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3 days down, 11 to go...

I had my first IUI on Wednesday (May 18). The last 3 days have felt like 3 weeks, at least! What do you guys do to make the time go faster? :lol:

I have a 2 year old little boy already (I was married previously and had him), and am trying to keep myself distracted by doing lots of things with him. Two weeks feels like a lifetime though! And I know it is probably way too early to have any symptoms, but any little thing and I start to think I MUST be prego. 11 days left...maybe sooner, as my period is actually due 2 days before my scheduled blood test. We'll see!

Good luck to everyone else in their 2ww.


  • sibemomsibemom Member Member
    Me? I try to mentally treat "that" trip to the doctor like going to the dentist. It's just something that happened. Sure, I have my thoughts from time to time: is that spotting implantation bleeding? wow, my boobs feel funny, are they swollen? oh, no sushi for me tonight, thanks. But yea, I just try to treat it as another day/another action.
  • babynumber2babynumber2 Junior Member
    Well, my period is due signs that it is starting (normally I'm crampy/ornery by now), but I took a test this morning and got a BFN. Sigh. I guess I just get to wait and see! I keep thinking things like that too-- are my boobs sore? Was that nausea I just felt? Wow, I'm tired...I must be pregnant! But, I'm trying to not read too much into any of these "symptoms" cause I haven't really convinced myself that they're NOT just in my head. Here's hoping for a BFP soon though!
  • sibemomsibemom Member Member
    My period is due next weekend... so I'm not far behind you in "the wait". Hang tight and just keep reminding yourself that when the time is right all will click.
  • Cmartin6706Cmartin6706 Junior Member
    We are on day three now after our first IUI on the 26th. My wife was able to tell when she ovulated which was 2 - 4 hours after the IUI so we are hoping. She is filling "full" but it's still really early yet.

    Hoping the best for you!
  • babynumber2babynumber2 Junior Member
    Still no period, but another BFN. Anyone have multiple BFNs and still pregnant? I have a blood test Wednesday, so I guess I'll know soon enough. I'm really hoping it worked though (of course!). Good luck to the rest of you in your wait.
  • sibemomsibemom Member Member
    Here's hoping for you babynumber2.

    I've found myself bleeding lightly nearly a week early of when my period should come. I've read a variety of comments on when and how long implantation bleeding occurs. Did you experience anything?
  • babynumber2babynumber2 Junior Member
    Thanks sibemom. No, I didn't have any implantation bleeding at all, but I didn't with my first baby or my two miscarriages, either. Today I do feel more pregnant, but I don't know if thats just wishful thinking or not. When I walked into work today the girls all looked at me and commented that my chest is significantly larger, so that gives me hope that it at least isn't ALL in my head (although maybe I just need to lay off the donuts? ;) ) Blood test in the can't get here soon enough! I almost bought another test last night to take this morning, but figured it would be really frustrating to get another BFN, and a waste of money really either way--I can wait a day, right? :)

    Sibemom, any other symptoms for you? Fingers crossed for you too! Which donor did you go with? I went with 4001, and got vial #2. Do they send those in order? If so, vial #1 worked, because he has reported a reported pregnancy! Here's hoping 4001 is the most fertile man on earth...

  • kkiriaziskkiriazis Junior Member
    I had my IUI on May 18th too and my beta is tomorrow. This is my third round and I swore I wouldn't test before the beta but of course I caved....I bought enough tests for 5 days.....all so far have been bfn. I swear this time I felt different/pregnant but I guess I want it so badly its in my head.

    Wishing you a BFP tomorrow!!!
  • sibemomsibemom Member Member
    2976 for my first, and this, my second try.... then I have two vials of 4102.

    I'm not super hopeful this month for several reasons. I think my body is just rebelling at the fact that I'm trying. The month I took off it was right on schedule, but both times I've tried my ovulation comes early and my period even earlier. Meh. I hate the thought of trying to add trigger shots to the mix... the waits at the doctors office alone are nightmarish.

