Txgrl74, let us know what you find out Friday
    Gia, good luck! I will be joining you in the waiting process soon
  • nyflynyfly Member Member
    Good luck D-Rizzy- sending positive thoughts!!!
  • D-rizzyD-rizzy Senior Member Senior Member
    Thanks nyfly!! Everything went smoothly! Now I just hope they are swimming!!!
  • txgrl74txgrl74 Senior Member Senior Member
    Hi D-rizzy and Gia....hope all is well and you two are handling the tww. I'm hoping all is well and you both get positive tests. I went to the dr. this am and she did the sonogram, however it was inconclusive. There was a follicle on the right side that measured 28mm and there was a follicle on the left side that measured 10mm. She said she wasn't sure if the follicle on the right was left over from last month or if I was getting ready to ovulate at any moment. She said the follicle on the left was very small. She told me to start using the ovulation kit and I happened to have one on me so I tested right there in the office. It came back negative, however she sent me to the lab for bloodwork to check my progesterone level. She said if it comes back with good numbers I she might do the insemination tomorrow morning. Otherwise she thinks I may have already ovulated, which I don't believe because I'm only on cycle day 9. I think that's too early. Any way, long story short I'm waiting on the lab work to come back to determine what my next step is.
  • D-rizzyD-rizzy Senior Member Senior Member
    Any news yet on the level to see if you will be inseminated today?
  • txgrl74txgrl74 Senior Member Senior Member
    No the lab lost my blood, so I have to go today to have it done.
  • txgrl74txgrl74 Senior Member Senior Member
    Well got my blood work back this afternoon and they said I ovulated 2 days ago. So now I get to wait until my next cycle. And they will start doing the sonogram on cycle day 7 instead of cycle day 9 or 10. They were very apologetic and said they have no explanations, they have never had a patient that ovulated so early. It wouldn't have mattered anyway, my vial wasn't delivered until Friday. So I'm going to have to start ordering earlier. Anyways, good luck to you with your tww. Positive happy baby thoughts coming your way!
  • D-rizzyD-rizzy Senior Member Senior Member
    You are an early ovulator!! This month wasn't meant to be for you but July is your time!
  • GiaGia Junior Member Junior Member
    Hey Drizzy - I am sending out nothing but sticky baby thoughts your way!!! Good Luck!

    I got my BFN today and thinking this may be it for me. I'm paying out of pocket and I'm draining both my pockets and my spirits so I am thinking of letting this one go. For some reason I just knew it would work on the first try and now I am up to #3. Too optimistic I guess.
  • D-rizzyD-rizzy Senior Member Senior Member
    I'm so sorry Gia. Is it possible to take a break for a few months and build up money to try again?
  • swtpotataswtpotata Junior Member Junior Member
    Same boat. I am about to turn 38. Good Job.. established and i have come to the decision to try and have a baby by myself. I have a friend who has offered to help me so I am going down that route a couple months. After I see if it will or won't work I will schedule my HSG test. I met with a RE last year and did blood tests. My AMH was .75 and my FSH was 8.7. Not GREAT but not horrible either. I spent 37 years making sure I didn't get pregnant and now I am trying to figure out ways of getting "knocked up". RE wants me to do all the tests before me makes any recommendations which is probably about 5 or 6 thousand out of pocket for me.
  • lposhlposh Senior Member Senior Member
    Hey Ladies,
    I was reassured to hear your stories. I'm 37 and decided 2 years ago if I wasn't married or in a serious relationship then I would look into doing sperm donor and going it alone. I began with having my egg reserve checked which turned out normal numbers. Then, I had my tubes checked for patency and that turned out well. I started my first cycle of clomid at the end of May and somehow missed my ovulation. I was taking opk kits and never received a positive. So day 18 I went into the office for an US and they say I missed my ovulation. I was def disappointed but knew this was going to be a process. I start my second cycle of clomid tomorrow! Then have a scheduled US on day 11. Which is July 3rd. I'm wondering if I will get the ovulation trigger shot that day. I kinda hope so. I plan also on having the 2 week tank with vial at the office just in case.
    Thank you all for sharing your stories.)
  • lposhlposh Senior Member Senior Member
    I'm 37 and decided two years ago if I wasn't married or in a serious relationship I would consider sperm donation. I had my egg reserve check and it was good and then had the femvue and my tubes are open. I start my second cycle at this with clomid tomorrow. With a scheduled US on day 11. So July 11th. I some how missed my ovulation last month. So I have my fingers crossed. Thank you all for sharing your stories it's very reassuring.
  • LucyLucy Junior Member Junior Member
    Hello. I am planning on have a baby on my own and was wondering if anyone could provide some advice on how they planned to explain to their co-workers that they are planning on having a baby. I have found family and friends to be understanding and supportive, but am concerned how my co-workers will respond. Thank you.
  • GiaGia Junior Member Junior Member
    Hi D-rizzy, just checking in on how you're making out is your TWW over? Any news? I've been throwing out sticky baby thoughts your way!
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