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AF finally showed!!!

AmirasmommyAmirasmommy Senior Member Senior Member
I'm an extremely happy to announce that AF has finally arrived...just a few short hours ago. She's starting off slow but that's ok. I'm officially on CD1....wooooo hooooo!!! It only took 56 days. A full round of provera and a round of progesterone shots but my body is deciding to work!


  • AmirasmommyAmirasmommy Senior Member Senior Member
  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    Congrats! I'm so excited for you! So this will be your first cycle and your first tww! Here's hoping it only takes one!

    Sending you lots of baby dust!
  • AmirasmommyAmirasmommy Senior Member Senior Member
    Thanks Robin! I'm super happy. First cycle, first IUI, praying I have beginners luck but this wait for AF has made me humble so I'm hopeful but not entitled.
  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    This is absolutely a humbling experience! Let us know when you go in for the iui!

    Sending lots of positive thoughts and baby dust!

  • moewhitmoewhit Senior Member
    I'm an extremely happy to announce that AF has finally arrived...just a few short hours ago. She's starting off slow but that's ok. I'm officially on CD1....wooooo hooooo!!! It only took 56 days. A full round of provera and a round of progesterone shots but my body is deciding to work!
    Congrats on the arrival of AF. OMG 56 days?!?! I go bananas if AF shows up on day 34 instead of 30. I can't imagine waiting 56 days...God Bless! I hope that you have beginners luck! I'm also planning on being a single mom by choice. We need to keep eachother on track and encouraged.

    Please update us on your progress! Good luck!
  • GeminiJaiGeminiJai Senior Member Senior Member
    @Amirasmommy- that is WONDERFUL news and I'm so excited for you! I'll admit, as a newbie, I'm not quite sure what it means to wait for AF for "56 days" or "34 days" (maybe someone can explain it??) but that doesn't matter... All that matters is you're on your way! I'm sending lots of luck and baby dust your way! I'll keep everything crossed for you and you'll be in my thoughts :)
  • AmirasmommyAmirasmommy Senior Member Senior Member
    Thanks everyone! I've never been so excited for AF to show. After a 12 day round of provera and progesterone injections I was getting worried she was never coming.

    Gemini...AF is Aunt flow (your period). In other words I had a 56 days cycle...super long...norm is about 28 days but even long ones are only like 30-35 days. So I was freaking! I needed AF to come so I could start this IUI cycle.

    So I'm officially on my way! Thanks for all of the support ladies! Baby dust and sticky vibes to everyone!

    Also, is anyone using donor 4120? That's my least for this cycle. Hoping he has some good swimmers!
  • GeminiJaiGeminiJai Senior Member Senior Member
    Thanks for the clarification! I guess, fortunately, I've never really had trouble getting AF to come... Typically comes like clockwork every month (every 28-30 days), that is- until July, when I started getting it every 2 weeks.

    So glad to AF finally came for you, though, and that you're ready for your IUI!! Keep us updated :)
  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    So now the exciting part begins! Isn't it crazy how you respect your period now so much more than before and almost through a party when she arrives!

    I am using number 2754. His numbers were really good last time hope they continue this time!

    Good luck! Sending lots of baby dust!
  • AmirasmommyAmirasmommy Senior Member Senior Member
    Thanks ladies. Started my 5mg od Letrozole today. Yippy...we're on our way finally!!!
  • GeminiJaiGeminiJai Senior Member Senior Member
    May I ask what is the difference between Letrozole and Clomid? Does it simply come down to your RE's preference?
  • AmirasmommyAmirasmommy Senior Member Senior Member
    I'm not completely sure how to answer this. Letrozole is FDA approved to treat breast cancer. But studies show that is has similar success rates as clomid with ovulation with a lower chance of multiples. (7% compared to clomid's 10% ). It also has a shorter half life than clomid ( 48 hours I think as compared to clomid's 30 days .... I think those numbers are right.). The good thing about a shorter half life is that both meds can cause some serious birth defects if taken while pregnant. So Letrozole is sure to be out of your system befor the IUI and pregnancy where clomid may still be hanging around. Also,I've heard people say that they experience fewer side effects with Letrozole. So my RE recommended it and after researching it I agreed. Another plus I've discovered is that because it's technically for breast cancer my insurance covers it for a copay where clomid would be 100% out of pocket....definitely a plus! It seems to be pretty common practice with RE I've noticed. It is also called Femara. Good luck!
  • dreamsabc123dreamsabc123 Senior Member Senior Member
    What does AF stand for?
  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    AF stands for aunt flow, meaning your period has started. I know there are a lot of acroynoyms to get to know. BFP (big fat positive, bfn, big fat negative). Any others? we just get really used to using the acroynyms and we forget that not everyone knows what they mean.

  • dreamsabc123dreamsabc123 Senior Member Senior Member
    awesome that helped a lot! Thanks!
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