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First- a diagnosis, then- a decision.

GeminiJaiGeminiJai Senior Member Senior Member
I'm 32 years old and single. Well, I have a boyfriend but we've only been dating 4 months and things have been rocky for the past 4-5 weeks. I was diagnosed with PCOS 3 years ago but began taking birth control, which helped me rid myself of the cysts and my ovaries became "quiet." My AF has always been a vicious woman... Causing me to have unbearable cramps and heavy cycles. Then, 2 months ago, I AF decided that she wanted to visit more often. Every two weeks, to be exact.

So I contacted my GYN and scheduled an appointment to come in. I found out through sonogram that I have 2 fibroids- one which was there in January when I had my regular PAP, but the other is new and possibly in my uterine lining (we'll be doing a sonohysterography next month to find out for sure; if yes, it will need to be surgically removed). My GYN told me that the new fibroid was causing irritation and, most likely, the reason for my bi-weekly cycles. He also told me that my birth control was likely causing it and the other to grow, so he wanted to take me off of it and run some blood work to make sure there was nothing else wrong.

Well, there was something else wrong... Irregular cycles can also be a sign of fertility issues. Specifically, as per my high FSH, it can be a sign of premature ovarian failure. There's no way to know how long my remaining eggs will last but I understood the sense of urgency when my GYN said, "I would like for you to start trying to have a child soon."

I've always wanted to have a child. I'm the only one of my girlfriends who is childless and, between my 5 brothers, I've been blessed to be an aunt to 6 nephews and 1 niece. I've been "Always the Aunt, never the Mom" since I was 18 years old.

After discussing ALL of my options (and, trust me: I went over ALL of them!), I have finally come to the decision to proceed with IUI with a donor of my choice.

And I'm absolutely terrified. And excited. But, still, mostly terrified.

My biggest fear is the financial aspect. Not simply the IUI (now that I've read pretty much every forum blog on repeated/failed IUI attempts- that cost is a HUGE concern) but I'm worried about not being a good provider for my child, with only one income. I do not make a lot of money. I make enough to pay my mortgage and utilities and have 1/4 of my monthly take-home income leftover for food, groceries, gas, etc. How can I possibly afford a child??! But I'm running out of time so it's more like, I "have" to - but "how" will I??!

I've decided to rent my basement out to a friend who has been looking to get out of his current lease, so that will help, but it's just month-to-month. The first few months he's there, his rent check will go towards IUI... After that, and for as long as he stays, I'll put it into a savings account- with which I will add my tax return and annual bonus. So that makes me feel a little bit better- but not entirely.

I'd love to hear from other single women out there who have made the choice to have a child on their own, who aren't well-to-do (no offense to those of you who are, though!)- to see if you share the same concerns/struggles and how you are (or have been) coping? I've decided to wait to try my first attempt at IUI until January, so that I can save up some money for at least 2 vials. Who knew genetic material was so expensive, btw?? LOL ... I have male friends who have offered to give it for free, since hearing about my diagnosis. But that's an entirely separate blog, in and of itself ;)

Thank you!


  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    From one gal to another with a low ovarian reserve, do it now!! Don't wait! I know that it is scary and you ask yourself how will I manage but remember others have done it before you and when the baby gets here you too will manage. Maybe it means you will breastfeed to cut down on costs...I plan to do that(and its better for the baby!). You can get a membership to a wholesale club to save on diapers and look at garage sales for clothes! You can get great things at garage sales and at rummage sales. You can do this and you can manage! I am not wealthy and will be looking at all of these options. You can also ask friends about using some of their baby stuff! Handme downs are great. Have you checked with your insurance? Will they pay for any of it? You now have a diagnosis and know there will be an issue if they will pick up the meds and the ultrasounds then the actually iui isn't bad. Wait till you see the container of those swimmers! Then you will really say.....they cost WHAT!!!

