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When to inseminate (IUI)?

I am starting to chart and and use opks to try an IUI insemination in May 2016. That's the plan anyway!
SO i was wondering if anyone had any experience with this:
used opk and got a positive with no major bbt change. continues opk and had 7 of them in a row (7 days in a row!), with a temp rise on that last day! That last day was CD 22, which is bizarre cos im pretty regular (28-32 day cycles).
This is the first time i measure and chart anything...
How in the world can i tell when i Ovulate when im testing positive for 7 days!?
most people inseminate 12-36 hours after they get a positive...but if this is how it looks, i'd totally miss it and be way too early!
I'm hoping that my April cycle won't be like this...maybe it's stress?


  • AtheistChickAtheistChick Junior Member Junior Member
    If you're using a doctor, they'll most likely be doing blood tests, if not ultrasounds to supplement the OPK.
  • JDumanz44JDumanz44 Member Member
    The rule of thumb is to have your IUI done within 24-36 hours of the first positive surge. Have you considered Ovidrel? It gives you a specific time frame to which you will actually ovulate. I am currently in TWW. I gave myself the Ovidrel shot on March 19th at 8pm and went in for my IUI on March 21st at 8am - 36 hours later. Depending on the doctor, it may be done sooner though. During this past Summer they had me to do the IUI 24 hours after the Ovidrel. Anyway, I felt myself ovulate on March 21st around 12:00pm.... and currently driving myself nuts during the TWW.
  • YellowknifeYellowknife Member Member
    A doctor (general practician) will be going the IUI, but i will not be monitored or anything. I never heard of Ovidrel. I'll ask my OB/GYN about it. it forces ovulation at a specific time? I'll be looking into that for sure!
    Good luck on your TWW..I know how insane it is :(
  • YellowknifeYellowknife Member Member
    Ovidrel is a trigger shot! HCG. i know what it is now:) thanks!
    I wonder if my doctor will prescribe that to me...?
    I'm also hoping he puts me on Clomid too...
    i have an app with him on april 18. That's how long things take here :(
  • JDumanz44JDumanz44 Member Member
    Good luck Yellowknife!! I was put on Femara (similar to Ovidrel but not yet FDA approved) and the first time I was put on it (back in September), I had one mature follicle. That IUI was unsuccessful. Long story short, I was put on it again for this cycle and had THREE mature follicles!! So this TWW is even more intense!! I am hoping for 1 baby but 2 would be okay too... I know there are more risks with multiples though. Can you imagine if all three fertilized and attached? OMG! lol. EEEk!! Let's just hope for a positive pregnancy test first! Let me know if you have any more questions. I'm not a doctor but we were down the IVF route too (only had 2 mature follicles there!)... somebody sold IUI vials of our donor back and that's why we decided on IUI again (we conceived our first son via IUI with that donor)
  • JDumanz44JDumanz44 Member Member
    Also- you could ask your doctor if he/she is willing to prescribe you with Ovidrel and/or Clomid/Femara to enhance your chances. The worst that is going to happen is he/she says 'no' ;) My doctor is pretty lenient and tries to go down the path my husband and I want to, as long as it makes sense to medically :)
  • YellowknifeYellowknife Member Member
    Im definetly gonna be asking the ob/gym to put me on EVERYTHING! lol
    but im not holding my breath: they don't provide fertility services here, so im pretty much on my own.
    We went through the IVF thing too (azoospermia, managed to get some sperm via m-TESE. retrieved 22 eggs. only 3 fertilized. none stuck) we are trying this route now.
    Gonna try it three times with the donor and then we are throwing in the towel and maybe adopt. It's been a crazy ride!

    Hopefully my April cycle will be more "normal" than March and that i'll be able to predict when to inseminate. Im thinking ome at the 24 hour mark of my first positive surge, and another 12 or 24 hours after the 1st insemination...

