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One Ovary, One Follicle and one BFP!!!

robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
So Ladies,
It is official!!!! the doc's office called at 11 am. Of course I was not able to answer it until noon. When I called they told me that my numbers look great! Yesterday the numbers were 486 :D:D !

I go back in tomorrow to make sure that they are rising appropriatly! So by tomorro they should be in the 900's right?!

I was never so happy to get that call. I will drink lots of water tonight, so they can get a vein the first try. It took 3 yesterday! I will write more later but have to dash to a meeting!

I thought I would add a little about my journey up to this point for those of you just reading this for the first time. I do this to help give all of you a little hope. I started this journey after having surgery last year for endometriosis and a fibroid in my uterus. I had a DNC and laproscopic surgery. There were complications after the surgery and as a result three weeks later my left ovary had to be removed due to an infection. I started on this path to starting my family in February of this year. All of my tests can back really well and I had my first iui in March. That attempt was unsuccessful. Fast forward to June when I started on injectables and to my surprise, nothing grew! In August I found out that I have a low ovarian reserve and that I could still try but some months I would not respond to the treatments. In August I responded with 1 follicle but got a BFN. In September, no response. That lead to October. Again I was on injectables and started acupuncture. I thought I was going to have 2 follicles, which is a lot for me but only 1 developed sufficiently. Ladies, it only takes one follicle! This month as you read from above I got that much awaited BFP! This journey has been 8 months of can I try this month or can't I. Even before I knew that I had a low ovarian reserve, I could only try every other month because on the off months I usually developed a cyst.

KEEP THE FAITH LADIES! IT WILL HAPPEN FOR ALL OF YOU!! Sending Lots of positive thoughts and baby dust to you all!



  • GeminiJaiGeminiJai Senior Member Senior Member
    robin wrote:
    It is official!!!!

    YAY! :D ... I've been checking back ALL day for this post!! And now I'm mentally running around the room with Kermit arms waving back and forth!!! Congratulations, Robin! I couldn't possibly be happier for you!
  • roby72roby72 Member Member
    Wohooo I am so happy Robin, excellent news and quite high numbers, but remember the HCG numbers will double every 2 to 3 days, so if the number is not exactly 900 it will be great too, as far as they are going up it is all good!!!
    It is an amazing journey, I remember when happened to me in June, it was incredible! Please keep us posted! :)

    I know it will happen to all of you, keep the faith up and the positivity and don't give up to your dreams...never!!!

    Love to you all,

  • hopefulcharhopefulchar Senior Member Senior Member
    Congrats robin. I am beyond excited for you. Please don't be a stranger. We all are excited to hear all of your good news. Oh and I am on day one of following the infertility cure. Not so bad so far , minus the coffee of course!!
  • Anne72Anne72 Senior Member Senior Member
    Awesome. Prayers for a healthy pregnancy!
  • AmirasmommyAmirasmommy Senior Member Senior Member need to go read my post to your last thread about possible baby Congrats!!
  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    Thanks ladies!

    Charlotte, this forum has become a part of my daily routine. i love talking with all of you and hearing your stories. I will absolutely keep you all posted! I feel like you have all been a part of this journey from the beginning and I want you to be there through it all! I will probably keep you too informed lol! I know cutting out the caffiene sucks at first but after you get rid of those headaches, it is all good! I know a lot of things were working in this journey, GOD, Saint Anthony, acupuncture, my dietary changes, the pineapple and the back to back iui and the donor! It will happen for you my friend, I feel it! Stay positive, stay focused and take care of yourself!

    Amirasmommy, Jack would be a great name if I didn't already have one picked out! I have decided that his/her nickname will be pumpkin all though my freind said that she would rather call the baby jack then pumpkin. I am sure that I will not call the baby pumpkin all the time but definately in the beginning!

    Here's too great numbers tomorrow and hoping that I get the call sooner rather than later ;)

    Sending all of you positive thoughts and lots of baby dust!

  • roby72roby72 Member Member
    Hey Robin, My baby is a S. Anthony baby! In Italy we celebrate name days when the saint died and you got the name that is your name day. baby was conceived on June 13, S. Anthony day, quite a big holiday in Italy! :) So I am grateful to him too!!!

