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Moms by Choice in Austin, TX?

brina2784brina2784 Junior Member Junior Member
Going through my first IUI in about a week. So nervous and excited at the same time! Anyone else just starting this journey? Would love to go through it with someone.


  • txgrl74txgrl74 Senior Member Senior Member
    Hi Brina, I'm going through the process right now also. I started in January, had to have a surgery and then was able to do my first IUI in May. I just had my first medicated cycle and found out yesterday I was not pregnant. I am taking a month off then going to try again. Good luck with your IUI.
  • TX_RAINTX_RAIN Member Member
    Txgrl, it is relieving to know that I am not the only one who had to wait a while to start. I was supposed to have a surgery in September. I am hoping to convince my MD to let me try at least twice without the surgery to remove the polyp. If all goes well I can have my first IUI in December. I started this process in June. Once I made my decision to go this route, I wanted to just move ahead and get started. It has been so frustrating having to wait so long.
  • txgrl74txgrl74 Senior Member Senior Member
    Hi TX_Rain, I had surgery to remove a cyst. I had a cyst and fibroid removed about 3 years ago and the cyst came back. The RE wouldn't start the IUI process until I got it removed.
  • TX_RAINTX_RAIN Member Member
    Similar story. I have a polyp or a fibroid inside my uterus. My RE doesn't want to proceed until I have it removed. However, since I developed a blood clot from the birth control pills I was ordered to take prior to the procedure, I am hoping she will let me try without the procedure. I really don't want to go back on the birth control pills.
  • txgrl74txgrl74 Senior Member Senior Member
    Oh sorry to hear that. I refused to go on the birth control pills. So they had to time it perfectly with my cycle. It's a good thing that I could set a clock by my cycle.
  • TX_RAINTX_RAIN Member Member
    So can I. The BCP was suggested to "thin the lining of my uterus"? I thought OK, BCP for 1 month. What is the worst that can happen? Haha, jokes on me. Both my RE and hematologist are amazed that I developed a blood clot in 2 1/2 weeks. How are things going for you so far?

    Brina, I hope you don't have any similar complications.
  • txgrl74txgrl74 Senior Member Senior Member
    I just finished my 4th IUI attempt and found out yesterday it was not a successful IUI. I have stage 3 endometriosis. This was my first cycle that was medicated. I'm trying to decide if I want to look into IVF. I am taking a month off because I'm going on a business trip and vacation and it is right in the middle of when the IUI would be done. So I decided to take this cycle off. And I recently found out that my insurance is going to cover me so that is another reason I am going to look into IVF.
  • TX_RAINTX_RAIN Member Member
    My current insurance only covers diagnostics. I will be looking for another carrier for next year. Hopefully, one is offered that cover more of the costs.

    I'm sorry the IUIs haven't been successful for you. If your insurance will cover the IVF, I would go for it. I am hoping the IUIs work for me because the IVF are way too expensive for me. They run about $11,000 at the RE office where I go. It's about the cost of 9 IUIs.
  • txgrl74txgrl74 Senior Member Senior Member
    Yeah I think I'm going to call my dr tomorrow and start looking into what the costs are for IVF. I think they should cover 80%, but I need to make sure.
  • brina2784brina2784 Junior Member Junior Member
    Geez girls, I'm sorry to hear about all of your struggles. I'm one of the younger SMBC and don't have any known fertility issues. Hopefully it stays that way. I already have a daughter (3yrs) from a previous relationship and haven't really had time or longing to date. I'm ready to grow my little family a bit so I decided to go this route.
  • butterbean22_99butterbean22_99 Junior Member Junior Member
    Hi everyone. I'm new to the forums but are there any single mom's living in the DFW area. I just moved here and finally made my mind up to become a single mother. As I stated prior, I'm a single teacher, 38 will be 39 on August 5th. I have no children and was trying to do things the traditional know marriage then babies...the marriage thing is not happening...the clock is not only ticking but girls it's alarming...I go in for my consult on August 17th. I'm so excited and cannot wait to become a mom...I haven't told anyone in the family because they are too traditional. I don't have time for the negativity...I'm so glad I found you guys! Wishing blessings to all of us...
  • Kristin23Kristin23 Junior Member Junior Member
    Hello Ladies,

