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New PCOS diagnosis and AF MIA...need support!

AmirasmommyAmirasmommy Senior Member Senior Member
I'm 14 days post last provera and still no AF. I went to the md yesterday. He drew a bunch of blood which they won't have back till probably tuesday. He also did an u/s. He said my lining looks great which he was worried about and that I should start anytime on my own upto 7-10 days from now. But the bad news. He said my ovaries are poly cystic...great!!! Well that explains the irregular periods my whole life and extra 50+ lbs and gestational diabetes when I had my DD. Oh well! He is still optimistic and thinks that we'll get it the first time. He said since I've been pregnant twice and I am forming a lining then he should have no problem stiming with Letrozol and getting an implantation...especially since im doing B2B. I told him I'm afraid I'll disappoint him. So more of the waiting game for now. Tons of crossed fingers.


  • DJ3196DJ3196 Junior Member Junior Member
    I also have PCOS but it's not that bad. My insulin is too high (the exact opposite of diabetes, he said) and that accounts for how easy it is for me to gain weight, irregular and painful periods, etc; I take Metformin for that now. My tubes were blocked with mucus plugs which explains why I never got pregnant while I was married. He was able to unblock one but not the other. I go in for surgery to remove a polyp from my cervix which blocks entry into my uterus (also a reason I never got pregnant) and he'll try unblocking the other tube then.

    It's frustrating but I have confidence in my doctor. He would not encourage me to move forward if he didn't think we could be successful. And I just keep telling myself that finding out about all these things NOW as opposed to while I was married just means I'm meant to do it now and not then.

    Hang in there. It will all work out!
  • AmirasmommyAmirasmommy Senior Member Senior Member
    Thanks! I'm just frustrated because it's all out of pocket so it's gonna cost like $2000 a cycle. I can't even get AF to come to get started. I'm worried that is not going to go as smoothly as he is anticipating. I want to trust him and relax but I don't want to be too optimistic and be disappointed. I just want to get through this first cycle....I want to test and know where I stand. I'm just in a funk and not having a good day. I've locked myself in my room. My DD is playing somewhere and I assume my mom is entertaining her (mom knowns I'm down today). I don't ever do this but I kinda just feel like I need a day...or at least a few hours, alone in silence.
  • DJ3196DJ3196 Junior Member Junior Member
    I understand. I have had days like that, too. And as selfish as it may seem to withdraw and ignore everyone, I think you need to do it. Especially since your DD is being well cared for and loved. Take some time to yourself, work through your funk and then bounce back.

    I understand not wanting to be optimistic only to be crushingly disappointed. It's a fine line we have to walk to protect our hearts. Just remember that all of us on this forum know what you're going through and we're all on her for the same reason: to receive and give as much support as we possibly can.
  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    Take the day if you need it! Don't get down on yourself for that. We all need to take care of ourselves so we can be in a good frame of mind to continue. I know what it is like to hope and pray for af and to not have it show! Relax..... she will come and you will jump for joy! Who thought we would ever be so excited to see af! The more you stress the later she will be.... that is what I have found. So take a day and try to think about other things. I know it is difficult believe me! The worst part for me is the drive to and from work. All I think about is the follicles, the lack of follicles, af, the lack of af and so on. So I have started to pray on my way to and from work. I pray for patience for myself and I pray for all of you here on the forum! It has helped my to focus on others and try to do what I can to help and gets me off of what may or maynot be happening with my body!

    I do not have pcos but do have a low ovarian reserve..... just diagnosed. I do know about having a good month and than a not so good month. For me it is a wait and see last month a great follicle but still a bfn this month 3 not so good follicles so the cycle was cancelled. If I had to pay for it out of pocket, I think it would be that more disappointing. That being said keep your head up! It will happen for you! You will feel that excitment whe af arrives.

    Me I prepare for the worst and hope for the best! I have plan A B and C, hoping I only have to use plan A! It is just what works for me. I think it is good to be optimistic but also realistic! It can happen the first time, there are some women who post about it! For most of us it has taken more than once. So hope that it works but have a plan for if it doesn't!

    Ask lots of questions and seek advice from us and from your doc. Be patient for the blood results, I KNOW how hard that can be! Write down your questions and take them with you to the next appointment and then write down the answers! I do this b/c it can be very emotional sitting there hearing the news and you may forget things or get confused. We don't all think the best when we are emotionally charged!

    Most of all take a deep breath and relax! This journey is definately exciting and a roller coaster ride full of lots of butterflies in your stomach and nervousness for the upcoming hills! You WILL get to the top!

    Lots of baby dust to you! And here's hoping af comes this week!

  • AmirasmommyAmirasmommy Senior Member Senior Member
    Thanks for the support. My DD is with my mom downstairs whatching a movie so they are having fun. I think maybe I should take a shower and do some cleaning. I need to get over it. Maybe I'll feel better if I do something. Or maybe I should just lay here and veg some more. Cant decide. But I really appreciate the support! It's just what I needed. Good luck to you ladies.
  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    I have been thinking about you lately and praying for you nightly. just wondering if tehre was any news? Has af arrived oor are you still patiently waiting?

    Sending you lots of positive thoughts and AF dust!!!

  • AmirasmommyAmirasmommy Senior Member Senior Member
    Thanks Robin! That's so sweet of you. Still no AF. I got two big progesterone shots in my rear on Monday. So I'm expecting her to show anytime over the next few days. If still nothing by Friday, I'm going to call my RE again. Sounds like it is possible that we may go ahead and start the process without AF showing if she doesn't come this time...but I'm not sure yet how long he'll want to wait. He brought it up on Monday but we decided to try the injection first. Thanks again!
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