Hello and welcome to the Fairfax Cryobank Family Forum!
The forum has a new look and the Fairfax Team is so excited to create the best experience for our users.
To Note:
Private Donor Groups and Private Sibling Connection Groups are now located under the category "Groups". Search the donor number in the search box and you should find exactly what you're looking for!
Questions about your forum access? Email forum@fairfaxcryobank.com
Follow these steps to join a private donor group:
1) Press "Join" at the right of the group
2) Once prompted to confirm your request please list this information so we can verify your information:
Name (under which the vial was purchased)
Clinic Name
Donor number
Child Date of Birth
*If you are looking to start a private group for a PRS donor please email forum@fairfaxcryobank.com with the above information and that you are looking for a PRS group*
If you have any questions about the verification process please email forum@fairfaxcryobank.com
The forum has a new look and the Fairfax Team is so excited to create the best experience for our users.
To Note:
Private Donor Groups and Private Sibling Connection Groups are now located under the category "Groups". Search the donor number in the search box and you should find exactly what you're looking for!
Questions about your forum access? Email forum@fairfaxcryobank.com
Follow these steps to join a private donor group:
1) Press "Join" at the right of the group
2) Once prompted to confirm your request please list this information so we can verify your information:
Name (under which the vial was purchased)
Clinic Name
Donor number
Child Date of Birth
*If you are looking to start a private group for a PRS donor please email forum@fairfaxcryobank.com with the above information and that you are looking for a PRS group*
If you have any questions about the verification process please email forum@fairfaxcryobank.com
My story
Hi ladies! I just wanted to share my story and get some advice from those of you that might be in a similar situation. I'm 28, and have one child already. I was married to my son's dad, but got divorced when my son was only 3 months old. Turns out his dad is kind of a jerk that likes to sleep around
So, I wasn't initially a single mom "by choice", but I've realized that being a single mom is a lot like being a married mom--just with one less mouth to feed!
My son is now 2.5. I always knew I wanted more children, but between school (just graduated with my MBA) and work, I haven't found the time, or really even the desire, to date. I want my children to be close in age though, which is why I have decided to go at it alone this time.
I called my doctor in January to discuss, and the receptionist said I could come in any time and we could get started then. I had decided to wait until March, but when I called they didn't have an appointment until March 31. That was right before my April cycle would start though, so I thought "ok, great, I'll start in April!" which was already one month behind where I wanted to start, but it was ok. Then, when I went to the appointment, they found my thyroid levels were off, so we had to fix that before we could try. Sigh. Another month. That brought us to May, and the timing of when they wanted to test my thyroid and my ovulation date were getting too close together--I begged them to test it early, and they finally caved. They tested it on Wednesday, and called yesterday with the results. I was clear! But...my doctor thought maybe waiting another cycle would be better to make sure we had the timing down. I cried. Then I begged them again (I'll be ovulating on Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday ish). Then they caved, and called me at 1:50pm yesterday to say "hurry and order the sperm! We need it by tomorrow!" I was so thrilled, and Farifax answered right away and got the order in just in time. Next week will be my first try and I'm so excited.
But, after reading through some of these messages, I am trying to not get TOO excited. My doctor did say I have a very good chance of getting pregnant since it wasn't difficult to get pregnant with my first child, and I actually had two miscarriages before him that I got preganant with VERY easily...too easily. I am trying to be optimistic, but not too hopeful. I squealed with delight yesterday when I hung up from ordering, and couldn't keep my mouth shut when some close co-workers asked what was going on. My family and friends all know this is my plan, and most have been very supportive. I just hope I don't have to go through the "are you pregnant yet?" questions...but, I'm sure I will.
So here are some questions for you ladies... how do you deal with the nasty stares people give you that don't agree with your decision? Does anyone else get the response "are you a man hater/lesbian now?" (That one especially bugs me...no, I'm not a lesbian, but I don't consider lesbians to be "man haters" either...and neither am I). How are you planning to or do you deal with Fathers Day? My son's dad has been pretty absent from his life (he calls occassionally, and will see him if I bring him to him...we live 1800 miles apart though), so Father's Day now has just been another day for us, I imagine that I'd do it the same? And...this is a big one...what last name should I use? I kept my married name, because it is my son's last name. I don't have any emotional ties to it, and wouldn't object to it being the baby's last name, I'm just not 100% sure. And last...is anyone else in a similar situation, where they have one by more "traditional" means and are having the second on their own?
Here's to that two week wait you're all talking about...

My son is now 2.5. I always knew I wanted more children, but between school (just graduated with my MBA) and work, I haven't found the time, or really even the desire, to date. I want my children to be close in age though, which is why I have decided to go at it alone this time.
I called my doctor in January to discuss, and the receptionist said I could come in any time and we could get started then. I had decided to wait until March, but when I called they didn't have an appointment until March 31. That was right before my April cycle would start though, so I thought "ok, great, I'll start in April!" which was already one month behind where I wanted to start, but it was ok. Then, when I went to the appointment, they found my thyroid levels were off, so we had to fix that before we could try. Sigh. Another month. That brought us to May, and the timing of when they wanted to test my thyroid and my ovulation date were getting too close together--I begged them to test it early, and they finally caved. They tested it on Wednesday, and called yesterday with the results. I was clear! But...my doctor thought maybe waiting another cycle would be better to make sure we had the timing down. I cried. Then I begged them again (I'll be ovulating on Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday ish). Then they caved, and called me at 1:50pm yesterday to say "hurry and order the sperm! We need it by tomorrow!" I was so thrilled, and Farifax answered right away and got the order in just in time. Next week will be my first try and I'm so excited.
But, after reading through some of these messages, I am trying to not get TOO excited. My doctor did say I have a very good chance of getting pregnant since it wasn't difficult to get pregnant with my first child, and I actually had two miscarriages before him that I got preganant with VERY easily...too easily. I am trying to be optimistic, but not too hopeful. I squealed with delight yesterday when I hung up from ordering, and couldn't keep my mouth shut when some close co-workers asked what was going on. My family and friends all know this is my plan, and most have been very supportive. I just hope I don't have to go through the "are you pregnant yet?" questions...but, I'm sure I will.
So here are some questions for you ladies... how do you deal with the nasty stares people give you that don't agree with your decision? Does anyone else get the response "are you a man hater/lesbian now?" (That one especially bugs me...no, I'm not a lesbian, but I don't consider lesbians to be "man haters" either...and neither am I). How are you planning to or do you deal with Fathers Day? My son's dad has been pretty absent from his life (he calls occassionally, and will see him if I bring him to him...we live 1800 miles apart though), so Father's Day now has just been another day for us, I imagine that I'd do it the same? And...this is a big one...what last name should I use? I kept my married name, because it is my son's last name. I don't have any emotional ties to it, and wouldn't object to it being the baby's last name, I'm just not 100% sure. And last...is anyone else in a similar situation, where they have one by more "traditional" means and are having the second on their own?
Here's to that two week wait you're all talking about...