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Hello and welcome to the Fairfax Cryobank Family Forum!
The forum has a new look and the Fairfax Team is so excited to create the best experience for our users.

To Note:
Private Donor Groups and Private Sibling Connection Groups are now located under the category "Groups". Search the donor number in the search box and you should find exactly what you're looking for!

Questions about your forum access? Email

Follow these steps to join a private donor group:
1) Press "Join" at the right of the group
2) Once prompted to confirm your request please list this information so we can verify your information:
Name (under which the vial was purchased)
Clinic Name
Donor number
Child Date of Birth

*If you are looking to start a private group for a PRS donor please email with the above information and that you are looking for a PRS group*

If you have any questions about the verification process please email

Medical Update- Cryogenic Laboratories (CLI) Donor 1997

CLI ModeratorCLI Moderator Senior Member
edited 2013 11 in Social Groups
Medical Updates provided by CLI offer the added advantage that they are verified. We can confirm client information, review donor records and provide you accurate information right from the source. Please contact us if there is a medical update you would need to share. Donors can always update their medical history with us and we will share that information with you when it becomes available.

A recipient who used Donor 1997 has reported twin offspring each diagnosed with pyloric stenosis.

What is pyloric stenosis?
Pyloric stenosis is a narrowing of the pylorus, the opening from the stomach into the small intestine. Children present with vomiting and poor weight gain. Pyloric stenosis occurs more often in boys than in girls, and the condition is usually diagnosed by the time a child is 6 months old. Surgery usually provides complete relief of symptoms.

What are the risks to my child(ren)?
The cause of the narrowing is unknown, although genetic factors may play a role. Pyloric stenosis occurs in about 1 in 300 live births. The genetic risk for half-siblings using this donor is now increased over the general population incidence. This risk is believed to be about 2% for half brothers and 1.3% for half sisters.

A common question is ‘How do we know it is coming from the donor?’
The simple answer is that we don’t know that for sure. There is no testing we can do at this time to tell us what happened exactly. There are many unknowns about why pyloric stenosis occurs. Some could be environmental or pregnancy factors that would be unrelated to the donor. We do know that in families where one child has pyloric stenosis, another child born is at slightly greater risk than we would expect in the general population. (The general population risk is 1/300). The half sibling risk is about 1-2%. It is because of this increased risk we are sending this notification.

If you have stored semen samples on site with your doctor’s facility or at CLI you are entitled to a full refund for the cost paid per dose. Only unused semen specimens will qualify for a refund. Any incurred shipping or storage costs will not be refunded. If the specimens are stored at your doctor’s office and you do not want to keep the specimens for future use and desire a refund, you must authorize destruction at your doctor’s facility and that facility must send us a letter indicating that they have complied with that request. Only after receiving that letter from the offsite storage facility with your name, donor #, vial ID numbers including the total number of units destroyed will the refund be generated.

You may keep your specimens and use them in the future if you wish. You may also order more semen units from CLI if they are available, in order to have a full sibling. Prior to using any units, or transferring any embryos created from donor #, we will require that you sign an informed consent that confirms you understand the circumstances with this donor’s medical update. Any units of donor # sent from CLI will require that the informed consent be signed, notarized and returned prior to shipment. A copy of that informed consent is available by contacting CLI. Once signed you would no longer qualify for a full refund on unused specimens. In that case, you could request a 50% refund on only those units stored at CLI.

CLI has a full time certified genetic counselor, Suzanne Seitz, MS, available to you to answer your questions. In addition our staff is available to help process refunds and exchanges as necessary. Please call us at 1-800-338-8407 for more information.


  • Seriously, you're just telling us this now? I learned of it back in March 2012 when I placed an order to start trying for baby #2. Also, it's not as if any of us check up here regularly, and you should have better contact information for those of us who have reported births: why not send us a letter with this information? We'd be way more likely to see it.

    -Heidi Remick (Mom to Henry 9/28/10 and Owen 3/11/13)
  • CLI ModeratorCLI Moderator Senior Member
    This forum is not the sole communication for these medical updates. We are going through our forums and adding previous medical updates so you have this information at hand.

    The CLI website has a Check Medical Status page so you can get the most current medical updates at anytime:

    We also notify all medical updates via your physician or letter:
  • CLI ModeratorCLI Moderator Senior Member
    We do notify clients when a donor is restricted for medical cause. All clients who purchased the donor will be notified by either email if is available or a letter (if no email is available) to the last known address. All physicians who had vials for that donor shipped to their facility will also be notified. Any client who wishes to use vials they may have stored offsite is encouraged to check their donor’s medical status on line prior to any procedure in case there has been a change in his status since they purchased his vials and had them shipped. All vials stored at the cryobank will need a signed and notarized consent before we will ship them to ensure that clients are appropriately informed.

    In addition, our forum’s private donor group will see updates posted on the donor’s medical status. If clients have any questions, they can always call for more information and get the most recent update.
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