    Robin, just curious, what donor did you use? Did he have good numbers? Mine is 4031 and always had excellent numbers.

    I wish you the most wonderful, healthy and perfect that I gain about 10 lbs in my week 22 and I can feel everything, I can tell, it looks real and magical!
    It is indeed the best miracle ever!

    Love and Blessings your way!
    Roby xxx
  • roby72roby72 Member Member
    Hey Robin, My baby is a S. Anthony baby! In Italy we celebrate name days when the saint died and you got the name that is your name day. baby was conceived on June 13, S. Anthony day, quite a big holiday in Italy! :) So I am grateful to him too!!!

    Robin, just curious, what donor did you use? Did he have good numbers? Mine is 4031 and always had excellent numbers.

    I wish you the most wonderful, healthy and perfect that I gain about 10 lbs in my week 22 and I can feel everything, I can tell, it looks real and magical!
    It is indeed the best miracle ever!

    Love and Blessings your way!
    Roby xxx
  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    The numbers came back today and they were 990! Just a little more than doubled! Yeah!! I have my first ultrasound on November 10th! I will keep you all posted!

    My child's middle name will be Anthony or Antoinette depending on the gender in honor of saint Anthony! it is great that we have something in common. I used donor 2754, he had great numbers each time I used him. Lots of sperm with usually 60 % or higher mobility! Thank you to donor 2754!

    baby dust to all!

  • manda210manda210 Member Member
    Congrats Robin!! Your story makes me hopeful....I had 3 unsuccessful IUIs and then went to a new doc and found out why...I have PCOS and growths (I think Polyps) in my uterus and possible endometriosis (the doc isnt sure if I do or not my symptoms arent too bad) I go for a DNC Dec 2 and then have to decide if its worth doing the laproscopic surgery because of the possibilities for infection...the doc has me on metformin for my PCOS and actually that seems to be helping with the symptoms he thought was from the endometriosis (spotting before and after my period) I hope to start IUIs next year and really hope my story ends like yours with a happy ending!! We have been trying to since January. This doc wants me to do IVM but its 8000 so I think we are going to do IUIs again....Thanks so much for sharing your story!!
  • moewhitmoewhit Senior Member
    Wonderful news Robin!! Congratulations on your growing pumpkin seed!!! You are proof that this works even if the odds seem stacked against you. I'm so happy that you are able to post this title. I know that you said you would and you named and claimed your blessing. Wishing you a happy and very healthy 9 months!

  • maria2maria2 Senior Member Senior Member
    Wonderful news Robin!!!! Congratulations! Doc not sure if I have one blocked fallopian tube or not, but this post makes me feel hopeful!!! Thank you! Please keep us posted on your pregnancy.
  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    Thanks for all the well wishes! It warms my heart! I have my first ultrasound on November 10th! I will definately keep you all updated! Right now I just talk to my pumpkin all the time. There are moments when I don't feel anything and then I start to have crazy thoughts. I stop take a breath and remind myself that it is very early and I will not feel something all the time. Then I wake up at 3 am to go to the bathroom and my breasts hurt and I smile and pat my stomach! Is it crazy to want to have morning sickness, even all day sickness just so I am reminded all the time that this is happening!

  • latebloomerlatebloomer Senior Member Senior Member

    So glad to hear things are progressing nicely for you and your little pumpkin! Keep talking to him/her and keep us updated. Your story certainly gives the rest of us hope and you are right, it WILL happen to the rest of us!
  • AmirasmommyAmirasmommy Senior Member Senior Member
    Is 2754 the blonde Russian guy? I really liked him. Did you listen to his interview? He's super smart! Good luck!!!
  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    So ladies,
    I had my ultrasound today! I am officially 6weeks 1 day pregnant today and my EDD is July 4th! So they don't use the iui date to figure out the EDD. That was done via the ultrasound and due to size. So my lil pumpkin is about the size of a grain of rice and I got to hear the heartbeat! What a magical moment! I go back in two weeks for another ultrasound. So I will have another pic of my baby right before thanksgiving.

