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2) Once prompted to confirm your request please list this information so we can verify your information:
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Need 4707

GiaGia Junior Member Junior Member
Hi all!
I am on my second try with donor 4707 and he's wait listed. Does anyone have any vials they would like to sell? I already have one vial but my doctor recommends two attempts during the cycle. Also I would love to know if anyone has had any success with him? I'm starting to wonder if I should just look for another donor.

I'm an newbie but older TTC mama so I don't know the protocols here --- is it wrong or just "icky" to consider using two different donors at once? These boards are so informational and inspirational that I feel like I can ask pretty much anything and someone has an answer or suggestion. Thanks for the support!


  • D-rizzyD-rizzy Senior Member Senior Member
    Hi Gia!
    I'm a newbie as well so I can't answer your question but it is a great question!! I'm interested to see what people say
  • panther99panther99 Junior Member Junior Member
    As far as reporting the preg. to the company. you really wouldn't know for sure. ...This is going to sound sick but it's nature. Different "kinds", or more than one sample from a single donor. the semen will attack and try to kill off each other as per survival of the "fittest". They'll also (they meaning the sperm). will also fight to get to the egg faster. But as far as going off of what any one would want to know. You wouldn't really know which donor took. and paternity testing wouldn't work. So I'd stick with the use of one donor per cycle.
  • GiaGia Junior Member Junior Member
    Hi Panther,
    Thanks for your thoughts! I pretty much came up with the same cons except the reporting the pregnancy factor - I didn't think of that one and it is important. My thoughts were since I'm picking anonymous donor anyway I don't know who it is I just need to get over the ick factor. I bounced it off my docs office and while they said they hadn't been asked that one (that really made me feel good about myself) they said it's not a problem it's dating (nicer than calling it sleeping around :-)) and up to me to make my choices. This would be so much easier if my donor wasn't wait listed. Thanks for taking the time to respond!
  • reciprocalIVFgirlreciprocalIVFgirl Junior Member Junior Member
    4707 is a new donor and we used him for IVF last week. My partner's eggs were fertilized and embryos were transferred to my uterus on Tuesday June 3! I don't know if I'm pregnant yet but I will let you know. My first Beta is Tues and I have another one on Thursday. You're the first I've heard of also using this donor. We only bought one vial and I hope you find some more. Good luck!
  • reciprocalIVFgirlreciprocalIVFgirl Junior Member Junior Member
    Also, I asked Fairfax why there were no reported pregnancies and they explained he was brand new, just added in April (I asked them earlier in May) and it would've been impossible for him to have had a reported pregnancy already. I guess he became popular!
  • GiaGia Junior Member Junior Member
    Wow - Good Luck!!! I wondered why he didn't have anything reported but failed to ask. I'm feeling like I failed to ask quite a bit in this process but I'm learning. Thanks so much for sharing this information with me. My insurance doesn't cover anything so I went the IUI route and I'm in my 40's which is a major factor for my situation. I'll be praying for you all the best for you and your partner!
  • AndreaAndrea Junior Member Junior Member
    Hello, I would like to know about donnor 4294, if someone have godd experiences about.
  • reciprocalIVFgirlreciprocalIVFgirl Junior Member Junior Member
    Hi Gia, I hope you're still checking this! I'm definitely pregnant, about 5 weeks, with 4707. I just reported it to Fairfax.

    We chose to do reciprocal IVF because we both wanted to be part of the pregnancy, but yes, it's really expensive. The whole thing was about $18,000. I wouldn't have been able to do it, but my partner had a bunch of savings and doing it this way was important to her. Anyway, did you do an IUI with 4707? How are things going?
  • GiaGia Junior Member Junior Member
    Hey RGirl! Congratulations to the both of you! That is wonderful news! I am really happy for the both of you. Unfortunately today I got my BFN so I'm down but really happy that you shared your news with me. This may be the end of my road; everything is out of pocket and optimistic me just knew that it would work on the first try and now I've done a second so I'm not sure about continuing. Even my no one donor choice still hasn't become available. So I really don't know.
  • 4th Try O+4th Try O+ Member Member
    New to the boards. Congrats reciprovalivfgirl! Using 4707 for the first time after 3x with another. I have a theory about my blood type. What strikes me is that they still are listing 4707 as "no reported pregnancies" . May I ask what was the deciding factor in your choice to use him? Thanks :)
  • AugustheueAugustheue Junior Member Junior Member
    I have the very last vial of 4294 and do not need it! Are you interested in it?
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