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Starting Again

Anne72Anne72 Senior Member Senior Member
Well, I got pregnant on my 4th IUI (no drugs) and, sadly, lost the baby at week 7. I had to wait a cycle and AF finally showed up on Friday. So now I'm day 3 and both excited and scared to be trying again. Since I got pregnant without drugs (I'm almost 40), we are going to try again without drugs (since they significantly increase the chance of multiples). Will try up to four rounds drug free before moving onto injectibles.

Please wish me luck to both get pregnant again and, more importantly, KEEP THE BABY. My doctor says that at my age there is a 20-25% chance of miscarriage each time. God, that statistic is just devastating.


  • moewhitmoewhit Senior Member
    Anne, I'm so sorry for your loss but happy that you are trying again and have your head back in the game. I wish you success with this cycle and for a healthy pregnancy. I'm 41 and have tried 4 cycles on meds without success, 3 on Clomid and 1 on Menopur (injectable) also had 2 cycles cancelled for over stimulation. I do ovulate regularly and have all the bloodwork well within range. But my doc wanted to be aggressive given my age.

    My doctor explained that the chance of multiples at "advanced maternal age" is about the same as the miscarriage rate about 20%. I've had as much as 4-5 mature follies and proceeded to IUI with the disclaimer that I was aware that it could result in twins. It hasn't happenend and the risk decreases dramatically with age. Now if we were in our mid-20's that would be a much greater risk due to the improved viability of the eggs.

    It sounds like you and your doc have a plan mapped out and that's important. This has all been a humbling experience. Who knew it wouldn't work the first time?! Hope that your next cycle is a success! Please keep us posted. Here's to a sticky pumpkin seed.

  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    Glad you are back in the game! Looks like we may be in the tww together! Well I guess that depends on if my ovary produces the follie this month!

    Don't think about the precentages too much, instead think the positive thoughts of holding that baby in your arms! Remember stress is no good for you or the baby!

    Here's too those sticky pumpin seeds!

  • GeminiJaiGeminiJai Senior Member Senior Member
    My doctor said that he's going to start me on Clomid, after I have the HSG with my next cycle (late Oct/early Nov)... I'm 32 and twins already run in my family, so the chance of multiples is already on the high-end for me. I'll admit that it scares me a bit but I know I would find a way to make it work, if it happened that way.

    I'm sorry for you loss, Anne, but I'm excited that you're ready to try again! Sending sticky baby dust your way :)
  • maria2maria2 Senior Member Senior Member
    Good luck Anne!!!!!
  • Anne72Anne72 Senior Member Senior Member
    Thank you everyone and wishing you all very sticky baby dust!

    I switched donors (now using 2928) since my old one was CMV+ and I am CMV-. My new one is also negative. Hope that might make a difference.

    I'm focusing on the fact that I know that I CAN get pregnant and I WILL again.
  • hopefulcharhopefulchar Senior Member Senior Member
    Anne. I am also DMV negative and my doctor strongly recommended a DMV negative donor. It's funny that there are so many more positive donors than negative .this is the first time I have wished I was positive.

    Actually I take that back maybe it's the second time lol ;)

    You are very right. This will happen and you will very soon hold your healthy baby.
  • Anne72Anne72 Senior Member Senior Member
    Well, I had my ultrasound yesterday. I have one good follie and it looks like IUI will be either Sat. or Sun. I'm doing the OPK pee stick daily. Let's hope it works this time!

    Best of luck to everyone :D
  • Anne72Anne72 Senior Member Senior Member
    Actually, just did the pee stick and surged. So am going in tomorrow! Fingers crossed
  • GeminiJaiGeminiJai Senior Member Senior Member
    I'll be crossing everything I've got for you, Anne! Good luck and I wish you an abundance of sticky baby dust :P
  • moewhitmoewhit Senior Member
    Anne72 wrote:
    Actually, just did the pee stick and surged. So am going in tomorrow! Fingers crossed
    Anne that's wonderful news! I'm happy to see that you are moving forward and tomorrow's D DAY :D Wishing you lots of baby dust and a sticky pumpkin seed!

  • maria2maria2 Senior Member Senior Member
    How was IUI today?! Lots of luck!!!
  • Anne72Anne72 Senior Member Senior Member
    Yesterday was crazy. I got up and went down to my car to head to the IUI, only to discover that my battery was dead. I woke up my neighbour to see if he could give me a jump. He couldn't find his jumper cables. So I called a cab and got to the appointment just in time.... to wait 40 minutes. But all went well, the 44 million (32% motility) are on their way. I'm just praying it sticks this time.

    I got a cab home and then called AAA. I needed a new battery since mine was completely shot. Oh well, it was 6 years old and at least batteries aren't expensive. Thank goodness for AAA.

    I did acupuncture that afternoon and slept like a rock for a solid hour. I lovingly call acupuncture my "really expensive nap". Then game night with friends.

    All in all a good day and keeping my fingers crossed and prayers flowing.

    Good luck to you all
  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    Sending you lots of sticky baby dust! Sounds like a good evening, after a stressful morning. Welcome to this months tww!

    Here's to those pumkin seeds sticking!

  • latebloomerlatebloomer Senior Member Senior Member
    Hi Anne,

    Glad to see you are back at it after the MC. I am in the same boat. First try after MC was with injectibles & I ended up overstimulated with a BFN and had to skip the next cycle so this time I went all natural no drugs and will find out the results on Monday. I feel so much better without all the drugs. I'm just super tired but I think a lot of that's a combination of all the travel I've been doing for work over the past 2 weeks and the progesterone suppositories.

    You're already prepared for motherhood, with not letting anything get in the way of having your IUI done! That's what moms do, they figure out a way when there's no way. Way to go! I truly hope it pays off for you.