    There are a few of us here with low ovarian reserve... we will be happy to support you in what ever way we can! Next month I will be posting one ovary, one follicle one bfp!(got to think positive!)
  • AmirasmommyAmirasmommy Senior Member Senior Member
    I'm single and have a 4 year old from a previous marriage. I have two masters degrees and make about $65,0000 working as an occupational therapist. But I just graduated less than a year ago. I personally have chosen to live with my single mom. At first it was out of necessity because of school. But I've continued to stay because my daughter and I can live a much more financially comfortable life. We can take little trips. I can give her great birthday parties and Christmas' and spoil her rotten. I could afford to live on my own but it would be much tighter. I also send her to private school which is a luxury afforded only but this choice. Also, my mom loves us being here. We help with the house and her pets and she loves the company and I don't think she could stand not living with my DD. So that may be an option. In this economy many people have moved in with parents or siblings. It may be something to discuss with your family. Good luck and welcome to the group. I also recommend starting the process sooner rather than later. Every cycle counts!!!
  • GeminiJaiGeminiJai Senior Member Senior Member
    @Amirasmommy- It would be great if I could move in with my parents but I'm a homeowner (purchased my home 2.5yrs ago) and this is definitely not the kind of market/economy you want to try to sell in. Plus, my parents will be retiring next year and moving 5 hours southwest of here to my small country hometown- so even if I could sell my house or rent it out, there'd be no way that I could find work there making what I make here. I don't make close to $65k but am fortunate that I don't have any debt aside from my house and utilities (car is paid off, no credit debt). My friend/renter will be paying half of my mortgage, though, so that will help for a while... I just worry about what I will do when he finds a new job out of state (he's been trying since July with no luck) and moves out.

    @Robin- Thank you for all of your great suggestions! I have plenty of access to "hand me downs" for boys- but nothing for girls (my family and friends only make boys- haha!). I've begun to think of ways to cut back, but I guess I'm just concerned about the "what if's" - the things you can't really account for (like a car breaking down or needing expensive repairs). I know that people with lesser means and income have babies all the time and make it work. Heck, I grew up very poor and remember buying "new" clothes from the church basement and being on "free" lunch at school. And, don't get me wrong- we never went without, our house was always warm in the winter and cool in the summer, and we went to bed with full bellies.. But I always hoped that I would be able to give my children everything I didn't have.

    Finances aside, though, there was something that you both mentioned which I wanted to touch on... @Amirasmommy said "I also recommend starting the process sooner rather than later. Every cycle counts!!!" and @Robin said "From one gal to another with a low ovarian reserve, do it now!! Don't wait!"

    Do you really think that I should start ASAP, rather than wait until January? Is a few months really going to make that much of a difference????? :?:
  • AmirasmommyAmirasmommy Senior Member Senior Member
    I've learned in life that things work themselves out. So don't let $ worries stop you from your dream of having children. Waiting till January may not affect your situation at all....or it might...I'm not super familiar with your diagnosis but it sounds like...not to almost quote Monty Python...every egg is sacred. I personally wouldn't wait but it is totally your decision. I'm looking forward to watching your story. Good luck and lots of baby dust!
  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    talk with your doctor about the timing! I am 37 and for me, every month counts and I don't want to waste even one egg. For me there are some months that I develop an egg that is healthy and there are other months that the egg that develops is not healthy. So I move forward each month not knowing if I can do the iui cycle or not. Since being diagnosed with low ovarian reserve I am now thankful each month I am able to do something. The first month after the diagnosis, everything went well. I started the injectibles and developed one follicle with an estrogen of 200. unfortunatley the cycle ended with a bfn(big fat negative). this past month, started injectibles, thought three follicles were developing but alas estrogen was only 56....that meant the cycle had to be cancelled :( . so now I am waiting for af to arrive to start again. This time I am doing acupuncture, which I just had today and I will be doing a back to back iui. An idea may be to do acupucnture before starting anything. According to the eastern philosophy, there are no infertility diagnoses just some difficulties that need to be worked through. The acupuncture may help to bring your fsh level down and to increase your chances.

    if my insurance was not great I would not be able to do what I am. The injectibles themselves would be 6000 dollars a month! My insurance pays for all of the diagnostics and the meds just not for the iui.

