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Private Donor Groups and Private Sibling Connection Groups are now located under the category "Groups". Search the donor number in the search box and you should find exactly what you're looking for!

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1) Press "Join" at the right of the group
2) Once prompted to confirm your request please list this information so we can verify your information:
Name (under which the vial was purchased)
Clinic Name
Donor number
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Looking for advise

txgrl74txgrl74 Senior Member Senior Member
Hi All,

I just completed my first IUI attempt in May. Just got the results yesterday that it was unsuccessful. My question is this, I had narrowed my donor down to two. At the time they were both new and neither had reported pregnancies. Now my second choice has reported pregnancies but my first choice still does not. I'm wondering if I should switch to my second choice or give my first choice another chance. The numbers were great as the sample had 23mil. I'm kinda torn as to what to do. Any thoughts, suggestions or advice is welcome.


  • SumSTAR524SumSTAR524 Member Member
    Are you only buying one vial at a time ? Sometimes you have to go with your heart not just the numbers
  • txgrl74txgrl74 Senior Member Senior Member
    Yes, I'm only buying one vial at a time.
  • krskrs Junior Member Junior Member
    Did your Dr. have it washed? I just had an unsuccessful IUI too, but after it was washed there was only 2.5 million which could be why I was unsuccessful. I was torn when I picked him because there were no reported pregnancies, but he was my first choice. Now I will only pick from donors who have reported pregnancies because I want the best chance I can get. It's definitely a personal choice though. Also, I'm only buying one vial at a time.
    Good luck.
  • txgrl74txgrl74 Senior Member Senior Member
    I thought the IUI sperm was already washed. I'm honestly not sure if it was washed again. Guess I should ask that next time. I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one buying one at a time. I was kinda thinking I was the only one.

    Good Luck to you also!! I have another ultrasound on Friday to see which side the mature follicle is on, as I can only have IUI if I ovulate on the right.
  • MrsKochMrsKoch Member Member
    It is already washed. Were you on fertility meds? Do you know if you o'd for sure? When did you o in relation to when you had the iui done?
  • txgrl74txgrl74 Senior Member Senior Member
    No, I'm not taking any fertility medication. My doctor wanted to try natural for the first couple of times. Well when I went in for the sonogram on cd10 I had a 23mm follicle. The doctor was sure I was going to however I got a negative test. So she said to do the Ovidrel shot on the Tuesday and got inseminated at 11 am on Thursday. However, with this being said I believe that we may have missed ovulation due to this month I went in on cycle day 9 for my sonogram, and I had a 28mm follicle on the right side and a 10 mm follicle on the left side, again tested negative on the ovulation kit, so she sent me to get a progesterone test. When the results came back it showed I had already ovulated two days earlier. So it appears that I ovulate cd 7. We missed it this month and probably last month. So I will try again in July, but since it appears I've ovulated twice on the right next month will probably be on the left so I won't get to try until August.
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