    I'm new here! Happy to hear of others in the area. I'm in Austin. Age 34 and going the IUI route currently with hopes it works as my insurance won't cover IVF! I have severe Endometriosis and Hashimoto's Disease. After my last lap surgery in December I was told it was now or never to have a baby! My fella decided this journey wasn't for him, so I'm going it alone. I've already had one IUI with no luck and about to try the second. Fingers crossed XX Baby dust wishes for all!
  • little-beanlittle-bean Junior Member Junior Member
    Hi I just moved to Austin in Dec to be closer to family. I'm a SMBC after a 10 year marriage that went South and we had no children together. I have sucky eggs so I conceived my son using both donor egg and sperm. I'm already thinking about having another as I am approaching 40. I would love to meet other SMBC in the area. I'm also looking for fertility Dr. recommendations . Baby dust for all, fingers crossed!
  • txgrl74txgrl74 Senior Member Senior Member
    Hi Kristin, good luck with your next IUI.

    Little_Bean, I used Texas Fertility Center in austin. I started my journey last year. I had 6 IUI attempts with no pregnancy and my insurance decided to cover IVF for me. I decided to try IVF this spring. I was able to get pregnant but had a miscarriage. I am now trying to decide if I want to go the donor egg/sperm route or if I just want to move on to adoption. It's such a tough decision as I really want a child of my own, but my eggs aren't viable enough to try again. The doctors were only able to get one transferable embryo out of 5 retrieved eggs.
  • CollinsFamilyCollinsFamily Junior Member Junior Member
    Hi I just moved to Austin in Dec to be closer to family. I'm a SMBC after a 10 year marriage that went South and we had no children together. I have sucky eggs so I conceived my son using both donor egg and sperm. I'm already thinking about having another as I am approaching 40. I would love to meet other SMBC in the area. I'm also looking for fertility Dr. recommendations . Baby dust for all, fingers crossed!

    Dr. Christopher Seeker at Austin Area OB/GYN is amazing. That's who my wife and I will use in May '16 when we start trying.
  • mizzy409mizzy409 Junior Member Junior Member
    If you haven't checked this already, Single Mothers by Choice organization should have a local list of members/chapters and the forum is phenomenally supportive.
  • little-beanlittle-bean Junior Member Junior Member
    Thanks for all the suggestions. I'm also beginning to look at options overseas to help bring down the cost of donor egg and ivf.
  • little-beanlittle-bean Junior Member Junior Member
    Hope all you ladies are doing well!
  • jennimac_atxjennimac_atx Member Member
    Hi Everyone, I'm an SMBC in Austin (well sort of - I recently moved from aus to round rock to be closer to family - it counts!)

    In August, i started trying for a 2nd with IUI, at 41. So far no luck after 3 attempts. I'm considering moving to IVF and have a consult with my RE next week. I'm a little scared of all the shots and... well its a significantly more complicated and expensive process... but i'm also excited to try something new that might work.

    Little-bean, i'm sure you've gotten your RE worked out, but I'm another Texas Fertility Center person - I'm using Dr Hansard at TFC for this try. I was with Dr Silverberg at TFC for my first - he also got my sister-in-law and now 2 friends preg :) (i would have used him again, but Dr H is at the north office often and she actually performed the IUI that got me my Maddie, so i kinda love her.) I read on another thread here that overseas egg donation / ivf is a lower cost - are you going to go that route?

    My little girl was conceived out of my 3rd IUI, w donor 2754. She'll be 2 in Feb! Love of my life. I am truly blessed to have been able to have her. I have a bicornuate uterus and only 1 side is operational - so i can only try when the left ovary is producing the lead follicle/egg(s). Means IUI process can take longer, since i can't necessarily try every cycle - hampering me now as the clock is ticking ticking.

    So perhaps IVF will be the way for me. And i'm holding out hope that i can have a safe pregnancy, if i do get there.

    Good luck everyone! Sticky Sticky baby dust to us all!
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