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Donor 2959

jl2011jl2011 Member Member
After many months of going back and forth with struggling if I would be making the right decision going the IUI route with donor sperm...I am set for my first IUI tomorrow morning using donor 2959. I am very nervous. I've read a lot of stories and it looks like it is rarely a success the first time. Would love to have someone to talk to that has been through it all. Everything has looked great as far as ultrasounds and blood work. My fingers and toes are crossed that this works out!


  • jl2011jl2011 Member Member
    A little disappointed. I had my first IUI today. But, the count was very low. Sperm count was just 3 million and I was told they like to see 10-15 million. They said it could have just been the one I got and are already in the process of trying to get another one if this one doesn't work out due to the low counts. :(
  • tillietillie Member Member
    Is that post wash and a total motile count number? What was the number pre-wash? My numbers were low post-wash too, though still a bit higher than that. And the motility percentage was quite abysmal (which may mean the sperm count was really high but just the swimmers were not that prevalent). The numbers pre-wash were not rockstar, but I was surprised to see how much they lost post-wash on one occasion. It went down 1/3, which I thought was odd. So, with 4 vials from 1 donor who has a ton of reported pregnancies, the highest of any vial post-wash was 7 mill. The motility percentage once was 75% and the other times half of that or even less. Odd. Not sure what to make of it.

    Even though you keep hearing it better be above 5 mill to even try IUI, when I once had 5.3 mill post-wash, my doctor said that was pretty good and totally normal and the andrology lab said the donor looks ok. Inconsistent info. Is the 5 mill threshold the pre-wash number, to ensure you have enough post-wash? Or is that the post-wash threshold? If anyone knows...

    Did you go ahead with the IUI anyway?
  • jl2011jl2011 Member Member
    I guess I wasn't as prepared as I should have been. I didn't know they could give you all that info. It was my first try. I was told it was 3 million and I'm assuming this was post wash because it was after they had already washed it and prepared it and I was already waiting in the room for the procedure. I'm going to call them back tomorrow and speak with the lab to ask all those additional questions you just gave me. I know that it just takes one. But, it was a little disheartening when he said they like to see between 10-15 million. But, maybe he meant that pre-wash??? I'm not sure. I need to call them tomorrow. But, yes, I went ahead with the IUI.
  • tillietillie Member Member
    I keep learning a bit more as I go, so don't feel bad at all. As you can see, I'm still confused! It's hard to get all of the info when you are there for the IUI, so usually I end up calling afterwards myself. I guess ask them for the pre-wash and post-wash. My doctors have said mixed stuff about the motility %. One said, just focus on the post-wash number and the other seemed concerned about the low %. I heard that, re: the numbers, different labs can achieve differing results. But I still don't get why some say 5mill is minimum to proceed (and I read that 10-15mill was great and over that doesn't really have a return) with IUI but then with barely over 5mill my doctor (very reknowned in the area) said this was good/normal/no problem. I even tried to talk to the andrology lab but I was so confused by what she was saying - but she said the donor was fine. Yet his numbers seem piddly to me.
  • maria2maria2 Senior Member Senior Member
    I also used this donor on my first IUI (which unfortunately was unsuccessful)....since the doctor office I go to washes all samples...I purchased the ICI specimen...and post-wash, his #s were good at 50+ million (which was excellent) but motility was 37%. My doctor said the motility was a little low but said not to worry about it.

    I am doing my 2nd IUI this month, I'll let you know what the lab says his count is.

    Per Fairfax policy:
    Is there a quality standard that Fairfax Cryobank sets for all of the donors?
    ICI and IUI-ready specimens must meet the minimum post thaw standard of 20 million total motile cells per milliliter (ml) concentration or 10 million TMC per vial. The IVF specimens must contain a total of 5 million motile sperm per vial. See our specimen warranty for more information.

    BTW, when you're waiting to get inseminated, you're so excited and scared (or at least I was), I didn't ask all the questions either....don't be hard on yourself...this is a learning experience for all of us. And we're all here to help each other!!! Good luck! :)
  • jl2011jl2011 Member Member
    I started bleeding a little today. I am supposed to start next Monday or Tuesday. I'm normally like clockwork. Gonna call the doctor tomorrow to tell them. I did some online research and it says women can experience whats called "implantation bleeding" and most experience 9-10 days after ovulation and I'd be on day 8. I'm trying not to get excited or get my hopes up. I managed not to all last week. I thought with such a low count and it being my first IUI the odds were against me. But, now my fingers are crossed.
  • maria2maria2 Senior Member Senior Member
    Yes it could be implantation bleeding....which from what I can recall is very light spotting...and tends to be darker....

    I hope so! Keeping my fingers crossed for you! Keep me posted!
  • blagraves2010blagraves2010 Junior Member
    I am interested to know how the results went. We are about to start our process and we have picked donor 2959 as our donor. Good luck to you!!
  • maria2maria2 Senior Member Senior Member
    I had my 2nd iui on 4/23/11 with donor #2959. I also used him for my first iui. His count was pretty much same (pre-wash) with 51 million and 37% motility.
  • blagraves2010blagraves2010 Junior Member
    If you don't mind me asking, are you on any fertility pills or other fertility treatment for yourself? And is the doctor concerned about the motility?
  • maria2maria2 Senior Member Senior Member
    I was on clomid 50 mg for bothering iuis....I never had trigger shot...I ovulate very quickly after lh surge.

    My doctor said numbers good but little slow...but acceptable numbers. He wasn't concerned. But i wish i knew what post wash numbers were...

    When are you having your insemination? Good luck !
  • blagraves2010blagraves2010 Junior Member
    I started Clomid 50mg last night on day 5 and I am scheduled for a follicle study day 12 which is Friday the 6th. If all looks well then my IUI will be the 7th. I hae so many emotions right now, but 2959 just seemed to fit so we are just hoping and praying for success. Thank you for sharing your story. Baby dust and prayers sent your way. Keep me posted and I will do the same.
  • jl2011jl2011 Member Member
    Had my trigger shot, blood work, and ultrasound this morning. Will have second IUI using 2959 Monday morning. I had four follies. Two were good sizes and the other two were too small he said (thank God). So, I should have two good eggs. Keeping my fingers crossed and only positive thoughts.
    How are you feeling Maria? Still hoping for the best for you!
  • blagraves2010blagraves2010 Junior Member
    Good Luck Jl!!! Baby dust and prayers sent your way!!!
  • jl2011jl2011 Member Member
    Thanks! Good luck to you too blagraves!
  • maria2maria2 Senior Member Senior Member
    Wow! So exciting! Good luck to you both! Esp you "jl2011" since its tomorrow! !!! Im still in my 2 ww...hopefully all of us can soon share stories of our pregnancy! I should be able to take preg test in 5+ days! Ill keep you ladies updated. :D
  • jl2011jl2011 Member Member
    I know you are ready for the 2ww to be over with! I had my IUI this morning. His count was way better. 10 million. I asked for motility % but the lab grades the motility on a scale of 1-4 and it was a 3.5. So, theres two targets...I'm hoping one of them is found! Good luck maria!
  • blagraves2010blagraves2010 Junior Member
    JL that is great news!!!!!!! At least that part was able to ease your mind... now the dreaded 2ww... hoping for BFP for you both!!!! Keep me posted. Taking my last Clomid pill today and follicle study on Friday.. Ill post the results from that and hopefully IUI Saturday, would be great to do this Mother's Day weekend!!!
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