    The nausea really started to hit me on Sunday and I almost puked while going up to the docs office because in the building they have a subway baking bread. Ten once I gget to the office and the bathroom they have a horrible smelling air freshner (ok it was horrible to me!) At least I made it to the bathroom! Needless to say I was tired while waiting for the doc. I love the nausea and I hate the nausea! I have to wear a bra to bed because my breasts are so sore. Sorry if I am sharing too much! Just wanted to keep you all informed. My doc said it was great that I was going to acupuncture and too continue. He also said I can take the fish oil if I want but to not think of myself as a bad mom if I can't take it. Right now its hard enough to keep the prenatal down so I'm going to stick with that.

    Have a great day and hoping to hear lots more bfp's! Sending lots of baby dust to you all!

  • Anne72Anne72 Senior Member Senior Member
    Robin, I'm so happy for you. How wonderful to hear the heartbeat! And yes, the smells are horrible but they will be so very worth it! Congrats again! :D
  • moewhitmoewhit Senior Member
    Robin, congrats on getting through your first official doctors visit being 6 weeks preggo. Thank you for sharing all of your details. I've always been very curious about how the due date is calculated since we pretty much know the day of ovulation was the day of the IUI give or take a day. Since you are still very early on did the doctor opt to do a transvaginal ultrasound vs an abdominal one? I would think more could be seen and heard via transvaginal?? Anyway, it's awesome that you heard the heartbeat :D Sounds like your hormones are kicking in gear with all the smelly smells, nausea, and big boobies. Try to enjoy what you've worked so hard to achieve.

    Please keep the updates coming. Wishing you a healthy and happy 8 months!!
  • hopefulcharhopefulchar Senior Member Senior Member
    Hey robin. I am just thrilled to hear your newest good news. I seriously can't imagine how good that felt. Are you still on cloud 9? You definitely should be. Keep your posts coming please. Your news makes me think there is a light at the end of the tunel
  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    I was absolutely on cloud nine when I heard the heartbeat and anytime I think about it or look at the picture. Not so much on cloud nine while heaving ;) I try to remind myself that this is great. I do remind myself that this will pass! I look forward to each afternoon when I feel good. I try to make sure that I am home by 8 cuz that's when the nausea hits again. Did I mention I have always hated throwing up?! ;) I'm sure no one likes it I just have a larger aversion to it. Not sure how much longer I will be able to keep this a secret from coworkers and other family as the nausea is a dead give away. One of the nurses I work with was talking about raw onions.....its making me nauseous just writing it! I asked her to please stop. She looked at me and said what are you pregnant? Of course I didn't answer just smiled and walked away. Another counselor I work with was right there.....she followed me to my office and said well are you? You didn't answer her question! I smiled and she said you just don't want to say anything cuz you are afraid you will jinx it! She said that explains how you have been acting and how you have been eating. Which is very little and all bland!

    So I'm not sure that I will be able to keep it a secret much longer! My lil pumkin does not like LOTS of smells!

    I will definately keep you all posted! Thanks for the well wishes!

  • roby72roby72 Member Member
    Dear Robin,

    the nausea hit me terribly bad form week 6 to 12, it was impossible to go to work and get through the day...I was very miserable. I started to lose weight, so at week 7 the FE doctor put me on Zofran, which is a pretty save antinausea pill used for people that have chemotherapy (it melts in your mouth and it is very small) that is miraculous...15 mins later and you are back to be a normal person. You can take up to 4 a day, but I have never took more than 2 max 3 in the worst of the day. By week 12 I was off, and I could manage it better because it went away in another week. Now I am 24 weeks and never felt better in my entire life, with the little one kicking, about 12 lbs more, and incredibly happy!!! Hand in there, the first 3 months are tough, but you will see, it is all incredibly worth it!!!

    All the best and please keep everyone posted!

  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    I wanted to post an update. I am now 10 1/2 weeks pregnant and the baby is beautiful! it now looks like a baby, where the arms and legs are developing. The heartbeat is strong at 162 beats. I have one more appointment at my RE's in two weeks and then I will be transferred to my OB/GYN. The past trimester has flown by! I can say that now that I am feeling a little better. There were moments and days when I thought , this sickness is never going to end. I had to remind myself that I wanted this and that I had been hoping for this. I have to admit there were moments when I told myself, I didn't know I would feel this way! I think this is normal though, Then the days I felt better I would think, oh my goodness is everything ok? So now I take the sickness, remind myself it will end and i enjoy the moments that I feel good and tell myself everything is just fine!

