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maria2maria2 Senior Member Senior Member
My journey feels like its been so long although I know short in comparison to many others. Im all ready to go and have done all the tests....feel emotionally ready....bought the vials (which scared me) but then felt confident....BUT now my periods are acting up and feel like im never going to get inseminated. My doc suggested clomid bc im not ovulating regularly...but nervous bc I don't think I can handle multiples. But I want to even get to the point of trying the IUI! Have other single moms felt comfortable taking clomid?


  • bluesky10bluesky10 Senior Member Senior Member
    Just because you take clomid doesnt mean you will have multi babies. Yes it increases the chance but doesnt mean it will happen.

    My partner got her IUI with 3 eggs. She started with twins and lost one. I had a IUI with 2 eggs and it didnt take.
  • tryinalonetryinalone Junior Member Junior Member
    I have tried iui three times unsuccessfully. The doc suggested clomid the last try and I filled it, but was terrified to take it. Twins is scary! Still trying to decide if I should use it next time, I know the chances are low but... let me know what you decide.
  • maria2maria2 Senior Member Senior Member
    I spoke with the doctor...he said women under 40 the chances of multiples was like 7% and over 40 was like 1% chance. So im going for it. Got clomid and startig tomorrow. Ill tell you how it goes! Wish u luck too in making that decision.
  • tryinalonetryinalone Junior Member Junior Member
    Congratulations! I will keep my fingers crossed for you. Please let me know how it goes. I am taking a few months off to re-save some money after the first 3 attempts.
    I still have my RX for clomid, just can't decide when and if to take it, so PLEASE keep me posted.
    And way to go on trying on your own! :)
  • bluesky10bluesky10 Senior Member Senior Member
    Well this second time around I have 4 follicals that are 14-13-and 10. Had my first size ultrasound today, only 3 days after finishing clomid. Will get the shot Wen and then go in Friday. I am 26 so if that tells you how good it can or can not work. My first try I had 2 follicals.
  • jendicejendice Junior Member Junior Member
    I tried IUI 4 times and each time I used a drug similar to Clomid, though there were so many injections I just don't rememer what it was! ;) I too was afraid of multiples, each round I had anywhere from 3 to 6 mature folicles, but none of the IUI's were successful. I ended up going the IVF route. Had three embroys, froze one and went with the best two (still afraid of twins or more) but neither of them took. It was my last attempt with that one forzen embryo that finally stuck! While multiples are definatly a possibility, I don't think that it happens as much as we tend to think it does. I mean "they" make all of the news stories and television shows about the multiples when it does happen, but unless you are the parent :D the singletons just aren't newswerthy.
  • RadarsmomRadarsmom Junior Member
    I used Clomid. In my first month, I ovulated a bunch of eggs and they warned me of multiples - but the first round of IUI didn't take. In my second month, my ovaries spit out two eggs... one from each ovary. It worked and I have one, beautiful and perfect son! I was scared of multiples as well, but at my age (39 at the time) I was more worried about not being able to get pregnant! I'm glad I followed the mini-stim program they recommended for me.

    Good luck!
  • maria2maria2 Senior Member Senior Member
    So my first round of clomid and I ovulated! Just got inseminated today. So glad I took it. Wish me luck during these next 2 weeks.
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