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1st appt

AmirasmommyAmirasmommy Senior Member Senior Member
I have my first fertility appt tomorrow to become a single mom by choice with IUI! I'm super excited and nervous! I've chosen a donor...maybe prematurely...4120. Wish me luck, a clean bill of health, and the green light. I'll let you all know.


  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    Good Luck! It is an exciting and nerve racking process but glad that you are joining it with us! Let us know how the appointment goes!I hope that you connect with the doctor and feel comfortable with hime or her. I love my doc, he is very down to earth and tells it like it is, kinda like me! Kepp us updated and I am sure that you did not choose a donor prematurely you are just planning ahead!

  • AmirasmommyAmirasmommy Senior Member Senior Member the appt went well. It was mostly for H&P and information. We've decided to go for it. I have to have a bunch of labs done and because I have irregular periods I'm going to take provera for 12 days starting on the 16th. Then I'll be taking Letrozol on days 3-7. That puts me at about September 4th. And we go from there. I don't know at what day they do the iui but I'm guessing sometime the 1st or 2nd week of September. The doctor doesn't for see me having any difficulty conceiving so he's expecting to get it on the first go. We're gonna do 2 iui that cycle just to increase the odds. So if all goes well I would have a new baby in late May or early June of 2012. Excited!
  • moewhitmoewhit Senior Member the appt went well. It was mostly for H&P and information. We've decided to go for it. I have to have a bunch of labs done and because I have irregular periods I'm going to take provera for 12 days starting on the 16th. Then I'll be taking Letrozol on days 3-7. That puts me at about September 4th. And we go from there. I don't know at what day they do the iui but I'm guessing sometime the 1st or 2nd week of September. The doctor doesn't for see me having any difficulty conceiving so he's expecting to get it on the first go. We're gonna do 2 iui that cycle just to increase the odds. So if all goes well I would have a new baby in late May or early June of 2012. Excited!

    Congrats on moving forward with the decision to be a single mom by choice aka SMBC! I've also decided to take that path. It can be an overwhelming process. So I just wanted to share a few things that I've experienced and had no previous knowledge about. I'll start by saying its all been truly humbling. I've been given a clean bill of health by two different fertility doctors (had to find another one locally when I moved) Both remarked on the "youth" of my ovaries. They seem to be from a 20 something year old although I just turned 41 ;) I was started on Clomid because the doc wanted to be aggressive given my age, although I have very regular cycles.

    It all seems very logical, time the IUI during ovulation right? Put the sperm right where the egg will be released right? Then boom you make a baby.....Well what I've learned is that IUI is only about 20% successful each cycle which is basically the same as if you had sex during your "fertile" period. There are so many factors that cannot be controlled even in the perfect scenario. My doc said that sometimes the planets just have to be aligned. The 20% success rate accounts for the fact that there are sometimes bad sperm, bad eggs, or poor environment/implantation. Some doctors will put you on Progesterone after the IUI to help with the implantation but that's no guarantee.

    Just be prepared to move forward if the first IUI doesn't work. Don't let it discourage you from trying again because it generally takes 4-6 tries, but there are lucky ones that get it right on!!

    Since November I've had 3 cycles on clomid and 1 cycle on injectables. Still waiting for my BFP. The sperm counts have always been great and I'm very healthy! So it's sheer luck! :mrgreen: I'm going to try my 5th IUI sometime in the Fall.

    Be encouraged and stay positive! Wishing you lots of baby dust!!