    OMG three follicles! that is so amazing:) i feel really good about your chances!!!! are you gonna POAS?
  • JDumanz44JDumanz44 Member Member
    Wow! I am so sorry that things haven't worked out yet.. but if it's completely male factor and you are using a donor, this is amazing!! I can't wait to hear how it goes for you!!! I cannot believe that they retrieved 22 eggs, that's so amazing!!! I am so sorry none of the fertilized ones stuck though. It's so disappointing.

    I'll keep my fingers crossed that your April cycle will be more normal too... and they don't provide fertility services there? Where are you located? I am new at this forum thing... I've glanced at different posts and made a few of my own, but still getting used to it.

    I also think that doing two inseminations is a great idea!! GOOD LUCK!!

    I have been extremely patient with not testing yet at home! I am proud of myself, lol. I think it helps that I took Ovidrel though, because apparently it contains the pregnancy hormone that shows up on the at-home tests... so I need to make sure it's completely out of my system before doing so. I've read a lot of different things on different sites but the majority says that it takes 10 days to get out of your system. I took the shot on March 19th at 8pm, so I believe that it should be out (today is 12-ish days since the shot and 10 days AFTER the insemination). I took a test out of the box this morning but didn't unwrap it... I just shook my head at myself (lol) and put it back in the cupboard. I'm supposed to go for bloodwork April 6th, but I plan to take an at-home test on Monday, the 4th! I'm not telling my husband though... I am hoping to surprise him (if it's positive). <3
  • YellowknifeYellowknife Member Member
    Man I can't believe you havent POAS!!!!! you are strong.....that would NO be me:)

    Just for my FSH blood work done. I also just called the bank and they only have 4 washed vials left of the donor we are looking at :( We are looking for 6. And because I'm in Canada, it may be harder to get. So hopefully that works out

    Keep us posted on your status :)
  • JDumanz44JDumanz44 Member Member
    I usually am not that strong. After the IUI, I told my husband that they're sending me for bloodwork on April 6th to test and he said, "you'll be testing longggg before that" (I tested early with my son, and then with the two failed IUI's, lol). I think I'm forced to be strong because I wanted to get the Ovidrel out of my system so that I wouldn't get a false positive. I thought of taking a test today because it should definitely be out of my system... but, it's April 1st and if I were to tell the hubbs I'm pregnant, it would turn into an "April Fools!" and him not believing me, etc. lol. I'll TRY hard to get through the weekend... but I'm not so sure that will go over very well ;) We will see!! :)

    So, they have 4 washed vials left...don't give up! Are they expecting to get more? How many kids do you guys want (ideally)? Are you going to try and purchase all 4? (you said they may be harder to get? Why is that? They won't sell them to Canada??). I think I received an email saying that there is a deal of 10% or 20% off going on right now, but you may have to inquire. Oh, and did you know that if you buy three vials within a period of 12 months and have no successful pregnancy, then you get a vial for free? I am pretty sure it's three vials you have to buy...but it could be 4.

    I was devastated when I thought there were more vials of our donor left and we checked back and they only had IVF! I think I was more shocked because the donor was also used in my husband's past marriage, resulting in his 13-year old daughter... so I just figured he had been in the system for so long (and a restricted donor!!) that nobody would buy them. After the whole IVF cancellation we were EXTREMELY lucky to have somebody randomly sell theirs back to Fairfax. So... I guess what I am saying is to try and purchase all 4?! If you have Fairfax hold them you could always sell them back to them (I'm not sure of the details but you receive a percentage of what you paid)...but you may already know all of this.

