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someone wake me up from this nightmare!

howdyhowdy Member Member
soooooo my 3rd IUI didn't work. AF showed up today. :cry:

I don't know why this keeps happening. I know Im not the only girl in the world to get negative after negative, but this is just ridiculous! I am at a loss for words. I want to cry. I am angry. i seriously thought this cycle was THE one.

I don't know what our next step should be?

Should i: :?

- move to injectables instead of 100mg clomid (even though I produced 2 mature follies w clomid)?
- move to IVF knowing that it's going to cost me and arm and a leg... ugh! not sure if insurance will cover it.

I just wish there was a way for me to KNOW what I need to do next time to improve my chances. Do I follow a special diet? Do i so a special ritual? Do i need to wear "pink or blue" to my IUI? (i know this one is silly.. but it's just that i am THAT confused as to why i keep getting negatives.)

please help.. injectables? continue clomid? ivf?

my bday is this Sat.. not looking forward to it. :cry:


  • sine4mesine4me Senior Member Senior Member
    I'm so sorry Howdy! Have you done or thought of acupuncture? I just started it (i'll be trying my first IUI soon) and i'm already seeing a difference. I've heard of others doing acupuncture so i figured it could only help. I have only had 2 sessions and already my body is responding. Here is the details of why i believe this: at my consultation with the acupuncturist i explained why i was there and my routine and history etc. According to her 1 of the 3 things that were "off" with me was blood stasis. My cycles are 26 days apart and according to her, they should be 28. My periods also only last 3 days and are pretty light, according to her they should be 5 days and a little heavier. SO, 2 sessions later, i'm already now at 5 days! (not happy at the extra 2 days, but...) We'll see soon enough if the days between cycles increased as well.

    Just a thought since acupuncture is supposed to help with blood flow, balance and getting those sticky beans to stick!

    Try to stay positive, though i'm sure that's easier said than done and good luck with your next IUI!!
  • manda210manda210 Member Member
    I am sooo sorry but i know exactly how you feel...i had 3 unsuccessful IUIs as was 50mg clomid and 2 were 100mg...with the last 2 I had 7-8 follicles and 4 that were the a very good size and still BFNs....its so upseting...we are going to go to a different doc for a second opinion...i think my first doc just does the same thing for everyone and I want a treatment based for what i need so our first appt with the new doc is the 13th...i hope he can give us some hope because i cant afford much insurance paid for some of my first 3 but thats all they will cover...i had a 3 lifetime iui max =(
  • hopefulcharhopefulchar Senior Member Senior Member
    you know i have been thinking about you all day..and i am so sorry to hear this SUCKY news. i dont get why we all got dealt this dumb hand of cards but we are not out of the game and neither are you and your husband.

    After every negative i always go into panic mode and fear it will never happen for me..and wonder what can/could i do to make the outcome better. What we all need to remember is 80% of people that use donor sperm get pregnant..just happens for some slower than others. My advice to you is spend tomorrow doing something that makes you happy..take a mental health day (haha my way of saying take the day off) and get yourself feeling positive and happy. Enjoy a glass of wine with your husband and make a list of all the things you two have to be happy for. Focus on that..what you have not what you dont have! Be positive because it will take you a long excited to one day hold your beautiful baby.

    Im here if you need to vent..

  • bluesky10bluesky10 Senior Member Senior Member
    It sounds to me that the clomid isnt the drug for you. At that dosage you should be getting more then 2. At 50 mg I had 4-5 when I had my IUI.

    I would try the injections first.
  • JanetJanet Member Member
    We had 2 failed IUI's so far and will start a 3rd cycle at the end of the month. Not that big of a deal other then being really inconvenient and EXPENSIVE. lol Really though, if you were trying the natural way, would you think 3 months is a long time for someone to try without it working? It's not so long. Now if I had to try 6 or more times, that would be frustrating. You need to keep a positive attitude, and when the stars are aligned, and the timing is right, it'll happen. :D We're doing injectables... we figure we'll try IUI up to 6 times... after that our insurance will pay for IVF, so if it doesn't work we'll move on to that. Try not to put so much pressure on yourself. I would suggest trying to lower your stress, eat healthy, do some exercise, and just let it happen when the time is right. :D
  • hopefulcharhopefulchar Senior Member Senior Member
    bluesky10 wrote:
    It sounds to me that the clomid isnt the drug for you. At that dosage you should be getting more then 2. At 50 mg I had 4-5 when I had my IUI.

    I would try the injections first.

