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Donor #4195

Hello! I've just purchased three vials from donor 4195. Anyone else have any luck or experience with this donor? I'll be attempting IUI at a fertility clinic for the next three cycles including this month. they are really encouraging me to use Clomid but I'm freaked out about the possibility of conceiving more than one child. Not that I wouldn't love 2 babies, I'd just be worried about the cost associated with having twins. I'm 33, in a five-year-long commited relationship with my partner. I've never been pregnant before but never tried. I have no known fertility issues. Thanks in advance for any advice anyone may have!


  • I used letrozole as my RE said it caused less side effects than Clomid. I had two really good sized eggs in my first cycle, used Ovidrel to release them and ended up pregnant with a singleton. I wanted to be as aggressive as possible, since the cycles are not cheap. Even with the drugs, the chances of getting pregnant are about 25% a month, 15% without....and an 8% chance of multiples. I thought the benefits outweighed the risks, but it is up to you to decide what is best for you!
  • Thank you for your reply and the break-down of those stats, that's helpful. I've found it's about 50/50 out there, in terms of opinions on whether to use clomid or not. I've got to do some soul-searching I suppose, and figure out which way I want to go. Got about two weeks left before attempt #1. :) I will look into the letrozole as well. Thanks again!
  • We used Donor 4195 after our other donor ran out and got pregnant first shot. Baby is due July of 2012. Best of luck to you and if you conceive with this donor, please let us know! We would love contact with others with siblings with this donor.
  • Oh, how exciting! Congrats to you! Thanks for posting a response. So, may I ask, boy or girl? Or do you know? My first IUI will be in May. It was supposed to be in March but I'm traveling for work and decided to wait until May. I will most definetly keep in touch!
  • We are waiting until the baby is born to find out the gender. It's driving everybody else nuts, so it's super fun! Ha! Sure hope you have a successful IUI. Don't get discouraged though if it doesn't work right away. Our first two tries didn't take and we were giving it one more go before taking a break for the holidays and BAM, got a positive on Halloween, lol. I got to see the specimen under the microscope and they were awesome swimmers!
    Keep us updated! Us being me and my partner, that is. Good luck!!!
  • Haha, I think that would drive me crazy too! I'd have to find out. Best of luck with everything! Exciting that your due date is getting close. I'll let you guys know how things go in May. Keep in touch!!
    Hi I have a question how many million sperms have donor 4195??? And motility ?
  • Lishelle, I haven't done my insemination yet so I couldn't answer that question for you, I'm sorry. I have the vials at my RE's office safely stored but due to other circumstances, I haven't tried just yet. I hope to start in September.

    The other party who posted replies here "gruvin" did conceive with 4195 and may have more information. Best of luck!
    Thank you Amber
  • Lishelle - I don't have exact numbers, but I did view the sperm under the mircoscope before insemination and they were very active. The tech said excellent count, excellent motility. Worked on the first shot with that one, so I say go for it! Our little baby is due any day now and is super healthy! Keep me posted on if you use 4195. Good luck!
  • Not sure of the exact count but the tech who looked at 4195 under the microscope was impressed. I saw them, too, and they were pretty active. We had a beautiful baby boy on July 17th, by the way!
  • melmelmelmel Junior Member Junior Member
    congrats! could you post a picture?
    did you use ici or iui? timing?
    Melanie :D
  • Hi - I know this thread is REALLY old and probably no one frequents it anymore, but I used donor #4195 too - my LO was born spring 2012 - I'd really love to connect with donor families - please feel free to email me at :)
  • We have a baby from 4195, too! I sent you an email. There is also a sibling registry board on here I set up as well. Hope to hear from you!!
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