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Finally Starting Injectables

It seems my IF journey has been more about talking two steps back instead of forward.

I got a devastating report. My AMH level of less than .08. REs nurse gave the donor egg speech. We decided to at least try injectables once. We can't afford IVF much less donor IVF. We can barely afford the injectables. Not to mention expensive sperm!

So finally get my period.... then at my baseline I ended up having cysts. Took BCP for four weeks and finally the cysts are gone.

Started my first injection tonight... taking 150 of Gonal F. I'm hoping for a miracle. I know the odds are not good... but I'm trying to be cautiously hopeful. If there is such a thing.

Hope everyone else is doing well!


  • ReganRegan Senior Member Senior Member
    Hi Pixelpie,

    I'm in the same boat as you, AMH of less than .08. I thought the nurse read the result wrong, I said "You mean less than .8, right?" It is devastating, and I don't have my own miracle yet, but I'm still hopeful. We are also not ready to move on to donor eggs, but doing a slightly different protocol. After three unsuccessful IVF attempts (and I had the cysts the first round, too, I don't think that's uncommon), we have just finished a few months off and taking DHEA. I've read a lot about wheat grass and something else I can't think of now, but my doctor just really felt strongly about the DHEA (some love it, some could leave it). I'll be taking 600 of Follistim and 150 of Menopur after my next cycle, if my blood work is ok and no cysts.

    Since this is your first cycle of injectibles, how are you feeling? So much support here and great answers to your questions. I just wanted to take a minute to say you are not alone, and wish you luck on your journey. It's actually nice to hear that someone else is in such a similar situation, but I wish you weren't, if you know what I mean. :?

    Here's hoping your side effects are few and manageable, and for some good ultrasound reports! FOLLICLES! Talk to those ovaries!
    Best of luck,
  • PixelpiePixelpie Junior Member
    Hi Regan,
    Thank you for your response. I'm sorry you too are in the same situation.

    I had my first sono on Wednesday. I had three follicles. Two 6's and one 7. My e2 was 44. My RE said they wanted to see more progress. He upped my dose to 225 of gonal F. I have another sono tomorrow morning. I'm hoping there is more progress. I'm terrified to be hopeful... I hate this roller coaster. It is at least some progress though. I had no follicles at all on two rounds of Femera. So, at least a little something is going on!

    I am having no side effects other than a slight headache from the gonal f. I'm surprised about that. When taking Femera I felt a little brain buzzing for lack of a better word.

    I hope your next cycle goes well too! :D
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