    I think it is very dangerous for somebody who is not a fertility doctor to make a statement like you did to howdy. Every doctor has a different way of going about this process and you should allow them to do there job without putting doubt into their patients head! I think all she needed was support from a group of women going through the same thing. If you would have wrote this to me it would have set me into panic of why i had 2 follies and you had four and that is just not fair. There is nothing wrong with 2 follies at her dosage as per my doctor..Just because you had four or five doesnt mean that EVERY woman should have that many or it will not work for them!!!!
  • howdyhowdy Member Member
    Thank you sooooo much ladies.. It does help alot to get words of encouragement. Right now, Im at a calm state of mind. I think we're going to do another IUI before mocing on to IVF. I have to call my insurance to see what is left in my fertility coverage. it's alot on my mind! But I am going to take tomorrow off from work and go have some "me time". My 30th bday is Saturday so I plan on celebrating it wth my friends and family.

    @hopefulchar & bluesky- eeeekk i hope there won't be any back and forth words going on. I totally respect yalls opinions and I want to be as open with everyone. We are all adults here and infertility is such a horrible thing to go thru. I'm sure that sometimes we type things that make it come off a wrong way but really don't mean it to be rude.

    with that being said... i will wait and hear back from my Dr as to what he recommends with the clomid. I actually reacted very well with the 100mg clomid. I was able to get 4 follies.. but I guess only 2 matured. It's kind of rough because everyone is different. So who's to say what exactly will or will not work. I think with IF, it's anyone's game. I've been to other forums and they've gotten positives with thier first IUI (lucky!) and for some it's taken them multiple times. I even read a lady that did it 9 TIMES! yes.. 9!!!

    I'm hanging in there. It is rough to start over and my head is spinning but i am glad i have forums to turn to if i ever have any doubts. i picture my baby and i know that baby is is my near future. Every day i get closer and closer... i know it.

    thank u again to everyone! any more suggestions.. please let me know! i am open to ANYTHING!! :)
  • hopefulcharhopefulchar Senior Member Senior Member
    No bad vibes from my end. I just think that we all need to be careful of making bold statements.

    Infertility is an emotional rollercoaster for me and the smallest things can make me snap. That being said I apologize if I offended anybody earlier.
  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    I am so sorry! I also got a bfn last week for my 3rd iui. I too thought that it had worked! It will happen for you!

    My suggestion for you: next step stay positive and ask to have a consultation with your doctor and explain your concerns. Ask if there is anything else you could be doing. Ask if the doctor feels that the number of follicles is ok and if he thinks that all of your hormone levels are ok. I think it is ok to talk to your doctor and explain your concerns so they can help alleviate some of them! I get to talk to my doc at each visit because he is the one that does the ultrasounds but if I need to spend a longer period of time with him I ask for a consultation. I have been able to talk to him about meds and doing a back to back iui during my ultrasounds but talking about my levels was more intense and talking about options required a consultation.

    You sound more positive today! Keep that up. Give yourself the right to grieve and have a happy birthday! Maybe you will get a belated birthday gift next month!

  • latebloomerlatebloomer Senior Member Senior Member
    Hi Howdy,

    Yes it definitely feels like a nightmare but we are all here to help each other so feel free to reach out whenver you are frustrated. I think the thing for me was that I never thought that IUI wouldn't work for me since I got a green light after my CD3 & CD 21 abd HSG tests so in my head I was like ok I can do this but I never prepared for it not to happen on the first try. I did the first 2 tries naturally and both were BFN so I took the next month off and went back to the doc for a consultation and had her look at every test to make sure none of my results were borderline and would be a cause for concern or maybe a repeat and everything was fine so then I asked her about the donor I was using and she asked if he had confirmed pregnancies and he did so we stuck with the same donor and moved to injectibles and I got my BFP. Sadly though it ended in MC at 8 weeks so after getting back to normal I am back at it again and the first cycle was a bust. I was kind of frustrated but also know I have to be realistic. I had to completely start over b/c the donor I was using is no longer available but I sucked it up and moved on but since this last try was a BFN on injectibles again I talked to the nurse and we compared the new donor's numbers to the old donor's numbers when I got the BFP and they are almost exact so I'll stay using that donor. I also introduced acupunture for that 3rd IUI. I went 1 x per week for 3 weeks prior to the IUI and then I did it 3 days after. I didn't get to do that this last time b/c my lady was on medical leave but she's back so we're trying to do the same thing for this next one. One thing to note, my doctor would not put me on clomid because she said since I ovulate on my own and my cycles were regular it could have the opposite effect which we didn't want which is why I went to the injectibles.

    I would definitely express your concerns to your doc and do as much research and ask as many questions as you need to ease your mind. I think what most of us get frustrated about is that the doctor is not able to tell us WHY we don't get pregnant on the first or second try and because the doctor does not tell us "well you can't get pregnant because of X" then we just expect it to happen which I don't think is unreasonable, it just not the reality for most of us. Are you taking a prenatal? I would ask the doc about that and about your vitamin D level. Way back when we all got active on this board that topic was brought up and some studies suggest that basically if your level is deficient it could cause fertility issues but it's an easy fix by taking a supplement so it's worth a shot to have that tested and/or see what your doctor thinks about that.

    Best of luck to you and hang in there!
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