    Get a good night's rest and try to chill this evening. Fingers crossed for you tomorrow. I may actually do an at home tomorrow, we'll see.
  • Anne72Anne72 Senior Member Senior Member
    I'm on my second try. My 2ww ends on 3 June. I am more relaxed this round and met with my doctor today. She says that at my age they expect 4-6 rounds! God, I hope not. I never get any pre-menstrual symptoms so I have no clue if I'm preggers or not. Fingers crossed and good luck to you all
  • tnmommytnmommy Junior Member Junior Member
    Hi all! This is my first post ... I had my first IUI on 5/25 so I'm 8DPI right now. Having strong twinges/cramps on the side I ovulated from so maybe it's implantation?! Who knows - I'm just being as patient as possible. I did test a few days ago just to confirm the hcg from my trigger shot had cleared my system so I would know for sure a positive is a REAL positive when it's time to test for real.

    Good luck everyone!

    Amber (35)- IUI #1 5/25/11 - clomid/hcg trigger
    Mom to Jaden (5) via adoption
  • babynumber2babynumber2 Junior Member
    Had the blood test this morning, the nurse should be calling me with the results anytime now. I started spotting just now though...not really much at all, but enough to make me REALLY unsure of what the result will be. Cautiously hopeful for now...I do feel very nauseated today, which is great, but maybe just coincidental. We shall see!

    Good luck to you girls too...thanks for the updates, it helps knowing that I'm not the only one going thru this :)
  • babynumber2babynumber2 Junior Member
    Its a no for me. Trying again this month though with Femera (spelling?) and trigger shot. Sometimes I wish I was some reckless teenager that just wound up pregnant exactly when I wanted to!

    Hope everyone gets a BFP soon.
  • karlip79karlip79 Junior Member
    Sorry baby #2 :cry: I had a BFN this week too. I will be taking a month off because I will be away on vacation when I am ovulating, but plan on trying again in july (early july) I wish you the best of luck I know the 2ww is total torture and it always hurts a little to see a neggative, but we just have to keep eachother positive and hopeful on these boards, our BFP Will happen I hope it is next month for you. I can't wait to read about it here. Karli (:
  • sibemomsibemom Member Member
    Another no here... but at least we're not alone, right?
  • babynumber2babynumber2 Junior Member
    Sorry for your negatives, sibemom and karlip. Thanks for keeping me positive! I held it together until I picked up my son from daycare today, then cried on the way home. He wants a baby as much as I do, I think, but of course doesn't quite understand what that really means.

    I talked to the nurse today, she said she wants to do Femara this next round with a trigger shot. My cycle is all off already, so that is probably best anyway (I'm 3 days late this time, and still just spotting for now). My guess is we'll do the IUI the middle of June. I think I might switch donors...not sure though. Wish they had another special this month like they did for Mother's Day! Maybe they'll do a Father's Day one? :)
  • Cmartin6706Cmartin6706 Junior Member

    My wife and I did our first IUI on 5/26th! It was cool to find your posting.

    Nicole said that she has had this full feeling since the day after the IUI and has been very, very tired. She did the trigger shot and is now on progesterone suppositories. Her sense of smell went insane yesterday which is a good sign and today she was feeling cramping and some back pain. It's too early for any period cramps plus she never gets cramps before her period anyway.

    We tested yesterday to see if the HcG was out of her system and got a BFN! What about you??
  • tillietillie Member Member

    My wife and I did our first IUI on 5/26th! It was cool to find your posting.

    Nicole said that she has had this full feeling since the day after the IUI and has been very, very tired. She did the trigger shot and is now on progesterone suppositories. Her sense of smell went insane yesterday which is a good sign and today she was feeling cramping and some back pain. It's too early for any period cramps plus she never gets cramps before her period anyway.

    We tested yesterday to see if the HcG was out of her system and got a BFN! What about you??

    Be cautious about 2WW symptoms and certainly before the 10 day implantation time frame. See this thread as an example: ... ge#1576900

    But similar discussions and responses can be found in every trying to conceive thread. That being said (just to be sure you don't get hopes dashed), I hope you are having symptoms or symptoms or not you are pregnant!
  • moewhitmoewhit Senior Member

    My wife and I did our first IUI on 5/26th! It was cool to find your posting.

    Nicole said that she has had this full feeling since the day after the IUI and has been very, very tired. She did the trigger shot and is now on progesterone suppositories. Her sense of smell went insane yesterday which is a good sign and today she was feeling cramping and some back pain. It's too early for any period cramps plus she never gets cramps before her period anyway.

    We tested yesterday to see if the HcG was out of her system and got a BFN! What about you??

