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Timing of IUI and trigger shot????

TandThopefulmommys2bTandThopefulmommys2b Junior Member Junior Member
O.k., so following my doctor's appt. today, I had an ultrasound (everything looks good), and I was started on 50mg of Clomid beginning tonight (cycle day 4) and continue for 5 days. I was instructed to come back into the doc's office next Tuesday the 11th for an ultrasound to check follicle size....if the follicles are mature enough, I will take my trigger shot that afternoon/night and will return the following day for insemination. We are using frozen donor sperm which I have read has a shortened life span....approx 12 hrs. Everything I have been reading is also saying that ovulation does not occur until 36 hrs following the trigger shot. I am no mathmetician, but if these statistics are correct, conception will not take place for us. I am just looking for feedback regarding success/failures with IUI and trigger shots....Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!


  • heidibeeheidibee Member Member
    I took my trigger shot on a friday and went in Sunday morning for the AI. I also have a fertility monitor and that morning came up as me first peak day, LH surge. I would not go in the next day because you are right about the timing. If you were using fresh sperm maybe you could go the next day but not with frozen from my experience. I would talk to them about your concerns and see why they are timing it that way. Good Luck!
  • bilbrey828bilbrey828 Member Member
    My partner took her trigger shot on a Wednesday evening and did our insemination on Thursday. After our 2 week waiting period, we were so glad to hear that it had taken. We were skeptical but very happy and surprised. I wish you luck!!

    Tiffany and Lauren :D
  • bluesky10bluesky10 Senior Member Senior Member
    Studies recommend 36 hours after the shot. Also if you are watching your surge but doing medicated it may not be accurate. The meds mess with that and may even show that you dont surge at all.
  • mazzomomsmazzomoms Junior Member
    Our doctor told us the same thing in regards to the trigger shot. He said to come in for the ultrasound & trigger shot one day and the next day come in for the IUI. I am interested to know as well....
  • TandThopefulmommys2bTandThopefulmommys2b Junior Member Junior Member
    So, after all the worrying, my partner called our doctor's office to ask all of the questions I had. Basically what they explained to us is that although frozen washed sperm does have a shorter life span that fresh, it is more than twelve hours, it think it's around 36hrs. As far as the trigger shot goes, they said every individual is different and that is why you hear so many deviations in information. They said they get these questions all the time and that the ultrasound is really the true test and we will wait to see what my follicles look like. I feel better after having some clarification and now I am just hoping and praying for the best! ~
  • redolfin26redolfin26 Member Member
    your dr is right...everyone is different..i never surged on the strip...had a sono, did trigger shot that night, one insemination because egg had already departed and got pregnant one day, first try...its a process and a journey and everyone has a different patient, ask questions and it will happen!
  • aunt_freyaaunt_freya Junior Member Junior Member
    I did IUI the next day after an evening trigger shot & had two pregnancies--1 m/c @ 8 weeks. If your clinic is a reputable place, they know what they are doing! However, that is the reason some women do "piggyback" IUIs.
  • moewhitmoewhit Senior Member
    There seems to be a concensus on the success of triggering ovulation the night before your IUI. Its a waste of time to pee on an ovulation stick AFTER your trigger shot. The test will be positive because its detecting the HCG shot. My MD did my 1st IUI about 12 hrs after trigger then 2nd IUI about 36 hours. The rationale was to cover that ovulation window and have the sperm waiting for the egg when its released. I used frozen sperm which lasts about 36 hrs. And now the 2 week wait :( is on. I'm taking Prometrium to build up my lining, which BTW can mimic pregnancy symptoms. Mild fatigue, moody, thirsty, and got the munchies :)
    I will take a HPT on Jan 21 which will be 12 days after my IUIs. Hope it's a success :D
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