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To Note:
Private Donor Groups and Private Sibling Connection Groups are now located under the category "Groups". Search the donor number in the search box and you should find exactly what you're looking for!

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1) Press "Join" at the right of the group
2) Once prompted to confirm your request please list this information so we can verify your information:
Name (under which the vial was purchased)
Clinic Name
Donor number
Child Date of Birth

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Q's about vial purchase and storage...?

GeminiJaiGeminiJai Senior Member Senior Member
I have selected a donor but will not be performing my first IUI until either early December or early January... I've noticed that at least 2 of the donors that I'd previously saved to my "favourites" have recently gone from "Y" to either a "N" or "C" status for IUI availability, which has given me cause for concern about my donor.

I'm new to all of this and was wondering if anyone could give me some insight into vial purchase and/or storage?

- Should I purchase vials NOW and store them with Fairfax for 50-80 days, and incur the additional cost... OR
- Should I just wait and purchase them when and as needed, crossing my fingers that he will still have availability?

-- Also, on a side note: how many vials does one typically purchase at a time? Do most people only purchase 1 at a time, on an as-needed? Or do you purchase "in bulk," with the assumption that it will take several attempts? This is an important question for me to ask because the buy-back is only 50% and that is ONLY if the vials stay at Fairfax (and you pay the $40/mo storage fee).

Thank you!


  • Anne72Anne72 Senior Member Senior Member
    If you feel that you are ok selecting a different donor each time or if one goes out of stock, then buy as-needed. However, if you really want a certain donor, I would buy now. I bought 6 vials on my last order. Yes, I'm incurring some costs, but I also have peace of mind that my preferred donor will be available to me. My first donor took 4 rounds to get me pregnant. Sadly, I lost that pregnancy at 7 weeks. I've now switched donors and am trying again starting later this week (wish me luck!). I fully expect it to take several rounds again.

    Also, look into Club Fairfax. They sometimes have storage offers and other benefits. For me, the cost of joining was more than repaid in the first month since I got free shipping that month.
  • GeminiJaiGeminiJai Senior Member Senior Member
    Anne72 wrote:
    Also, look into Club Fairfax. They sometimes have storage offers and other benefits. For me, the cost of joining was more than repaid in the first month since I got free shipping that month.


    I'm very sorry to hear about your loss but I thank you for sharing your experience with me. The first time, you said it took 4 attempts... Did you buy all 4 vials at once then, as you did with the 6 you just recently purchased from this new donor? And, I read about Club Fairfax but I live near their facility so I would actually be able to pick up the vials (only $100) and save on shipping costs that way. I was wondering, though, if you're using Fairfax for storage or if your doctor's office is storing the vials for you? I called mine this afternoon and found that they do have on-site storage... The only thing that makes that tricky is buying a bunch of vials and being lucky enough to not have to use them all (Fairfax will only reimburse 50% if you use their facility for storage).

    I wish you the BEST of luck and lots of sticky baby dust for your next attempt, later this week! :D
    Thanks for your help,
  • Anne72Anne72 Senior Member Senior Member
    Thank you Jamie.

    Yes, I bought all the vials for the first 4 attempts at one time and stored them at Fairfax. I bought 6 vials (since my doctor wants two available for each attempt in case there is an issue with one). I have two left at Fairfax from that first donor and will be planning to sell them back for the 50%. I haven't really had to pay for storage yet since I have the first 3 months free and then got another few months free through another Club Fairfax offer.

    The 6 of the new donor that I just bought, 2 are at my doctor's for this weekend's attempt, and the other 4 are at Fairfax. That way, if I am lucky I can sell them back and recoup some funds.

    I know it is very expensive but I've taken the attitude that it is less stressful for me to know the vials are available and that I might get lucky and sell some back than it would be for me to have to choose a new donor each month if my preferred were no longer available. I'm all about the stress reduction these days since I just want to focus on healthy mental and physical state to help me get pregnant!

    Whatever you decide to do, I wish you the best of luck and very sticky baby dust :)
  • sibemomsibemom Member Member
    I too initially bought 4 samples at one point in the spring of this year because they were offering a special for three months free storage w/ 4 specimens. Regardless... I think everyone here has highlighted the ultimate decision:
    - it depends on how important that selection is to you

    I selected from two donors. At this point one of my donors is out (again) and the other is in a similar situation as the one you mention Y, C, C, but at present I am doing one vial at a time to avoid the costs of storage.

    One other thought/factor to me was how I'd feel about knowing that I had multiple donor's sperms 'in me' over time. I know that sounds silly, but at first it can feel like having sex with different men.
  • GeminiJaiGeminiJai Senior Member Senior Member
    sibemom wrote:
    I think everyone here has highlighted the ultimate decision: it depends on how important that selection is to you.

    Sibemom- Making sure I have access to "my" donor throughout this entire process is crucial for me! I know it sounds weird but... I just had this GUT feeling about him and his baby picture was the first that I actually purchased, and- when I saw it, it's like I just knew he was "the One." Even so, like many of us- my insurance isn't covering any of the costs associated with my IUI, and I don't have the funds to buy more than 2 vials at a time. Hopefully, all of the stars will align and I won't need more than that...
    Anne72 wrote:
    I'm all about the stress reduction these days since I just want to focus on healthy mental and physical state to help me get pregnant!

    Anne- I completely agree with you about reducing stress as much as possible throughout this process! I have since talked with Fairfax about my donor's availability, though, and that helped to lessen the initial anxiety I felt when I saw that so many other donors had gone to "N" and "C" status. I'll be thinking of you this weekend and wishing you tons of sticky baby dust!

  • happylanehappylane Junior Member Junior Member
    Hi. Something you have to consider as well is - do you want all of your children from the same donor. It was extremely important to us. We initially bought (4) IUI vials and were blessed enough to get pregnant on the first try. A year and a half wanted to try again and had the same "luck" - pregnant first try. I felt I was was good with two children and sold the vials back to fairfax. Well, guess what? I decided within a few months of selling them back that I wanted a 3rd but I had to vials and the donor was long inactive and sold out. I remained on the wait list for our donor for almost 2 1/2 years before I got a call asking if we wanted (4) vials. I purchased all of them and will be trying in December. Moral of the story.....every month that Fairfax didn't call I wished that I had the chance to spend $40 for storage. I almost didn't get the chance to try for baby #3.....and when you have the little ones that you want what is 50% buyback in the grand scheme of life? Good luck to you whatever you do. :)
  • GeminiJaiGeminiJai Senior Member Senior Member
    happylane wrote:
    Something you have to consider as well is - do you want all of your children from the same donor.

    At this point, as a hopeful single-mother-to-be, one child could very well be enough for me- especially when considering the financial commitment necessary (per child), as single parent without support... Even so, I still hold out hope that Mr. Right will walk into my life one day and we'll either be happy with one child or be fortunate enough to conceive together. Thanks for the advice and suggestion, though! And CONGRATS on your little ones :P
  • ValeriaValeria Junior Member Junior Member
    happylane: Do you have any vials for donor 2494 left?
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