    Remeber that this will happen for all of you, if it happened for me. Keep the faith and the positive energy and thoughts flowing. I continue to think about all of you and pray for you all nightly. I check the site frequently but cant spend much time on the computer b/c of course I get nauseous. I will continue to post updates here to help keep positive thoughts flowing and to remind you all that it can happen!

    LOTS of baby dust to you all!

  • maria2maria2 Senior Member Senior Member
    That's wonderful Robin!!!! Definitely gives me hope....Thanks!
  • hopefulcharhopefulchar Senior Member Senior Member

    I am just through the moon over your update...what a miracle. You are so close to hitting the 12 weeks goal and getting to move on to your obgyn. I can't not wait for that day!

    Keep the updates coming..your story is my inspiration and i LOVE hearing all about it. It really gives me hope that positivity, persistence and a little dreaming can make anything you want come true!

    God Bless you and your little pumpkin.
  • hnsunshinehnsunshine Junior Member Junior Member
    Hi Ladies:

    This may sound like a stupid question, but I'm still learning the terms. What do the numbers mean in the emails below? Is it the Estrogen level? I was told my estrogen level was 472 on 1/10 and went down to 335 on 1/11 and have no real idea what that means. Please help.

  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    The numbers I was talking about in the beginning of the post are my hcg hormones. That is the hormone detected on the hpt. When pregnant it should double evry two days. Hcg numbers vary with each person and each pregnancy.

    Estrogen levels vary depending on the number of follicles you produce each month and start to go down the closer you get to af arriving. Its hard to go by others numbers bc they are unique to each person. You said the doc took two tests when were they? On which cycle day? That will probably give you more info then anything.

    Hope this helps!
  • hnsunshinehnsunshine Junior Member Junior Member
    Hi Robin:

    Thanks for clearing that up for me. The herbal teas are chinese herbs and taste like crap. I think I will stop taking them just to be safe. My blood tests were on cycle days 9 and 10 and ovulation occurred b/w cycle day 10 and 11. I had my IUI on cycle day 11. I'm not sure if that's good or bad, but am trying to learn more because I've had disappointing doctors in this journey and need to learn more about what they're doing.

    Hope you are feeling well today.

  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    Those numbers for estrogen seem good to me. Are you on meds? For me with one ovary and not always producing a follie my estrogen would be around 200 before the iui. So higher than that tells me you at least had one good follie possible more. But I am only comparing your numbers to mine, I don't have a better reference.

    Hope you all the best!

  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    So ladies,
    I wanted to post an update! I am now 21 weeks and 2 days pregnant and I had my anatomy scan done today. I am having a BOY! I kinda thought from the beginning that it was a boy and all the tests like the chinese astrology, the baking soda test and various others, said that it was going to be a boy. He was very proud to show off his stuff and after letting us see then used it as a toy! Boy that stuff starts early doesn't it?! My mom, sister and oldest niece were at the appointment. The due dats is still the same July 4th! A firecracker baby. He is nicely nestled on my right side and does not appear to want to move. He was stubborn during the ultrasound and did not want to show both his hands, one was occupied! ;) We did finally get a good profile shot and he has my youngest niece's nose (and a cute nose it is!). Every thing is developing properly and he looks great. the ultraound itself was over a half an hour. The tech did a great job pointing everything out and explaining everything to us all! The doctor said that I looked like I was floating on cloud nine after the ultraound and I was. I can't wait to greet my little boy in July! How amazing it is to say my little boy! Now I get to pick stuff for him and narrow down a name. The first name will be some variation of Luke not sure which yet. Luke, Lucas or Luka (Luka is the Russian form of Luke and since the donor was russian it seems a little fitting but we will see!)

    Ladies keep your spirits high.... if this can happen for me this can happen for you! It seems like such a long journey to finally get pregnant but once it happens, it flys by! I'm know halfway through the pregnancy journey! The morning sickness is now just in the morning....... its the heartburn that lasts all day long now! I am so thankful and happy to be experiencing all of this!

    Sending you all baby dust!

  • Anne72Anne72 Senior Member Senior Member
    Congratulations Robin! How exciting!

    Your little boy will certainly be a true firecracker!
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