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Surviving the Two Week Wait

Egads! The Two Week Wait has begun. Madness is going to slowly set in. If you’ve been there then you know it might. :D

My beautiful wife is now letting “the goods” do their thing. Meanwhile, we are cautiously optimistic. At times, we are excited and at others, well, it has only been a day since we were inseminated (or since she was). This is our third try- our first with a new doctor since we relocated in the summer. The first two tries we did not get pregnant. This was the first time, however, that she was given an HSG and she ended up having more than one follicle, she had four follies.

I go back and forth about worrying about this new system. I know each doctor does things slightly differently, but she had a day 12 ultra sound. They found the four follies but they weren’t big enough yet. The doc did a little math (I think something complicated like calculus or algebra ;) ) and determined that Friday would be the insemination day. She did take Ovulation Tests throughout the week and did not surge. She did not have another Ultra Sound to measure the final size of the follies. That is what really concerns me. BUT during this 2WW, I don’t want to focus on it too much. As you can tell though, I am.

I administered the trigger shot on Wednesday night and we had our “party” at the doc’s office Friday morning when they inseminated her. Since we’ve gone through this process twice before, we are trying to figure out what to do this time to occupy our minds and to minimize our constant wondering “Are we pregnant yet?” It’s only been a day since the procedure, so as you can see, we are going to need to chill out just a bit.

What were some of your ways of getting through the Two Week Wait and staying relatively sane? Relatively. Thanks!


  • XinfinityXinfinity Junior Member Junior Member
    Hi smiles,
    I also had my IUI done Friday! :D Let the waiting begin. We are on our 7th IUI.Yikes! :shock: Just about bankrupt, but determined as ever. We can't give up now. After the first 5 (3 on 50 clomid) the Dr thought I had an ovarian cyst most likely due to Endo. Oh goody! He told us that we could keep blowing our money or try a laparoscopy. So I did. It was determined that I had Endo, and had a couple of cyst. WTF? I had never had symptoms of this, but now the pipes r clean.
    Next IUI, boom BFP (50 clomid) Next day AF. Apparantly called a chemical pregnancy. Due to finances, we opted for ICI next round. Nogo. :x Now finally, we did IUI once again! This time we did 100 clomid. Ultrasound 11th day. A couple of follicles, but not quite mature. We had + LH on 14th day and HcG trigger. Then IUI following day. Geez sorry long winded. I just haven't been on these forums in awhile. I last left off on the Ca. Cryrobank before my surgery. I needed a break. Omg! Lol did I mention we are on our 4th donor and 3rd spermbank. Wow, I'm quite the floozy! So good luck to all us :P I'll be in touch. Hopefully with BFP!! Yeah baby!! Can't wait for that day! Actually I can't wait until I'm done with the first trimester. Less worries. TTFN!
  • aunt_freyaaunt_freya Junior Member Junior Member
    I obsessively analyzed every possible symptom, twinge etc. and then started peeing on a stick at 8 dpo "to figure out when the trigger was out of my system" ha, ha. I can't help... I was truly obsessed every time! However, when I was pregnant, I "knew" it--I felt different. more than just the prometrium could explain...

    Actually, a couple of times I got myself involved in projects--one 2ww was the family tree inputting on one of those online ancestry sites --like back to 1658 & looking at other people's trees & figuring out how we were connected. Another time was a really good book series that took my mind off it--I read Diana Gabaldon's Lord John books.

    Good luck! Fingers crossed & vibes being sent!!
  • mmhsmilesmmhsmiles Junior Member
    We are cracking ourselves up right now. Yesterday we went to see an awful movie and it was one of our best dates ever. I also signed up for a weight loss plan. Nothing takes your mind off the 2WW like remembering what you can’t eat. That’s always fun. It’s my master plan to be in shape when our little one does arrive one day. :D

    We also bought a fun little game for our game system. Unfortunately, Super Mario Brothers is inspiring my wife (whose all jacked up on hormones) to throw the control at the screen because she can’t get Mario to swim. “Put the controller down, honey. Drop the controller and step away from Mario.” No worries, she's not really throwing anything.

    Here’s to taking our mind off that thing we aren’t wondering about.

    X- We went through much of the same thing. The first try, my beloved wife had a chemical pregnancy. If that doesn’t mess with one’s mind…

    Hopefully we will meet back here in less than 2 weeks with BFP. Until then… positive vibes.

