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Pregnant and nauseous?

Anyone out there dealing with early morning sickness? I'm about 6 weeks and have been steadily feeling worse and worse... Trying all the usual things like eating frequently, saltines, ginger ale, popsicles, etc. But I tend to only feel 'good' after a long sleep, and only for an hour or so. Its like my body wants to sleep 22 of the 24 hours a day, and if it doesn't get to - nausea! I know its probably just a waiting game, but as misery loves company, thought I'd see if anyone else is in the same boat and looking to commiserate. ;)

We have only told a couple close friends since its so early, so I'm also trying to conceal my symptoms from family and friends, which is a bit tricky!


  • mc1551mc1551 Junior Member Junior Member
    Hi there. My twins are 1 year old now but I can remember the early morning sickness like it was yesterday. Mine too started early, in fact it started when I was on a business trip in NJ! Like you, nothing really helped. I never actually got sick but I felt nauseous all day long and unfortunately could not sleep hardly at all. I was also extremely tired for a few months in the beginning and definitely at the end. I felt that way for about a month, maybe two and then as quickly as it came it just disappeared. I really enjoyed my pregnancy and had beautiful, healthy boy/girl twins. I promise it will pass! Stay strong! It also helps to have a supportive partner who you can complain to :)
    I wish you the best!
  • babyboobabyboo Junior Member Junior Member
    Yep! I threw up every morning like clockwork as soon as I got out of the shower and started brushing my hair! LOL It was so bizarre!! I had nausea that would come and go throughout the day, but all of a sudden at 12 weeks I stopped throwing up and the nausea left too! I had gotten so used to it I almost missed it....OK maybe not! Ha! Good luck! Pregnancy is a wild ride, but the baby is so worth it....most of the time! ;)
  • oceanblue2oceanblue2 Member Member
    Thanks for the supportive replies!!! Its so hard to tell myself 'its all gonna be worth it' when we're constantly being reminded that we are far from the safe zone. The thought that I could spend weeks miserable and have it be for nothing if we lose the pregnancy makes me feel kinda bleak. I'm also having trouble staying asleep, even though I'm always tired, so I think that exhaustion is making me feel a little negative too.

    I'm so happy to hear you both felt better later in your pregnancies - that gives me hope I may actually enjoy part of this time! And yes, luckily I do have a good partner to complain to - I was trying to be tough for a while but this week I crumbled and really started letting her help me more.

    Thanks so much for your good wishes, and for sharing your stories!
  • k&bk&b Senior Member Senior Member
    I just hit 12 weeks yesterday, and understand completely what you are going through! I was nauseous all day every day until about a week ago. Then it started getting a little better. Today, for the first time ever, I just woke up hungry. I am still EXHAUSTED, and feel like I can barely keep my eyes open, but at least I did not throw up! There were days that I just cried, I felt so awful. My hubby though very supportive, did not quite understand, as he has NEVER heard me be a complainer. ;) I recommend saltine crackers, and toast! It will get better, and they say that "morning sickness" (all day sickness for me!) is a sign of a healthy pregnancy!
  • oceanblue2oceanblue2 Member Member
    Thanks for writing k&b! I'm glad you are feeling better. What you described is definitely how I feel - all day nauseous, definitely not hungry, and soooo tired. I've had those crying days too. Then I had one day where something I ate actually tasted good for once and that was such a nice surprise I cried again because I was happy! Mood swings anyone? ;)

    I hope your second trimester brings you lots more energy and lots less nausea! :)
  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    Ocean blue,
    I understand the nausea I had it from about week 7 until like a month ago! It does not always end at week 12 like everyone thinks. Not to be a Debbie downer just wanted to be honest. I had to tell people earlier than I wanted bc of the sickness. I really started to tell those closest to me and those that figurted it out at week 8. I read somewhere that if you hear a heartbeat at week 8 than you have a 98% chance of a healthy pregnancy, I went with that and felt ok telling some people at week 8. I think that everyone knew by week 11 and that is bc I couldn't hide it any more. I am know just weeks away from delivering. My doc has said that she will not let me go past my due date of July 4th. Belive I love to hear the stories of how it is all worth it but for me while living it is was like, I know I prayed for this and I am so happy that I am pregnant but when is this sickness going to end. I recommend acupuncture if you can afford it, it really does help. Also go and get sea bands, they are for motion sickness and are just arm band you where at the acupuncture sites, those helped a lot for me. Some people say the pregnancy pops helped for them,not so much for me. After having the first one and throwing up I stopped using them. Some food has just started to taste good again and honestly now I crave spicy food! I also have to have steak and lots of steak sometimes. If this little bot comes out a vegetarian I will have no idea how! For me I couldn't eat until after I had pucked bc I knew it was just going to come up again. I was also like clockwork after the shower while drying off or brushing my hair, bam it hit. It seemed to be associated with standing or should I say balance. I was finally able to get it more under control after going to acupuncture and to the chiropractor. Both things combined helped to lessen it and finally have it go away. I was never ill enough to get put on medication, just ill enough to feel horrible and have others notice. I was not really tired in the beginning but did notice that if I was too over worked or stressed than I felt worse. I am now tired all of the time and know that when I get that burst of ebergy it will mean that soon my baby will be here! The mood swings have hit more in the last trimester for me and I try not to get to emotional at work. I hope that your nausea goes away after 12 weeks, now that if it doesn't you will survive and there are things you can do to help. I know that it means a healthy pregnancy! Every day I knew that my baby was still there bc I threw up. The one or two days I didn't I would start to freak myself out... crazy I know just the craziness of a FTM!

    Goodluck and seriously get the sea bands if nothing else. I told people they were my super hero bands!

  • k&bk&b Senior Member Senior Member
    Lol, I cried last week because a toasted PB&J w/chocolate milk for lunch tasted like heaven!!!
  • oceanblue2oceanblue2 Member Member
    k&b - I totally get it, that's awesome. I'll have to try that meal sometime! The thing that tasted so good to me that I cried over it was chicken dipped in BBQ sauce. Which was even funnier because I eat BBQ sauce maybe once or twice a year normally, its not a food I think of very often.
    k&b wrote: »
    Lol, I cried last week because a toasted PB&J w/chocolate milk for lunch tasted like heaven!!!
  • oceanblue2oceanblue2 Member Member
    robin - thanks for sharing what you learned along the way. Sorry you were sick for so long! I did try the sea bands, but I actually felt like they made me feel sicker. It was weird, because I'm a big believer in things like pressure points I totally expected them to work, or at least have a placebo effect! I put them away for now, and am going to try them again in a couple weeks. I'll keep acupuncture in mind as another option if things don't get better too.

    Good luck with your last few weeks of pregnancy!
  • bluesky10bluesky10 Senior Member Senior Member
    Good luck! I puked off and on, as well as gagged and extream exhaustion my whole pregnancy. I had a huge issue with red meat even the sight of it made me hurl.
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