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bleeding/spotting during pregnancy?

bluesky10bluesky10 Senior Member Senior Member
I recieved a positive bloodtest Friday. I also started to bleed that same day. I have spotted and cramped since. I have been cramping since monday so that isnt tied to the bleeding. Anybody had this and still had a sucessful pregnancy?


  • redolfin26redolfin26 Member Member
    i did not have this but many many people do,,i do suggest calling your dr though as they may want to have you get a sonogram just to check on things and for blood clots in the uterus which can be common when there is bleeding or for placenta many weeks pregnant are you? some people also get what they call "implantation bleeding/spotting" which is when the placenta is forming and growing and the pregnancy is taking hold...either way, good to call doc and get sonogram sooner than later
  • bluesky10bluesky10 Senior Member Senior Member
    The doc does know. I told her about it on friday when it started then we discussed it when she called with my results.

    I am only 4 weeks.
  • MealoneMealone Junior Member
    My girlfriend also had a similar problem like this. In her case, she was carrying twins and one had not made it and thus the bleeding. She finally delivered a baby girl. The other twin died at an early stage. Since your doctor already knows, just continue reporting to her. Keep your head up and just pray...there is hope.
  • moewhitmoewhit Senior Member
    Hi there,
    Just wanted to offer my support. If you need to chat please don't hesitate. You can send me a PM if you don't want to post. I'm very hopeful for you, quite a few women have the early on bleeding and have a successful and health 9 months ahead of them. You are very intune to your body, so just remain positive and keep your spirits up. By the way, what is your calculated due date?? Hope your beta number is way high come Tuesday. Lots of sticky baby dust :-D
  • bluesky10bluesky10 Senior Member Senior Member
    Thanks. The spotting is still happening off and on. Thought about calling my doc to see if I can get in earlier for my own sanity even thou its not that much or very often. I have an ultrasound on the 24th and the cramping has pretty much stopped.
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