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The forum has a new look and the Fairfax Team is so excited to create the best experience for our users.

To Note:
Private Donor Groups and Private Sibling Connection Groups are now located under the category "Groups". Search the donor number in the search box and you should find exactly what you're looking for!

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1) Press "Join" at the right of the group
2) Once prompted to confirm your request please list this information so we can verify your information:
Name (under which the vial was purchased)
Clinic Name
Donor number
Child Date of Birth

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First time is a charm!!!

sporty5sporty5 Junior Member Junior Member
Hi everyone,

Well I thought it would help to share my story knowing how stressful the tww can be for many of us. I was very nervous when I bought my first 2 vials of ICI. Thinking wow after so much research for a donor I am finally ready. At my doctors request I purchased ICI vials since she likes to wash them at her office. Just like everyone else I was very concerned with the sperm count/motility. And as it turned out after the wash at the doctors office he only had a post wash count of 3.3 million. (I did 2 back to back IUI so the second count was 2.6 million) Just so you know those numbers are the total motile sperm. (All the good little swimmers). As expected I was pretty disappointed that it was not the recommended 10 million but there was no turning back at that point. I was already at the doctors office ready to go and the sample had be thawed and ready for insemination. Needless to say for the next two weeks all I kept worrying about was how low the numbers were. But my RN kept reminding me that it only takes one. And so BEHOLD she was sooooo right. As I found out a week ago that I got a BFP!!!! I must admit I was in a bit of shock. Although no lie my breast did not stop hurting from the day of my second insemination. But I figured that was probably from the HCG shot they gave me to make sure I ovulated. Imagine my suprise when they told me it took!!! So I just wanted to let everyone out there know that sometimes its not the quantity that matters but the quality!! And it really only does take one. So don't give up when its time it will happen!! I wish all the baby dust in the world for every woman out there trying to make a family. In the mean time I am waiting patiently for my first ultrasound which will be on July 16 (when I will be 6 weeks along) to hear the baby's heartbeat. Wish me luck!!!


  • ButterflyButterfly Member Member
    Congratulations sporty5!

    Its interesting that you said that you purchased ici vials instead of iui vials. I just saw another posting where someone purchased ici vials upon doctors request for washing. ill keep that in mind.
  • JenandKatJenandKat Junior Member Junior Member
    Congratulations!!!! That is so exciting
  • sporty5sporty5 Junior Member Junior Member
    Yes, it is a good idea to talk to your doctor and find out what they perfer. I have heard mixed storys about whether to use ICI or IUI. Originally I was convinced IUI was better but after talking to my doctor I decided to give it a shot and well it worked. Sometimes there are no ICI available so most people go with IUI. When I asked my doctor why she rather have ICI she said she liked to wash them right before insemination to be able to get the most movement out of them. Something about after you thaw an IUI some of the sperm don't survive the freezing process so since you don't wash an IUI again you tend to inseminate those that survived and those that didn't where in an ICI when they are freshly washed before insemination your getting more movers inseminated while you lose the ones that didn't make it in the wash. But than again if your donor has a good count it shouldn't really matter I would guess. I'm no expert and maybe she just told me that to make me feel better about the process but thats what I was told. Hope that helps Butterfly. And also THANKS YOU babyfrom2887 for the congratulations. I am very excited. Tons of baby dust to both of you. :0)
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