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fred17fred17 Junior Member Junior Member
Hi everyone -

My almost wife and I are really excited for this!

Has anyone here done at home insemination??? We are having a really hard time having a physician sign off as being "responsible" for this. We are really having a hard time understanding why this is even necessary as we are doing this in the privacy of our own home.

I went to my OBGYN and got completely checked up. I am 26 years old and healthy. The doctor stated that I am ready to start trying. But when she got the paper work to sign off on, she did not feel comfortable signing it as it stated she would be taking responsibility.

Basically I am asking if anyone has done this at home and what doctor signed off for you?

The fertility clinic here will only do the procedure in their office -- the waiting list is months long AND it's so much more expensive.

Would really appreciate the advice. THANKS!!


  • kcroyalnhoustonkcroyalnhouston Junior Member Junior Member
    I don't know of many doctors that would want to take on that kind of liability. Are you and your wife doing ICI or IUI. I would suggest if you do IUI that you do it in a doctors office as while it is rather simple, that's quite a ways the tube is going and you wouldn't want to waste any of the goods, as well as risk infection. IUI at fertility specialists, at least here in Houston are about $1500-$2500 and up per cycle depending on meds. We decided to use our OBGYN and self monitor ovulation and she only charges us $200 per maybe that would be a option.
  • fred17fred17 Junior Member Junior Member
    I don't know of many doctors that would want to take on that kind of liability. Are you and your wife doing ICI or IUI. I would suggest if you do IUI that you do it in a doctors office as while it is rather simple, that's quite a ways the tube is going and you wouldn't want to waste any of the goods, as well as risk infection. IUI at fertility specialists, at least here in Houston are about $1500-$2500 and up per cycle depending on meds. We decided to use our OBGYN and self monitor ovulation and she only charges us $200 per maybe that would be a option.

    So how were you able to get your OBGYN to do that? Was that a problem at all? yes, we are thinking IUI :)
  • kcroyalnhoustonkcroyalnhouston Junior Member Junior Member
    Sorry for the delayed response... Well I just asked our OBGYN if they do it and what the cost would be....however, her only role is the actual procedure of iui. Her office doesn't monitor ovulation, test egg creation, retest sperm, use ultrasound to look at tubes or anything... We track ovulation using OPKs, temping, and other methods....we have Fairfax mail the sperm to her office within the week we predict ovulation and then when there is a peak on the OPK, we call her office and she has us come in that day and the following day (we purchase two vials at a time and have iui done both peak days). Then we just wait. Note though that we have no known infertility issues.
  • kcroyalnhoustonkcroyalnhouston Junior Member Junior Member
    I should mention that our OBGYN did put my wife on metformin and Clomid in order to regulate her cycle and help ensure egg covers all meds but 5 bucks a month for the Clomid.
  • KariLynKariLyn Junior Member Junior Member
    Have you had any luck finding someone to sign for you? We have had one baby through IVF but now our insurance changed and we are considering at home insemination. Our fertility doctor will not sign the waiver either.
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