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How to answer the Daddy question

My2RsMy2Rs Junior Member
I did alot of reading on this topic while picking my donor. But since my daughter was born 2 years ago, I've been caught up with being a mom that I haven't given it much thought. Although every year at Father's Day it hits me right in the face. I have decided that she will give her gifts and daycare arts and crafts for Daddy to Uncle J. But now that she is 2 I know the questions will begin soon. I know that I will answer the question openly and truthfully as best her age can understand it. I dont plan to explain the whole thing at age 3 but she will know from the off set that her daddy is a good man that just isn't in our life. But I just know that I will be caught off guard when it does begin to happen.

Families are so different now and Im sure both my son and daughter will be accepted for who they are. And my donor is ID Concent so I want them to know they have the opportunity at 18 to learn alot more. But how do you plan to answer this question? Maybe we can all share ideas and use bits and pieces of each other thoughts.


  • Aimeemomof3Aimeemomof3 Junior Member
    My daughter just turned 3 and it was around age 2 that she went around telling people that she didn't have a daddy but a "donut". Ha!! Yes, I told my daughter that she was conceived via a donor, whether she understood or not. I than explained to her that some kids only have 1 parent and not both, and that she has a mommy and a grandpa! :D She loved this and went around telling everyone proudly on Father's Day that she has a Grandpa! :D I made it a point this year to inform her daycare that my daughter would like to focus on her Grandpa because there's no daddy. I have 1 year old twins now and I really hope they take it as well as my daughter has so far. I really loathe Father's Day, for the sake of my kids.
  • ShennyShenny Junior Member
    I think what it boils down to is is... There are a lot of kids who grow up without a mother or a father, but it is the parent who is present who must make their mark and guide their child to understanding who they are is not necessarily where, or from whom, they come from. You have to give them a sense of compassion for others, acceptance for people no matter their own background...this way they will be accepted as well. It is important to let them know how much you wanted them and love them. i have friends who grew up without one of their parents present whether it was because of a death or they willingly left, either way they are all successful, smart, and caring people because they were shown love.
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