    Well said Tillie!!
    Oh, just a word of advice from someone that has gone through the same protocol THREE times.....The hCG trigger shot AND Prometrium suppositories will MIMIC pregnancy symptoms (remember these are hormones that are very active during pregnancy). Don't be fooled. Yes, you will have things like increased fatigue, feeling full, gassy, tender breasts, moody, peeing frequently, sore back, crampy ovaries, vivid dreams, the munchies, and my all time favorite a "late' period. The Promtrium (which is progesterone) WILL delay your period. If you get a BFN then when you discontinue the Prometrium, AF will show up in about 2-3 days. My MD said that well timed IUI's have about 20% success rate, it's the same chances of doing it the old fashioned way. It really comes down to sheer chance.

    Not trying to dash your hopes but just keep you informed. Hopefully you will only have to do one cycle and have success, but know that if you get the BFP that you are within that small lucky percentage. And it's time to celebrate and by a lottery ticket too :mrgreen:

    Good luck and lots of baby dust!
  • Anne72Anne72 Senior Member Senior Member
    Just tested this morning and it's a no for me too :( I will try a 3rd IUI in later this month. I'm travelling on business for the next two weeks and really hoping that I don't ovulate until I get home
  • babynumber2babynumber2 Junior Member
    I'm so sorry Anne! I hope you don't ovulate until you get back, either. Such a weird waiting game, huh?

    Good luck to everyone...we'll all get BFPs soon :)
  • Anne72Anne72 Senior Member Senior Member
    Well, I didn't ovulate on the road. So that's a good thing. I'm actually on day 16 and not yet. I have another doctor's appt. on Monday to see how the follicles are doing. Yep, it looks like two this month (and I'm not on meds). Here's hoping that means that the 3rd time is the charm!

    I'm going to do this month (and July if needed) before I move onto injectibles in August. I'm really hoping that isn't necessary.

    I've also just starting looking at adoption. As a single woman approaching 40, that will have it's own challenges and I hope that this works instead.

    Good luck to all you ladies!
  • babynumber2babynumber2 Junior Member
    I had my ultrasound to check on folicles last week and had 0 ready. And I was on Femara! There was one that looked like it might have been ready later, but not until day 19 or so. So, I decided to skip the insemenation and try in July. I'll switch to Clomid. I think this is going to be my last try though. You ladies are all so strong to do this month after month, after two disappointments I'm not sure I can keep taking them over and over. If next month doesn't work, I'm going to wait it out a little while and then look into adoption or foster adoption.

    Good luck to all of you! Hope you had better luck this month than me!
  • Anne72Anne72 Senior Member Senior Member
    If next month doesn't work, I'm going to wait it out a little while and then look into adoption or foster adoption.

    Good luck to all of you! Hope you had better luck this month than me!

    I'm also starting to look into adoption. I'm going to keep trying but figure it can't hurt to start looking at other options. However, adoption seems almost more daunting/scary to me when I start looking at the legal hoops to jump through and the costs :o
  • aaskaask Junior Member

    We started looking at adoption as well with the idea that perhaps we could do both (lessen some of the stress of THIS situation) and like you, we were amazed at how much it would cost to do so. Hopefully, neither of us will have to go down that path. Baby dust to you and everyone else!!!
  • moewhitmoewhit Senior Member
    aask wrote:

    We started looking at adoption as well with the idea that perhaps we could do both (lessen some of the stress of THIS situation) and like you, we were amazed at how much it would cost to do so. Hopefully, neither of us will have to go down that path. Baby dust to you and everyone else!!!
    What is the cost range? Are you looking at local or international? Thanks for sharing.

  • maria2maria2 Senior Member Senior Member
    I've been an adoption worker for domestic and international adoptions....of course it's expensive for international....if you go domestic (through the County), then it's free...and you receive an adoption assistance payment (AAP) monthly until your adopted child is 18 (or older if special needs). the AAP varies depending on the needs of the child....if no problems, basic rate. I know we don't adopt for the payment, but it does help and it's for the child. If you go domestic and do private adoption, obviously it costs again....

    I will be going the adoption route sometime in the future.....if this 3rd IUI does not work out...I have one more vial and will try a 4th. Then I"ll stop everything and go adoption route too....I whole-heartedly believe in adoptions and am very passionate about it. whether or not I have a biological child, I am planning to adopt in the future as well.
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