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Hello and welcome to the Fairfax Cryobank Family Forum!
The forum has a new look and the Fairfax Team is so excited to create the best experience for our users.

To Note:
Private Donor Groups and Private Sibling Connection Groups are now located under the category "Groups". Search the donor number in the search box and you should find exactly what you're looking for!

Questions about your forum access? Email

Follow these steps to join a private donor group:
1) Press "Join" at the right of the group
2) Once prompted to confirm your request please list this information so we can verify your information:
Name (under which the vial was purchased)
Clinic Name
Donor number
Child Date of Birth

*If you are looking to start a private group for a PRS donor please email with the above information and that you are looking for a PRS group*

If you have any questions about the verification process please email

Experiences For Sibling Attempts?


My partner and I will soon begin trying for a sibling for our son who was conceived through artificial insemination. It took two attempts to get our son and we were curious to see if it was easier or harder trying for a sibling? Did it take longer? If it matters, I have lost all of the baby weight and plus an additional 20 pounds, so I am much healthier this time around than last and when we attempt our son will be 18 months, so plenty of recovery time.



  • warnertowarnerto Junior Member Junior Member
    I've had a good experience so far, it took 1 attempt the 1st time to get pregnant with our daughter at age 35. It took 2 attempts to get pregnant this time at age 37. My lifestyle hasn't changed much (am probably more active now as we are chasing a toddler all over the place) but I weighed maybe 5 pounds more at conception this time.
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