  • jl2011jl2011 Member Member
    I couldn't agree more with Moe. I too was given a clean bill of health...I'm 31. My doctor put me on chlomid for the first IUI to increase the number of follies. He said the more targets the better your odds. I've averaged 2-3 follies every time. 23-28 mm in size so that has been good. Last IUI (4th try) sperm count was 43.5 million motile sperm (which is amazing especially for frozen sperm). But, all 4 times were disappointments. I so thought I'd be one of the "lucky ones" and get pregnant on the first or second try. Unfortunately I too have been very humbled.
    My doctor is now going to do a laparoscopy on the 25th to check for endometriosis and he will also do an HSG just in case my tubes have become blocked. I had an HSG about 4 years ago for another reason but there were no blockages but that doesn't mean I haven't developed one since then. The good news is everything I have read says women become extremely fertile after the surgery. So, I'll be trying again after my surgery later this month.
    Good luck ladies!
  • AmirasmommyAmirasmommy Senior Member Senior Member
    I think he's being optimistic with me because I've had two natural pregnancies and 1 full term baby so he doesn't expect any fertility issues at all...just a lack of sperm. But I'm not quite as optimistic which is why I'm all for using the femera. I know that this may take several attempts but I'm trying to keep my hopes up. I'm, like many others, fully financing this process on my own and as an already single mom, it's extremely pricey, and I'll have to save for 3-4months between iui if it takes more than one try. So im really hoping for the best. Just crossing my fingers! Baby dust to everyone!
  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    We will all be sending babydust your way in the hopes that you are one of the lucky ones that get it the first shot. We will all be here for you to clebrtae or to help encourage which ever you need. What I have found is that all of these ladies are very helpful in being optimistic but very realistic during this whole process!

    Good Luck!

    And to all you ladies..... Thanks for being here!!!!!

  • AmirasmommyAmirasmommy Senior Member Senior Member
    Thanks Robin! This next several weeks are going to be long...I'm trying to keep busy. I've started on a healthy diet full of fruits veggies whole grains and protiens. Hope this helps me out ...
  • smilingeyessmilingeyes Junior Member Junior Member
    Hi! I'm a single mom, exactly 6 months ago today I gave birth to my beautiful daughter using donor sperm! I went through 7 IUI's (4 rounds with clomid) and 4 IVF's and finally got pregnant at age 39! My mom and I kept praying and repeating the verse from the Bible (Matthew 19:26)... "with God all things are possible". I put that saying on her birth announcement. My daughters middle name is Faith, because you need alot of it and develop so much of it on this journey.

    It may take multiple tries... keep the faith!

    Wishing you peace and your hearts desire. It's an amazing journey! Cher
  • toolmakertoolmaker Junior Member
    Hi! I'm also planning on becoming a SMBC. I feel like I've been planning this my entire life and I had my first appt this past week with my surgeon/fertility doctor and a counsellor (who happened to have a cancellation right after my doctor's appt. I'm taking that as a good sign!) I've got quite a bit more blood work to do and an x-ray of my ovaries and uterus. My doctor who performed laparoscopic surgery on my lower abdomen, in 2009, said it all looked clear but we just want to make sure everything is still okay (I was unable to stop taking progesterone for endometriosis pain after the surgery). I am still quite young so I'm hoping that helps when it comes time to conceive. I was wondering if any of you would share what you have gone through in your process so far. I'm also unsure of how many vials I want to purchase. Any suggestions? I was thinking at least 6 but I really don't know what the normal amount is. Thanks
  • maria2maria2 Senior Member Senior Member
    @Cher - awesome us ladies all hope!

    @toolmaker, it really depends...I only bought two vials per donor...because after two IUIs with the same donor, I moved on. But I think other ladies have probably purchased multiple vials at a time. I just didn't want to be stuck with one donor in case his numbers were low or just didn't feel like it was successful due to the donor.

    You can also call the customer service # and ask for a pregnancy range of your donor...they'll give you a range, like 1-5 (meaning he has positive pregnancies for 1-5 women). I'd call to find out his pregnancy range before buying it. But that was important for me to find out when he first started with fairfax and how many pregnancies were reported. If it's not important to you, then obviously you don't need it....esp since some women use donors who have no reported pregnancies.

    Good luck!
  • dreamsabc123dreamsabc123 Senior Member Senior Member
    What is a good range? That is important to me too :)
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