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Acupuncture Herbs

hnsunshinehnsunshine Junior Member Junior Member
Hi ladies--I've been going to an acupuncturist for about one month. I had my 3rd IUI last Thursday and am on Endometrin (progesterone). Does anyone know if the herbs the acupuncturist provides for aid in implantation are ok to take? I stopped taking the herbs when I was using injectables because I had conflicting information about the results.



  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    My acupuncturist is in contact with my doctors and it was decided that she would not recommend any herbs if the patient was on meds due to there not being enough info out there on how they interact. So I just used the injections provided by the docs. I went in for acupuncture the night after the iui to help with implantation. I also ate the core of a pineapple. I cut it in. 5 pieces and had 1 piece for 5 days after the iui. Supposedly helps with implantaion although my acupuncturist didn't. Tell me about it I asked her. She said there is no scientific proof it helps but it wouldn't hurt. I then did not go to accupuncture for 2 weeks to let nature take its course. I did however change my diet and read a book @called the infertility cure. This is where I found what to eat and what not to eat bc of my deficiences. The book was loaned to me by my acupuncturist. I am happy to say all this ended in a bfp! I am 16 weeks 2 days preggo today! I continue to go to acupuncture to help with the all day sickness I have and it helps!

    Good luck!

  • hnsunshinehnsunshine Junior Member Junior Member

    I'm so happy for you--CONGRATULATIONS!!!! :D I will be praying for you to have a smooth pregnancy and safe delivery. I started eating the core of the pineapple two days ago when I read about it on this forum. Who knows...hope it works for me too. I took the herbs last night and went to my acupuncturist but I may decide to stop the herbs. It's so confusing because my acupuncturist tells me it will help with implantation but my friend who went through IVF said don't drink the tea.

    Did you exercise or do yoga at all during the 2WW? I would like to walk just to improve my circulation and maybe do so fertility yoga positions but thought I would check around first.

    Best wishes to you and your beautiful baby!!!

  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    I read somewhere that you have to be careful with herbal tea. I drank apple cinnaon during my tww then after got my bfp stopped bc I read somewhere that it could be bad. I was drinking the cinnamon to help with circulation and therefore implantation. You absolutely should not drink chamomille! That can cause uterine contractions and abort the baby.

    I know the info is so overwhlming confusing and sometimes need to do what you think is best for you. I regardsto excercising, I've never been really big with that so no I didn't do anything but walking is fine just no high impact stuff. That's what ihave read on here.

    Good luck! Sending lots of baby dust your way!

  • hnsunshinehnsunshine Junior Member Junior Member
    Thanks Robin. I'm going to stop with the Chinese herbal tea. I don't know what's in it because they are weird herbs that I've never heard of before. Take care. Holly
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