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Implantation med after IUI? anyone get them and why havent I

MarshviewcrewMarshviewcrew Junior Member Junior Member
I read on a website that "After IUI the woman will be asked to take some medications which help provide hormonal support and implantation of the embryo. These can be in the form of oral medications or suppositories (medications to be inserted in the vagina). Make sure to take these as advised." I have not been offered them?! Anyone here? and what are they?


  • moewhitmoewhit Senior Member
    The reason why most docs prescribe Progesterone suppositiories (or cream) after IUI's is to thicken the lining to encourage implantation. Clomid has been shown to thin the lining and this is to conteract the effect of it. More importantly the doctor is SUPPOSSED to monitor the follie size as well as the thickness of your lining throughout your cycle mainly when taking fertility meds. There have been some ladies on the forums that aren't monitored and just use OPK's. Some offer blood tests after IUI's or IVF to check progesterone levels sometimes if they are too low that can lead to a m/c. So as a precaution many fertility docs automatically start you on the progesterone the day after your IUI. Sadly, it combined with the trigger shot trick your body and you will get every preggo symptom in the book.

    I don't have any fertility problems, I just don't have a partner and have opted to become a single mother by choice. The important take home message is that when you want to have the best timing for your IUI's it's important to have transvaginal ultrasounds and as the follies mature measuring 18 mm or more that is when you should be instructed to take the trigger shot to stimulate ovulation which can happen anywhere from 24-48 hours after the shot. It helps to have the sperm especially since yours is frozen "waiting" for the egg since that has a longer lifespan than the egg (only about 12-24hrs) but sperm may have a 3-5 day lifespan.

    The OPK's can miss your actual ovulation because from what me nurse told me there can be many surges throughout the day. If you are trying to improve the odds go for the trigger shot. Did you ask your doc why you weren't given the option to start progesterone support during your TWW??

    Good luck!
  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    Not every one needs the progesterone. I too wondered why I was not given the meds after hearing all the women talk about it on here. Talk to your doc if you are concerned. I was never on the supposetories, I have been trying for 8 months had had 4 iui's and am currently 10 weeks pregnant vtoday! I go in for another ultrasound onwednesday! So far the baby looks great and heartbeat is strong and wonderful!

    What works for one of us, doesn't work for all of us! I have one ovary and always just got one follie, HIGH doses of injections! But it only takes one! My lining was never an issue so the meds were not needed and my hormone levels were never an issue as well.

    The med might only help make implantation more favorable but if you don't need itn it might cause problems. I did acupuncture to help with implantation and ate a piece of a pinepple core for 5 days after the iui. Is that what helped this time? For me I think so, all of that plus lots of prayers and candle lighting at church. My baby is a miracle and we all know that the timing has a little magic involved!

    Talk to your doc to ease your fears! And try not to stress too much!

    Lots of baby dust!
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