    AHHH! Good luck!!! :)
  • JDumanz44JDumanz44 Member Member
    Also, there is definitely not any fertility clinics near you? Because we had our doctor wash the sperm at the clinic (normally would use IUI vial but there was only an ICI vial left at the time and they said it was fine, they could wash it there).
  • JDumanz44JDumanz44 Member Member
    ....anddd post number 3 for today (lol). So, did your doctor mention COQ-10 (Co-Enzyme Q10)? It's over-the-counter. After my IVF was cancelled my fertility doc told me to start taking it... I take 600mg a day and it's supposed to help with egg quality. I know you said it's male-factor infertility only, but maybe you could inquire anyway? I have never had fertility issues, I think my doctor just gives me different meds to increase our chances (ie: Femara and the COQ-10). Just a thought!
  • YellowknifeYellowknife Member Member
    I hope you can make it through the weekend! But knowing you may get a false positive is a good reason to stay away! lol for now anyway :)

    Becuase im in canada, the vials have to "Canada accepted" or something like that. Which, if i understand, just prolongs the process. We have to get our vials through canadian sperm bank distribution companies and not, let's say, Fairfax itself. SO if there are 4 vials left at the 1st company, They just call Fairfax and they send them some more (if they have any). There is also a ch ance the other companies have some vials. The only thing with that, is that I wouldn't get the pricing...Every company has different pricing and terms (different from Fairfax). So for the company i'm using, u get a discount if you buy 6 or more vials in one shot, and you get 1 year free storage. That's pretty much it (which is still great). Shipping costs a gazillion dollars cos i'm so far its gonna be a pretty pricey ordeal alltogether, but will totally be worth it:)

    Yes I was on COQ-10 when i didIVF. I should probably get myself some more (i didn't think about it!). Thanks!!! hehehehe
  • JDumanz44JDumanz44 Member Member
    Wow! That sounds like a really extensive process. I hope it goes smoother for you than it seems though.

    I took a test on Saturday and got a negative. I was confused and devastated because with 3 mature eggs, and the sperm count being so good (it was 32 million and my doctor wanted to see at least 10 million) and the motility was 3+ to 4 and they said 4 is the best, it just seemed promising.. It was 12 dpo, so my husband told me that maybe it's still too soon and to not freak out yet. I wanted to believe he was right, so I held out hope but then got my period yesterday morning and just lost it :( I was so upset. I'm beginning to think there's something wrong with me... but I know it can take time.

    I called the doctor yesterday and they brought me in for a blood pregnancy test this morning (protocol since they'll be putting me back on Femara starting tomorrow...basically a "CYA" for them). Sigh. I go for an ultrasound on April 12th to see how everything looks. Ironically, April 12th I believe was the exact day (3 years ago) I went in for my IUI and conceived my son (first try!!).. so maybe that'll bring me some luck (haha... that would be funny if they end up with the same birthdays lol). Sigh. We'll see. I'm super bummed but I know things happened for a reason.
  • YellowknifeYellowknife Member Member
    I am so sorry to hear. That seriously broke my heart :(
    I really doubt anything is wrong with you, but I understand and know how our minds work; we try to find an explanation to things that don't work out and sometimes...well sometimes there is just no explanation.

    A lot of people don't understand that what we've all went through is grieving and they don't get how utterly heartbroken we get when things like that happen. But just like grieving, time heals. We move on, and in this case, maybe try again...:)
  • JDumanz44JDumanz44 Member Member
    I still can't over how complicated it will be for you to get the samples. I forget when you said you'll be doing the first IUI - are you waiting on financing or have a set time frame as to when you want to start trying with a donor? If that even made any sense lol

    Yes, people definitely don't understand! A few years back, my sister-in-law was telling us about how her friend had been telling her that she was having a hard time conceiving, but the entire time she was actually pregnant and just said that to hide it from everybody until she was in her 2nd trimester. I seriously got super mad at that... because she was laughing about it.. not cool. She could've thought of a different excuse. Hopefully secondary infertility doesn't hit her.. .I mean granite, I am sure nothing was meant by it, but people are just so uneducated and insensitive.

    Anyway, keep me posted on your progress, I really hope you have luck and very quickly!! :)

    We are trying again this cycle, so it's all a waiting game and the more times we try, the less optimistic I become :( BUT, I won't give up ;) It isn't cheap though...that's for sure.. :(
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