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trying for the first time

edited 2011 24 in Same Sex Couples
My wife n I will be trying for the first time in July. We r doing tan ici at home aNd was curious as to when we should do it after my opk surge. Aslo was wonedering as if I should use an ici or iui sample. If ne one could give me any advice It would be greatly apreciated. Thank you.



  • First of all, good luck!

    Does your clinic recommend anything re: doing the ICI the day of the surge or the day after? I've only done IUIs, but I'm assuming their recommendations would be the same for ICI. Some people do it the same day they get their surge and others do it the following day. We've usually done IUIs both days to try to increase the chances, but my NP told me the second day isn't really necessary, so now we're doing only one per cycle and I go in on the afternoon of the day I get my surge. I wish this could be more of an exact science!

    If you're doing an ICI, use an ICI sample.

    Good luck!
  • Good luck to you!

    We did back to back IUI's. I tested twice per day for ovulation with clearblue easy digital OPKs and once I surged, we inseminated 12 and 36 hours later. We got pregnant on the first try... Generally speaking, a positive OPK indicates that you will ovulate 24-48 hours later, so you don't want to insem too early/late. Timing is the hard part... That's my advice! Good luck!!!
  • Thank you both for the advice, I really apreciate it. I talked to my RE and he said at 12 and 24. We got our shipment today and should be OPK within the next couple of days. Soooo nervous, keeping our fingers crossed. :D
  • sheilasheila Junior Member
    We are trying for the first time this month too after hearing from a couple different doctors that it looked like I was healthy and ovulating, etc. Just got the IUI yesterday and I felt yucky afterwards for the rest of the night, like I was coming down with the flu. But today I am feeling better. Although I am feeling a little crazy with trying to figure out what is the best thing I can do right this moment to facilitate the process! I am just using meditation audio and trying to distract myself or I will be really nuts by the time I may or may not get my period! My partner is being a trooper through all of my hyper focus on this. Wish us luck!
  • UPDATE: No go on the first try. We r planning to just go to the doc in sep and do it. Never been soo dissapointed! :cry::(
  • I hope you both had better luck then we did, Baby dust your way. My cycle was totally weird this time also which was confusing and upsetting. Hopefully next time, crossing fingers.
  • sheilasheila Junior Member
    Unfortunately our first try didn't work either. On our wedding anniversary I started - doubly dissappointing. :(:( Now that we are through this first round I am hoping the next rounds won't be such a terrible roller coaster, although my friend who has had two babies through IUI said it doesn't get any less stressful. I am using an OPK, the Fertility Friend website to track my basal body temp and symptoms and going to an acupuncturist. After learning more about charting I saw that perhaps we didn't quite time it correctly. Although its hard to tell while its going on because your temperature goes up the day AFTER you ovulate so you can't quite tell it while its happening. I am still hopeful although discouraged that we didn't buck the odds and get a positive right out the gates! My partner has been a rock though and she has said to me often - its not a sprint, its a marathon...
  • We just ordered our next vial. I hope it works this time cuz the waiting and disappointment is brutal. I have been taking vitamins, baby aspirin, Robitussin, and vitex. We are only doing one vial this time due to money, crossing my fingers! We are also goin on vaca to Ohio to have a ceremony for my wifes family and friends. So im hoping that this will help the stress factor. When are you trying again? Im sending baby dust to you! Also when I find out im pregos im not gonna tell her until right before she says I do.
  • sheilasheila Junior Member
    Wow Smitty82! That is wonderful you guys are going to have a ceremony with your family. :) Congratulations! I hope it goes well. Me and my wife had one in Vancouver (tho we're from Texas) and I told her it would have been awesome if I was pregnant - we could have a shotgun wedding! ;) Ha!
    We are trying again this month, like in a couple of days - whenever I get the happy face on my OPK. I am a little more realistic right now about it than last month, but I am very very hopeful! Keep hope alive!
  • heheee! my wife and I have a honeymoon baby! we inseminated on our "honeymoon" and got pregnant! Best of luck to you!
  • Ha ha thats funny, that woulda been awesome! I hope it works for you this time, major baby dust your way! Keep me posted.

    Congrats on the honeymoon baby thats awesome! We wanted to do that too :D.

    So we could find out now but im too scared to test. Im just gonna wait till im late. Its been diff this time. Ive had nose bleeds, bleeding gums, and really weird cramps, like ovulation/af cramps. Im hoping it works this month cuz it would be soo awesome to tell her at the alter. Fingers crossed like crazy :D
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