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Private Donor Groups and Private Sibling Connection Groups are now located under the category "Groups". Search the donor number in the search box and you should find exactly what you're looking for!

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1) Press "Join" at the right of the group
2) Once prompted to confirm your request please list this information so we can verify your information:
Name (under which the vial was purchased)
Clinic Name
Donor number
Child Date of Birth

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need opinions

bluesky10bluesky10 Senior Member Senior Member
I am on day 27 of my cycle, day 10 after having an IUI. This cycle started the 3rd.

I just went to the bathroom and wiped and got blood. It was bright red. Which for me isnt normal. a period for me is 2-3 days spotting then bleed for a week, then a few more days of spotting. I havent been crampy, or any of the normal signals I get that its about to start. Could this be period or implantation? My cycles are normally longer in length. I am just confused by the lack or spotting prior to if its my period, but it seems weird to get it 10 days after the fact.

Either way, disapointed.


  • moewhitmoewhit Senior Member
    Stay positive and hopeful. With the Clomid, I've noticed that it can really change your normal cycle. For example, my cycle on meds had me feeing crampy (both ovaries throbbed). Throbbed one week until my day one. I also went from 28/29 days to 34 days. Also bright red! Not at all what I have experienced in the past. This being my 1 time on meds and now I will do a second round of Clomid 50mg.

    From my understanding, it can take 6-10 days to implant. Were you given progesterone suppositories? That's what my MD will start after my IUI (until BFP or AF). This will "plump up" the uterine lining to promote implantation. Since your IUI was about 9 days ago, maybe this is implantation bleeding?? However if the bleeding persists, it may be AF :(

    Baby dust to you....
  • bluesky10bluesky10 Senior Member Senior Member
    Nope, was given nothing after the IUI, was just told to call with either a period or no period.
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