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howdyhowdy Member Member
so my first iui didnt work . :( and i am currently on my 2ww of my 2nd IUI. I am 6dpIUI. and I have been having cramps since I left the procedure room. I feel like they're AF cramps and its really discouraging. I am not having nay other pregnant signs so i'm kind of bummed. :(

anyone out there have cramps and get a BFP??


  • jl2011jl2011 Member Member
    Don't get discouraged. It is normal to be crampy. It is an invasive procedure so cramping is normal. And, you really wouldn't be having any "pregnancy symtoms" 6 days post IUI so don't be nervous. The only symtoms I had every time were from the trigger shot. I had my fourth IUI on July 23rd. I am currently in my 2ww...should start this Friday or Saturday and I was cramping a lot yesterday. I think it is a natural response after all the chlomid, trigger shots, and the procedure itself.
    Don't get discouraged. Try to stay busy and it is hard to not think about it but try to put it in the back of your mind or else you'll drive yourself crazy.

    Good luck!
  • roby72roby72 Member Member
    I had cramps (mild) at 7 and 8dpo (and post IUI), then nothing and a week later they started again, then I tested positive 4 days before my period (10dpo). Then my week 4 of pregnancy I was so terrified of period bleeding because the cramps were very strong, but the doctor said they are normal. All is going well...9 weeks 3 days and counting :mrgreen:
    If you feel cramps around your day 7 can be implantation cramps, if it is too early, they can be from the procedure.

    Good Luck,

  • bluesky10bluesky10 Senior Member Senior Member
    the cramps could be implantaion. Mine started at about day 8 and lasted weeks.
  • howdyhowdy Member Member
    Thank you everyone. I guess I am just traumatized in my head that cramps lead to AF. Fingers crossed that it's not this time.

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