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First IUI and now the TWW

A&JA&J Junior Member Junior Member
Hello all,
My wife and I had our first IUI done today. I'll be the one carrying and I'm just curious to see what symptoms anyone has had. I bleed a little at the Drs office while they we're doing the procedure and now very lightly. I have cramps but nothing I can't handle. My wife and I are so anxious. This is going to be the longest TWW ever!


  • txgrl74txgrl74 Senior Member Senior Member
    Hi A&J, welcome to the TWW. I'm hoping to join in the next couple of days. I have my sonogram tomorrow. I have already had 2 IUI's and I had a little bleeding a few hours after the procedure and some cramping. Other than that I had nothing.

    Wishing you luck and baby dust!!
  • lposhlposh Senior Member Senior Member
    A&J- Congrats on your iui. It is such an exciting thing. After my first iui had a tiny bit of spotting which my ob said to expect I also had some pretty bad cramping. But part of mine is that I have an ovarian cyst that likes to act up when I ovulate. I'm also taking meds so it's has acted each month I've been on the drugs. I had my first iui in July. It didn't take though so, I'm trying again this month. I go Monday for an ultrasound and see what's happening in this uterus if mine. Then hope to trigger shot and do a piggy back iui this coming week. My fingers are crossed.
    The TWW was rough my first go round. But have decided to mellow out as much as I can this time. And specifically not test till atleast 13-14 days post iui.
    Again congrats and hope you keep us posted!
  • bruyerebruyere Junior Member Junior Member
    My wife and I (I will be carrying) did our second IUI (back to back) on July 27 and 28. I ovulated on the 28th probably right during IUI procedure or a few hours later so I believe we got the timing perfect! :) I'm really feeling it this time.
  • jle010102jle010102 Member Member
    Hi everyone,
    My wife and I are going for our first iui tomorrow and followed by another one on Wednesday , yesterday we went for the ultrasound and had two follicles one at 19-1/2 and other at 16 , we were told they wanted them to be a little bigger, what's a good size? The trigger shot was done today, wish us luck!!!
  • A&JA&J Junior Member Junior Member
    Hey txgrl74 thanks wishing you the best also.
  • A&JA&J Junior Member Junior Member
    Hey Iposh, I can't imagine how you felt after that first IUI I'm sorry. I'm 6dpiui and the wait is killing us, my wife and I are so nervous. They put me on progesterone and estrogen a day before the procedure and I'm trying not to over analyze any of my symptoms from my meds. But I'm so scared to test and see a bfn.
    But staying positive is key I'm sure. Wishing the best to you. Stay updated. :)
  • A&JA&J Junior Member Junior Member
    Bruyere wow! Exciting. I had the trigger shot done then went in the following day for my IUI. I had two excellent sized follicles so fingers crossed for us both. (: keep us posted.
  • A&JA&J Junior Member Junior Member
    Jle10102 hey they're hope everything went well with you're IUI. I had a IUI done on 7/31 my dr said that I had 2 follicles sizes 24 &32 and I was told they were perfect and could possibly get pg with twins if we had a successful IUI. Please keep us updated with all. :)
  • jle010102jle010102 Member Member
    Hi A&J,

    We did our iui yesterday and today, wish u the best of luck , now the wait begins , I also had 2 follicles , trigger the night before , the IUI was a quite painful for me two nurses tried the procedure with no luck so they had our Dr come in and do it himself, (we kinda feel good about that)
    The following day, the dr also did the IUI, now we wait , good luck
  • lposhlposh Senior Member Senior Member
    Hey A&J and Jle,
    I had my first of two iui's today. I did a round of clomid 50 mg and wed had a positive opk in the afternoon. So my doc wanted me to trigger in addition to it to really push the eggs out. I triggered lastnight and did my first iui at noon and another one tomorrow at noon. I'm def keeping a positive and healthy mindset this go around. I was telling the ladies on the other thread. I did learn a lot from last months experience and some things I decided to change up was one do a piggy back, decrease my stress and not work so much overtime, eat better, let my body rest, and keep a healthy mind set on staying super positive.)
    Good luck and baby dust to you both.
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