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Private Donor Groups and Private Sibling Connection Groups are now located under the category "Groups". Search the donor number in the search box and you should find exactly what you're looking for!

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1) Press "Join" at the right of the group
2) Once prompted to confirm your request please list this information so we can verify your information:
Name (under which the vial was purchased)
Clinic Name
Donor number
Child Date of Birth

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How many cycles before BFP with IUI?

waiting4baby5waiting4baby5 Junior Member Junior Member
Hey guys, those of you who are using donor sperm with many cycles did it take before you received your BFP? I am just curious because DH and I purchased 4 vials in hopes of having at least one, but hopefully a couple of children. We did our first cycle (1 vial) and it was BFN. I am currently 3dpiui on our second cycle and I am starting to get really nervous. Knowing that this will only leave us with two vials is starting to scare's like I see our chances dwindling...again.

I'm just curious as to how many vials you purchased and how long before you got your BFP? Just needing a little comfort right now. :? Thanks so much guys!


  • Anne72Anne72 Senior Member Senior Member
    I got a BFP on my 4th IUI but lost that pregnancy at 8 weeks. I did 6 more rounds of IUI and all BFNs. I just did my first IVF and it looks to be a BFN too :cry: I'm 40 with no known issues other than age.
  • hotmama5623hotmama5623 Junior Member
    Im on my third cycle. First with donor. No bfp yet
  • k&bk&b Senior Member Senior Member
    I just got my first BFP with my 6th IUI. I switched donors for this round, and am praying for a healthy 9 months. I have only had 2 betas, and have my 3rd tomorrow, but I have high hopes!
  • waiting4baby5waiting4baby5 Junior Member Junior Member
    Congratulations k&b! Here's to a happy and healthy 9 months!

    Thanks for the input ladies - I'm not sure how to feel about this one. I've got some different stuff going on but after TTC for 5 years and 6 IUI cycles, you learn that your body/mind play tricks on you! I try every cycle not to get my hopes up about anything because I have been let down too many times. Hopefully this is the one!
  • roby72roby72 Member Member
    I got pregnant on my 4th IUI, first time with Clomid 50mg. 2 large follicles, 1 pregnancy, I had my beautiful daughter thanks to Donor 4031 on March 7 this year. The best blessing of my life.
  • JanetJanet Member Member
    We got our BFP after our third iui. We used one vial the first time, and two vials for try two and three, so five all together. We had two more vials left over, but since this will probably be our only child we had the samples donated to research. It hurt destroying $1200 worth!!! Lol
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