    I do not make 65000 a year I make more like 35000. I have my master's degree but unfortunately not in a profession that makes a lot. I am currently working on an Eds so that I may be able to make more in the future. I understand worrying about what you can't plan for but here's the thing there will always be things that we can't plan for! Your baby will know that he/she was wanted so much that you were willing to sacrafice to bring them into the world. You will be able to give them what is important. Let others give them what they want. Grandparents are meant for the spoiling! Try not to worry so much. Talk to your ovaries every night and remind them how much you appreciate them and that they can and will get this job done. when you read about 4 and 5 follies being developed, do not worry when you get 2 or 3. You will get less numbers because of your diagnosis but it only takes one.

    If you have not spoken to your insurance, I would see what they cover. if they cover diagnostics make an appointment with an RE (reproductive endroconologist) and have some tests done. You may want to get an hsg test to make sure that your tunes are both open and ready to let the follies through. you would hate to start this and then a few iui's later find out that a tube is blocked. I would recommend seeing an RE as opposed to a regular og/gyn just because they will be able to do more.

    If you have any more questions, feel free to ask. I will help as much as I can!

  • AmirasmommyAmirasmommy Senior Member Senior Member
    Great post robin!! Well said!
  • GeminiJaiGeminiJai Senior Member Senior Member
    THANK YOU, ladies!! I honestly freaked out when I read your posts about timing... I'm so much of a "planner" and started to worry that maybe I was going about everything all wrong. I had wanted to wait until January so that I could save up enough for 2 vials in cash (my insurance doesn't cover fertility and I don't like to use credit) and because that would put into 2012 for my entire pregnancy and I would be able to accrue 5 weeks of leave between vacation, sick and floating holidays plus the 1 week I currently have saved up (my company doesn't offer maternity leave/short term disability; once your leave is gone- your job is safe through FMLA but you don't get paid).

    I'm also an athlete and have a few organized events (100k bike ride, 5k run, 3-week fitness challenge) on the books that I've signed up for... But I realized last night that the only one's I've actually "paid" for, at this point, are all in October.

    So, I've decided that I'll talk with my RE when I go in for my sonohysterogram on Friday. I'm adament about not trying in October but, if he feels I should start sooner than January, I trust him 100% and will follow whatever plan he feels is best.

    I'm sooo glad I found this forum! The support I've already received here is amazing and I'm so grateful! PS. @Amirasmommy- thanks for being the first to wish me "luck and lots of baby dust" - it was such a wonderful feeling to read that! :D
  • AmirasmommyAmirasmommy Senior Member Senior Member
    You're welcome! This is a scary and exciting and gut wrenching journey. So we are all here for each other...whenever you need some support or have questions we're here for you. Good luck and let us know what the doc says.
  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    How great that you get to stay with your doc the whole time! I love my RE and wish I could stay with him for the whole pregnancy but sadly I have to switch after my first trimester. I like my ob/gyn but I love my RE!

    Good luck at your test and keep us updated!

    I am very similar to you in that my cycles were like clockwork, every 30 day! Then I started bleeding every 2 weeks and I founf out I had endometriosis and a fibroid the size of a quarter! After surgery and a long recovery due to complications I am now on the road to being a single mother by choice! I will provide whatever support I can!

    Sending lots of positive thoughts and baby dust your way!
  • GeminiJaiGeminiJai Senior Member Senior Member
    Had my sonohysterogram today and, thankfully, I don't need surgery(!). What initially appeared to be a fibroid is actually tissue which will flush out on it's own. The procedure was unusually painful, though, because he couldn't get my cervix to dilate so he had to "pinch" it with what I can only imagine was some sort of prehistoric torture device :cry: ... BUT I have to come back in for blood work on day 2-3 of my next cycle and then go in for a hysterosalpingogram (HSG). Definitely NOT looking forward to that, as I've heard it's pretty painful for everyone.

