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Third IUI

DJ3196DJ3196 Junior Member Junior Member
So I just tested negative for my third IUI and while I understand that this result is realistic and not at all unusual, I find myself extremely disappointed and dejected and self-doubting.

Maybe I still need to process but I'm suddenly doubting whether I'm setting myself up for heartache and failure. But when I think about giving up and not having a child, I lose my breath.

So maybe I've already answered my own question.....


  • sine4mesine4me Senior Member Senior Member
    I understand where you're coming from. I'm in the middle of my 2WW for the 2nd IUI. For me, I try not to get my hopes up too much knowing that it may take a number of attempts, but of course they are. I think if you weren't disappointed, then it wouldn't be the right thing to do in the first place. i try to stay as neutral as i can, but it is difficult.

    Hang in there, it will happen. Something someone said that i liked, and maybe it will help you too, was that babies choose their parents. Maybe yours just isn't quite ready yet, but when he/she is, they'll be perfect for you. Corney, but i like the thought :)
  • Anne72Anne72 Senior Member Senior Member
    I'm starting the process for my 9th IUI. Yes, it can be a heartbreaking rollercoaster of a journey. But I know that I just want to be a mom and that I will get pregnant and keep the pregnancy. I've shed more tears in the last year than in the 38 before it but it will all be worth it in the end
  • roby72roby72 Member Member
    I had to try 4 IUI with donor 4031 before being successful. His numbers were super high, and I was ovulating just fine, but for whatever reason it didn't took the first 3. The 4th time my FE wanted me to be on Clomid, and that was when I got pregnant. I am now 37 weeks 1 day pregnant with a beautiful baby girl from 4031. I am sooo ready to meet her and I can't wait the day it will actually happen...I will post pictures!

    Good luck everyone and never give up, sooner or later will happen to you too!

  • DJ3196DJ3196 Junior Member Junior Member
    Thanks, everyone...

    Roberta, I am also using 4031. And I'm 12 days into my TWW for my 4th attempt. Maybe 4 is the charm. :)

    Congratulations!! I can't wait to see pictures!!
  • DJ3196DJ3196 Junior Member Junior Member
    And 4 times was the charm. I'm six weeks pregnant with donor 4031. It didn't seem real until I had my first ultrasound on Monday and learned that everything was as it should be and I saw the heartbeat. Then I let myself believe that this is really happening.

    Still keeping it a secret from everyone except a trusted few until 12 weeks. I never knew a secret could be so hard to keep!!!
  • Anne72Anne72 Senior Member Senior Member
    DJ3196 wrote:
    And 4 times was the charm. I'm six weeks pregnant with donor 4031. It didn't seem real until I had my first ultrasound on Monday and learned that everything was as it should be and I saw the heartbeat. Then I let myself believe that this is really happening.

    Still keeping it a secret from everyone except a trusted few until 12 weeks. I never knew a secret could be so hard to keep!!!

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