    Is your doctor planning to put you on progesterone this go round since you had a MC before?

    Sending lots of positive thoughts and baby dust your way!
  • Anne72Anne72 Senior Member Senior Member
    Is your doctor planning to put you on progesterone this go round since you had a MC before?

    Sending lots of positive thoughts and baby dust your way!

    I was on progesterone from the date of the BFP until the miscarriage. I'm not on anything right now until I get that BFP. I'm actually doing very well mentally. Just praying for a BFP and then healthy pregnancy.

    Did your doc put you on the progesterone suppositories during your TWW?
  • maria2maria2 Senior Member Senior Member
    Anne, I heard people take baby aspirin to prevent MC too...i think some of the ladies here take it. Anyone? But dont know if its not needed if you have progesterone.

    But my RE has me on them in TWW but maybe bc I am doing injectables. Never took progesterone before.
  • AmirasmommyAmirasmommy Senior Member Senior Member
    Baby dust and sticky vibes coming your way...oh and lots of crossed fingers! GL!
  • latebloomerlatebloomer Senior Member Senior Member

    My doc has always put me on them 4 days after every IUI so yes I have been on them during my 2WW. When I found out BFP I stayed on them until the MC then I went off them. But when there's a BFN I stop them immediately. I just got BFN today and will be moving on to injectibles for the next cycle. The first time I used them I got the BFP, the second time was BFN & overstimulated so now that my body's had a rest I'm going to revisit them and hope I get my BFP again!

    I'm pulling for you and hope the Great Pumpkin visits you this month!
  • Anne72Anne72 Senior Member Senior Member
    My tww doesn't end until 28 Oct (this Friday) but this has been the worst of the 5 tww's I've been through. I'm an emotional wreck. I cry at the drop of a hat. I went to play the other night where people could drink and eat during the show. The smell of wine and M&Ms was nauseating. God, I really hope this means that I'm pregnant 'cos I feel like I'm hostage to an evil emotional roller-coaster.

    Is anyone else going through this hell? In my past tww, even the one where I was pregnant, I felt fine. A little anxious to get the results but nothing like this. I burst into tears at church and just cried quietly through the sermon. I'm really looking forward to acupuncture on Wednesday to just help calm me down, even if just for a few hours!
  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    I was emotional around day 5-8 just didn't understand it. Was worried that it was a sign that af was coming bc I get pms. However it subsided and here I am 15 days past trigger with a yes on the stick! The trigger makes me nauseous and that has just continued through the tww! However that was not a sign for me cuz I get nauseous each tww!

    Good luck I know this tww was LONG but worth it!

    Lots of baby dust!

  • bluesky10bluesky10 Senior Member Senior Member
    When I got my positive I had no symptoms except at about day 8 (when I actually had implanted) I started to get a really strong sense of smell. Nothing like riding home for 12 hours from Nebraska in a car that smelled like rotten cheese. Good luck, hope its a positive for you.

    And to add a comment about the baby asprin..........would NEVER do it. There are certian drugs that are not safe for babies. When preggo the only safe one is tylenol.
  • GeminiJaiGeminiJai Senior Member Senior Member
    Anne72 wrote:
    My tww doesn't end until 28 Oct (this Friday)

    Anne- I just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking of you this morning and have been sending "sticky baby dust vibes" your way all week! Looking forward to seeing your update. GL!

  • Anne72Anne72 Senior Member Senior Member
    Thank you Jaime. I don't know what I'd do without this board. You guys help me stay (somewhat) sane. 3 more days until testing! I bought the pee sticks yesterday
  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    It's exciting and nerve wracking all at the same time just to buy the tests isn't it! I shake too much when taking it to be able to pee on the stick so I pee in a cup instead. That way I knew I have gotten enough on it. Probably too much info, sorry!

    you are in my thoughts and prayers! Sending lots of sticky baby dust to you for a sticky pumpkin seed!

  • GeminiJaiGeminiJai Senior Member Senior Member
    Sitting on pins & needles, Anne, awaiting for an update...!!
    And still keeping all fingers and toes crossed for you this morning, as usual!
  • Anne72Anne72 Senior Member Senior Member
    Well, I didn't even need to pee on a stick this morning since AF arrived :(

    I'm bummed but also ready to go again. I have an appt on Nov 8 to see how the follies are progressing. I'm still going unmedicated so we shall see.

    I'm hoping everyone else gets better results.
  • GeminiJaiGeminiJai Senior Member Senior Member
    Anne72 wrote:
    I'm bummed but also ready to go again.

    Anne- I'm sorry to hear about AF's arrival (what a wicked, wicked woman!!) but it makes me happy to see that you're ready to start again. And I'm sure November is going to be a good month of progress for you... You'll see! {{hugs}}
  • moewhitmoewhit Senior Member
    Anne72 wrote:
    Well, I didn't even need to pee on a stick this morning since AF arrived :(

    I'm bummed but also ready to go again. I have an appt on Nov 8 to see how the follies are progressing. I'm still going unmedicated so we shall see.

    I'm hoping everyone else gets better results.

    Awee, Anne I'm sorry about your BFN. How many unmedicated cycles have you done? Honestly speaking you should try a low dose of meds just to give your body a boost. I'm two years older than you and know that it's a challenge the closer you get to 40. We don't have unlimited time to do unmedicated cycles without success....eventhough all the tests come back well within normal range. Have you talked about meds and close monitoring to prehaps up the success rate? We all know that there's no real science to this journey and what works for one might not work for the next woman. I really think it all comes down to sheer luck!

    I'm glad that you remain positive and plan on moving forward! That's wonderful and we have to be determined because if we stop trying that's not going to get us any closer to our dreams.

    Please keep us posted on your progress! I will hopefully be having my 5th IUI this week sometime. ;)
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