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Hopefully the third time is a charm!

karlip79karlip79 Junior Member
I will be going for my 3rd attempt at IUI on Tuesday at 10 a.m. This time, I took 50 mg. clomid days 3-7, I didn't have as many side affects as last time, no cramping, just some mild hot flashes, also,I am taking the Ovidrel trigger Sunday evening. I am a ball of nerves, :? and while i want to be as optimistic as possible, it is harder for me each time. Last time I had 4 mature follicles, but my sample was poor quality, only 4.6 million, so it was an unsuccussful attempt. This month I have only 1 mature follicle, My doctor said it is good quality and my lining looks really good, but I am not sure why I had four one time, and only one now.That's my 50% as for the male factor, The doctor told me that the number prior to freezing of my sample was 50 million motile, but we will see how that turns out after it is thawed on Tuesday. I am really hoping the third time will be a charm for me. Just wondering if anyone is at a similar place in their journey, it would be nice to be able to offer support to one another :) Good luck to all of you potential mommies and daddies, hopefully we will all be sharing our good news soon.


  • mron78mron78 Junior Member
    Good luck!!! Just curious... Did you do all your iui's with fertility drugs? I am 33 and healthy, I have only done 1 natural cycle iui so far which was unfortunately unsuccessful:(
    They did mention taking clomid but, I am a little iffy about trying it! I want to maximize my chances as much as possible and am just curious how these fertility drugs make you feel? and, if there safe etc...
  • maria2maria2 Senior Member Senior Member
    Hi "mron78"...I have completed 3 IUIs (unsuccessfully) :( but doing my 4th IUI next month. All 3 IUIs, I took 50 mg clomid and had NO symptoms at all. I was lucky. I know other ladies on this forum complained of symptoms, but I think it might have been connected with a higher dose (100 or 150 mg)....but my personal opinion is to be as aggressive as'll read many entries here about people doing 3-6 IUIs with no medication and on their 1st or 2nd IUI with medication (whatever it may be)...they get pregnant.

    I've included DHEA, acupuncture, and now herbs to my monthly ritual...along with my 50 mg clomid....i'm trying to do as much as possible...not sure if any help but my 3rd IUI, i felt very different (in a good way)...although it was BFN....i'm hopeful that this 4th IUI will be it.

    Oh, my RE also has now mentioned that may be what i do on my 4th IUI instead of the clomid...we shall see after my meeting with him to discuss all my options.

    Good luck ladies!
  • karlip79karlip79 Junior Member
    Well, today was the day of my 3rd IUI, and once again I recieved a less than stellar sample. I am Super bummed because the same thing happened to me last time I tried in May. My sample contained 6.8 million motile, but with only about 36% mobility, so I am not too optimistic. I talked with my doctor, and I guess if it doesn't work, we will try using the pre washed semen next cycle. (previously he had been washing the samples at his facillity since historically this has given him better results.) I am begining my 2ww today, so I guess we will have to wait and see. BTW, in response to the earlier question, I used 50 mg of clomid this cycle, and had very few side effects, with hot flashes being the most prevalent. I also sugguest being as agressive as possible, in an effort to save yourself both money and added stress! Give yourself the best chance possible! Good luck to everyone in your journeys!
  • hopefulcharhopefulchar Senior Member Senior Member
    So sorry about you bfn this month. I was curious who you used this month and last time. Was it the same donor?
  • latebloomerlatebloomer Senior Member Senior Member
    Hi mron78, I did 3 IUI cycles and the first 2 were unmedicated and resulted in BFN and 3rd one was with injectibles, acupunture and yoga for fertility and ended in BFP but I lost it at 8 weeks due to a chromosonal issue. I wished I would have went straight to the injectibles to be honest but I wanted to start slow since it was all new to me and I have no fertility issues that would have suggested that I couldn't do it unmedicated. I took the injectibles from CD3 to CD 9 and the only side effect I had was a slight headache that went away as soon as I was done with them.

    "karlip79" don't give up yet! All it takes is one egg and one spermie! I had a different number of follies eaach time. My first cycle (unmedicated) I only had 1 follie size 21 (i had just come off BCP) and my second cycle unmedicated I had 2 follies (one on each side) 18 & 20. The 3rd cycle with injectibles I had 4 follies and smallest was about 16 and largest I think was 22 when I got my BFP but my doctor always reminds me it only takes one! Please let us know how it works out for you:)

    Are you ladies taking any extra vitamin D? I'd heard/read it's helpful when TTC so I started taking them before my 3rd cycle. I'm not sure if it had something to do with me getting my BFP or not but I figured it can't hurt!
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