    And Freya…. Thanks, thanks, thanks for the encouragement and a happy ending. I love a happy ending.
  • XinfinityXinfinity Junior Member Junior Member
    Hey girls, so how's the wonderful wait treating ya? I want to apologize for going on a rant last time about my fertility woes. Sorry, I didn't even tAlk about the 2ww. Such a ditz. Well, it seems to never get easier I'll tell you that much. It's always a relief to have everything done. Feeling like you have done everything you can do, but then the clock starts moving in slow motion. Now what? Well this time around I have been doing a lot of spring cleaning. I also try to stay ahead the game by planning the next attempt. It helps prep me in case of disappointment. Im not sure if it really helps or just gives me more anxiety. I always feel like a failure when it doesn't work anyway. I seems that I have also taken up eating this time around. I mean I can eat. Kind a feel PMSish. Boobs are ginourmas, grouchy, tired. Who knows! Well, kit! ;)
  • mmhsmilesmmhsmiles Junior Member
    Hey X.

    The wait was hard on me emotionally, but I stayed tough. My beloved was very sick. This was the first time she took progesterone sup. during the two weeks. It is my job to take care of her and make sure she is as comfortable as can be. As can be.

    We couldn’t stand it, so we got some OTC Pregnancy tests. They were negative. ALL of them. We stayed the course. The blood test was of course negative. Even though we thought it would be, we still had hopes. We get so excited that we want to take the OTC pregnancy tests, even though we know we can’t rely on the results due to the hormones in my beloved’s system. We're ok though.

    I wonder why the doc didn’t follow up (before the insem day) with another ultra sound. He never had my beloved go in to measure the follies again. We had the ultrasound on a Saturday and the follies were too small. They had her use an OPK throughout the week but she didn’t surge so I gave the trigger shot on that weds night. I mentioned this before. It’s still bugging me so we are asking the nurse about it when she goes in for Day 3 Ultra Sound.

    During this past 2WW, I’ve started working out again and eating healthier. When our little one does come along, I want to be a step or two ahead of him or her, at least until they are my age. It is giving me something to focus on other then the insanity of the wait. But, of course, it still exists. That’s just the way it is.

    Hope you had good results. :)
  • bluesky10bluesky10 Senior Member Senior Member
    that is a bit weird, unless they were close enough to being big enough. The docs know how much they grow daily, so if they were close to the size needed they may have known another few days would have been enough.

    My first cycle, I went in for 2 size checks, and they were still a bit small so had to wait two more days then give myself the shot. I go in tommorow for my first size ultrasound for this cycle. HOpe this time is the charm but will be buy some more vials tommorow that I was on the wait list for.
  • XinfinityXinfinity Junior Member Junior Member
    Well girls, drumroll please!! Survey says, B to the F to the P!!:P The miracle we have been waiting so long for is here. I'm still in shock!! We decided to test on Valentines Day, and had the best Valentines ever!! Also the same day our baby's little heart began to form.My AF was due the Fri the 11th and didn't show. We didn't want to jump the gun or ruin the weekend. So we opted to extend the already brutal wait. Monday I had labwork, and hCG was 883 w/ progesterone at 40. Wow! 48hrs later had 2nd HcG , and it had more then doubled to 2,045. Are you sure?? OMG!! I'm freaking pregnant! It's real, and we finally are beginning our next beautiful chapter. 8th time was our charm. Figures, since that's my lucky number. Coincidently, we found out we are pregnant just exactly one month after we sent our beloved cat of 15 years to heaven. I strongly believe she is our angel now!

    Ok Smiles- Believe me when I tell you, I know how you feel! Keep your chin up, and just push forward. You WILL find a way. It's amazing what you can accomplish when you put your mind to it!! :D Too clich'e, no I thought that too. I got sick of reading bulletins like mine, and even started to think there were no BFP'S. Maybe it's just the marketing team trying to drum up business. Well I still have my doubts. Lol. Especially stupid Ca Cryrobank. Gag city!!Rip off. I bet they are so jealous about Fairfax's new facematch. Anyway, sorry got off track. I'm thinking maybe you should consider a 2nd opinion though. It's good you are working out too. That's always a plus! Good Luck! Keep smiling Smiles! :P
  • mmhsmilesmmhsmiles Junior Member
    Rock on X! Rock on! I'm am completely thrilled for you. Completely. Yes, I'm in repetition mode. Here we go again.... my beloved on the Clomid... i'm fastening my seatbelt. This is going to be some ride. Stay in touch. :)
  • XinfinityXinfinity Junior Member Junior Member
    Thanks Smiles! I just like saying smiles :D cute cute. We are so overjoyed, and grateful. Not getting any younger. So that clock was ticking big time. I was getting frantic. I felt like such a loser, and now I feel I made it into some kind of elite club. It's truly a new day! It's good she started right back on clomid. Gets your mind reentered. I believe it was the trigger shot that did it for us. 30hrs later IUI. Be strong!! It's been nice chatting with ya! TTFN
  • XinfinityXinfinity Junior Member Junior Member
    Sorry, I meant recentered.
  • ladymacb29ladymacb29 Member Member
    COngratulations on your Valentine's Day news! My baby decided to be born on Valentine's Day - good news for both of us :)
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