    I did ask him about whether I should start trying immediately or if I can wait and he said that waiting is fine. He wants to run all of the diagnostic testing first and, since I have to wait for my next cycle, that will take me into late October/early November, anyway. So I've decided to wait, register/pay for my 15k on 12/3 and complete all of my other athletic races, and then continue on with my plan for my first IUI attempt in January.

    Nonetheless, I'll make sure to keep you all updated on the results of my HSG.
  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    That's great news.....sorry about the pain. Sounds like a true torture device. I am cringing here just reading that!

    I had an hsg and really didn't have pain associated with it. There was some cramping, just make sure you take some ibuprofen like an hour before the procedure and that helped. Here's hoping that your blood work comes back good and the hsg comes back all wide open!

    Sending lots of positive thoughts and baby dust your way for the new year! Here's hoping the new year brings a new baby!

  • Anne72Anne72 Senior Member Senior Member
    I had my HSG and it took all of 13 seconds and not one iota of pain. For every procedure, I just breathe deep and imagine holding a baby. That image can get you through anything!
  • GeminiJaiGeminiJai Senior Member Senior Member
    Thanks, Robin and Anne! I know I can get through the HSG and, even if there is pain, Anne is exactly right... It'll all be worth it in the end!
  • smilingeyessmilingeyes Junior Member Junior Member
    Hi Geminijai,

    I started contemplating being a single mom at 35... took a few more years of dating and not finding Mr. Right for me, then prepared myself physically, financially, emotionally and spiritually and took the plunge at 38.

    Well, exactly 6 months ago today I gave birth to my beautiful daughter using donor sperm! I went through 7 IUI's (4 rounds with clomid) and 4 IVF's and finally got pregnant at age 39! My daughters middle name is Faith, because you need alot of it and develop so much of it on this journey.

    Through all the trials my mom kept telling me, "it only takes one" and "with God all things are possible". The journey is tough, there were many heart-aching moments for me, but every person's journey is different and faith, family and friends helped me through.

    I'm managing just fine as a single mom. The other ladies are right, there are tons of places to get baby/kid stuff for low cost or free (kids consignment shops, churches, thrift stores, friends etc). I own a condo and support myself. You do what you have to do. Save where you can and have a mindset of "abundance" and not "lack" and everything you need will come to you, just put out your request to God/ the universe.

    Do visualizations of the good eggs, the embryo attaching to the wall, the baby growing and finally birth. Keep re-visiting these. It helps to keep a positive frame of mind. I did acupuncture during many of my trials... I think it helped. For some, it happens the first time (a friend who is 42 got pregnant with the first round of IVF), for me, it took 11 rounds total. Start when you are ready... but decide what truly is your priority... you may want to not do the athletic events. Time can be a factor for many people and hindsight is 20/20. I would have started earlier if I knew it would have taken so long, but I know that the daughter I have is truly meant to be here, so in my mind it is "God's timing", it helped me to take the pressure and guilt feelings of waiting off my shoulders.

    I've just started to look into dating again... and now there's no pressure! It's great! I could either be with a person who wants kids or not. I'm SOOOO HAPPY!!! I had no idea how fulfilling it would be to have a child.

    Wishing you peace and your hearts desire. It's an amazing journey! Cher
  • jl2011jl2011 Member Member

