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To Note:
Private Donor Groups and Private Sibling Connection Groups are now located under the category "Groups". Search the donor number in the search box and you should find exactly what you're looking for!

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1) Press "Join" at the right of the group
2) Once prompted to confirm your request please list this information so we can verify your information:
Name (under which the vial was purchased)
Clinic Name
Donor number
Child Date of Birth

*If you are looking to start a private group for a PRS donor please email with the above information and that you are looking for a PRS group*

If you have any questions about the verification process please email

Have you given birth to a child using this donor?

Has anyone given birth to a child with this donor? Why did you choose this donor?

I recently found out I am pregnant with this donor. I chose him because I liked his physical features and I liked his voice in the audio interview.

Can't wait to talk to anyone else who has used this donor too!


  • Hello! I have boy/girl twins with this donor that are turning 2 this sunday. I dont know for sure, but I think they were the first reported pregnancy and births. I chose this donor for many reasons. ID consent was a big one. I had been thru two other donors that were anonymous before switching to 1997. During the course of my trying my opinion of the importance of ID consent changed so when I began looking for a new donor (previous two were retired) I only looked at ID consent donors. He also had all the qualities I was looking for and a resemblence to members of my family. I think my son resembles the donor. When are you due? I am in contact with some other 1997 parents who have connected in different ways. We didnt know CLI had this forum! I mentioned it to them so maybe some more may be joining. So far of the ones I am aware of we are leaning heavily on the boy side! Are you going to find out what you are having? My twins are very laid back, easy, happy toddlers and have been from the get go. I could not be more happy about my choice with this donor. I know I am naturally bias but my twins are pretty adorable. They got his blue eyes. My son has blond hair on the darker side and my daughter's is a bit darker. I would call it a sandy brown.
  • My partner and I have a son with this donor. We have a daughter by another donor, it took 4 times with that donor and we tried to get more for a full sib but he was retired by then. So we chose 1997 for the Id cons. and his features matched our previous donor. And his pictures were great as well that was just the icing on the cake. Our son is 6 1/2 months old and has the best temperment, and is beautiful. I think he looks like a few of the other sibs on the yahoo group one of the other moms set up. They have the little pug noses and long eyelashes just cute kids all around. He helps make goodlooking babies thats for sure. Get in touch with the yahoo group and you will see pictures of our kids, you will not be disappointed. Oh and are you having a boy or girl? Wow this donor is very popular it seems...
  • My son was born Dec 8th 2010. I chose this donor because I wanted someone healthy, smart, tall and thin. I figure with that you can go after anything you want in this world. Additionally I liked that he was into travel and languages since I am too. I've lived abroad in France and Haiti and speak fluent French and Creole and find culture and different countries facinating. (though the travel and languages wouldn't have been a deciding factor, I think it speaks well of him). I also wanted someone who grew up with dogs. Since my dogs are my children too I didn't want to take any chances with dog allergies. The audio interview was a big deciding factor for me. Also the fact that he appears to be of Morman decent and have a large family made me think he would be very fertile (which it appears he is).

    I got pregnant on the first try with this donor. My son is doing great (though he doesn't sleep unless he's being held). He was 4 lbs 14 oz at birth and in one month has already gained 3 pounds. He impresses all the doctors with how healthy and strong he is. And I know I'm biased but I do think he is objectively cute. I'm very grateful to 1997 for being a donor so I can have my beautiful baby who means the world to me.

    I love connecting with other 1997 families and seeing pictures of the other kids as they grow up. A lot of us are on facebook so that makes it pretty easy to keep up to date with everyone.
  • My partner and I have a son with this donor, as well. He is what his pediatrician labels "high needs". He is super clingy and will not sleep (even to this day, and he just turned 2!) unless he is being snuggled.

    He looks a LOT like I did when I was a baby, but he got the donor's long eyelashes and dimples. I know all parents say this, but I think he's adorable! You can't go wrong with those long eyelashes! Everyone (including strangers) always tells us how cute he is.

    He is quite shy, but I think that's just a phase (we're hoping). He can be very silly when he's playing, but also very serious when he's trying to figure something out.

    He has consistently been measured in at about 10th percentile in weight and 75th - 90th percentile in height. He's noticeably tall and skinny.

    We're trying again now for a sibling (same donor).

    I am interested in the yahoo group set up for this donor, but have been unable to find it. If someone has more information, I'd love to learn more!

  • I have a 14 month old son from this donor and in my opinion he is the best little boy ever. He is absolutely beautiful. He has the long eyelashes everyone mentioned, sandy blond hair (it was really dark when he was born) and brilliant blue eyes. Lots of people tell me he looks like me (I don't see it), but I recently looked at the donor picture and see some resemblences. As an infant my son was very laid back and happy. He didn't /doesn't have any major sleep issues, althought he has never been a big napper. As a toddler is his very busy. He is like the Energizer bunny, there really is no slowing him down. He is still just as happy as can be and very friendly. He has always loved going grocerry shopping with me or being anywhere there is a lot of people to see.

    The biggest factor in choosing this donor was ID consent, height and weight, and health history. I also really like his audio and what he had to say. I had been inseminated 15 other times with sperm from various donors, so by the time it came to choosing this donor I wasn't so nit-picky. I know I made the right choice because it only took once with him and I was pregnant!

    I would love information about the yahoo group if that can be posted here.
  • My name is stephanie am the creator of the yahoo group. Anyone that would like to join please email me stillsfan at cox dot net and I will send you an invite
  • joshbenbrie77joshbenbrie77 Junior Member Junior Member
    Send a message to deh0329. You should see her address as her user name. She can get you the information you are looking for about the yahoo group and facebook.
  • I have put the address to the yahoo group in my profile. Click on the arrow by my user name and you will find the websight if you are interested in joining the rest of us moms! If you are one of the lucky parents of an wonderful 1997 child we would love to have you in the group!
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