    I read your post and I just had to respond. :D I am 31 and single. I had a failed relationship after 5 years and an engagement. I have dated guys since but they weren't "the one". I decided this was the route for me. Although I'd love to meet "the one" my life doesn't depend on it. However, I'm not ok with never being a mommy. I have also had guy friends offer to "help me out" but I just think that would defeat the purpose of doing this on my own the right way...since I don't have a husband to have a baby with.
    As far as your concerns I had all the same concerns. I do think that at our age we are at a much better time in our lives to provide for our child in every way...emotionally, physically, and financially. You may not make the most money as the next mom...but, I'm sure you manage your money responsibly. Imagine how much more responsible you'll be with it when you have your baby to care for? If young moms can do it you can. I make about 55k-60k a year depending on commissions. I too bought my house 2.5 years ago. My car will be paid off soon so that will help me out tremendously. We will both figure it out. Don't hesitate over money. They say you always wonder if you can afford a the end you make it work.
    And the HSG doesn't really hurt bad. It is a little uncomfortable...but not bad. You'll see. Good luck!
  • GeminiJaiGeminiJai Senior Member Senior Member
    Cher- Thank you for sharing your story! I'm glad everything has worked out so well for you and the fact that you've starting dating again is VERY encouraging! (I'm actually going to post another Topic to the forum on that subject.) And I hope the visualization technique that you mentioned will come in handy for me :)

    JL- Thanks for sharing your similar experience with me! I honestly probably would have waited at least 3 more years to try, if I hadn't received this early diagnosis... But, like you, I'm okay with not having a man in my life- but I'm NOT okay with not having a child :) I don't make as much as you but now have a renter moved into my basement apartment so that's helping. I'm currently saving that money towards my IUI and will continue to set aside money every month to help build a cushion. I really DO need to keep better "track" of my money, though... I've never had to worry about where every penny is going before so there's never been a need to balance a checkbook- until NOW, that is!
  • rorysmomrorysmom Junior Member Junior Member
    my son is now 9 months old- I couldn't be happier. The only thing about cost you need to consider, really, is day care. It is the most expensive thing- more than your mortgage/rent in most cases- especially in the first 3 years or so. Have you decided what you will do for that? if you already have free daycare through a grandparent, lets say, then you are golden. What the other ladies said is correct- while diapers are expensive- there are plenty of places to get inexpensive clothes and needs- goodwill, consignment/resale shops (my fav), walmart, etc. Diapers are expensive, for sure- but you just need to include that in your budget. Day care is really something you will need to look out for, especially if you are planning on working full time to support the baby. As far as the cost of the procedure- you could be lucky like me- it worked the first time. I know - don't hate me!!! I still have 3 vials left if I want to try for a sibling. The little swimmers were the most expensive part (also the blood work up was pretty expensive as well- however if your Gyn says its ok to do after you are preggo- then insurance will cover it).
  • GeminiJaiGeminiJai Senior Member Senior Member
    RorysMom- Thanks for the input! I just had my HSG today and everything looked perfect, so I'll be having my first IUI with my January cycle. I've heard that a lot of women get pregnant in the cycle(s) following their HSG so I'm definitely crossing my fingers for beginner's luck! I've heard that daycare is the most expensive thing and that's the primary reason I had a renter move in with me. A friend suggested that I look into an FSA account for daycare, which takes the funds out of your paycheck pre-tax, so I'm going to check that out, too. My Mom would love to watch the baby during while I'm at work but my parents are going to be retiring in 2012 and moving 3.5hrs away to the country where jobs are scarce (and the salary median is much lower), so it wouldn't be possible for me to follow them... But I keep telling myself, "where there's a will- there's a way" and I'll find a way to make it all work. Being able to save at least $6-8k during the next 10mos will be a start.
  • GeminiJaiGeminiJai Senior Member Senior Member
    Afternoon, ladies!! I just wanted to stop in to say that I had an ultrasound and blood work this morning... My doctor said everything looks great and even saw 1 really good follicle maturing on it's own in my right ovary :D

    I'm starting on 50mg Clomid tomorrow for 5 days, then come back for more blood work and my sonogram on 1/15, will hopefully trigger that night, and the tentative date for my FIRST IUI is 1/17! I joined Club Fairfax today, ordered 2 vials from my donor (got free shipping via local courier plus $25 off - thanks, Anne!)! Sooo super-excited!!
  • dreamsabc123dreamsabc123 Senior Member Senior Member
    First off, CONGRATS!!! I'm so excited for you!! What is your doctors office starting for free?
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