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donor 2993

twomoms8269twomoms8269 Member Junior Member
Anyone tried 2993? Any success stories?


  • blkern23blkern23 Member Member
    I'm trying this month with donor 2993. I'm very excited! I've been waiting for the doctor's ok with all my blood work and finally got the "go ahead".
  • twomoms8269twomoms8269 Member Junior Member
    Keep me updated. We used him last month but no luck
  • blkern23blkern23 Member Member
    I was supposed to have my 1st IUI this week. I started Clomid this cycle to increase my hormone levels and extend my short cycle. When I didn't detect a surge on the OPK by day 16 the doctor wanted to do blood work. It turns out I missed ovulation somehow. The past 4 months I was able to detect my surge on OPK's so I'm not sure how it didn't show up this time. I supposed it was for the better because my Estradiol levels were 2300 which means I must have had a lot of follicles. I'm waiting to hear back from the doctor as to his next plan, but the nurse said it will at least mean u/s to detect ovulation next month. I'm very disappointed that I missed this month. I have been waiting for months to get to have my 1st try and now I have to wait another month. I hate the waiting!!!
  • MellyMelly Junior Member Junior Member
    did it ever work with donor 2993? I'm going to try with him next month. I cant seem to find someone who has/had a pregnancy with him.
  • blkern23blkern23 Member Member
    Hi Melly. I am using donor 2993. I had called about him back in the summer and was told he has 1-5 pregnancies. I have been trying since April and have had one crazy thing after another go wrong. I had cysts the past couple of months from my overstimulation in August. I FINALLY got the clear baseline ultrasound so I started injections this week. I'm hoping to have my 1st IUI in the next week or so. I go back Thursday to count and measure my Follicles. I'm praying I don't overstimulate again and they will let me finally have my IUI. I will keep you posted with what happens. Hopefully I will have some good news about this donor in the next month.
  • blkern23blkern23 Member Member
    I had my 1st IUI this morning, 11/6. My re said everything looked perfect, 2 great follicles and 1 other smaller follicle but mature enough. My estradiol was 762 which I was told was great. My cervix was open so they said the timing was perfect. Then when they thawed the sperm they weren't real happy. They said there were only 10 mil with 35% motility. I'm banking on the fact it only takes 1 egg and 1 sperm and I have 3 eggs and from what I've researched 3.5 million swimmers. my first 2 week wait begins!
  • MellyMelly Junior Member Junior Member
    I hope your sucessfull blkern23. Im scheduled to go in tomorrow for my second ultra sound to see how big my follicles are. Im supposed to go in next week for my IUI.
    I got news today Im CMV negative and 2993 is positive so I may have to switch up. Wishing all the luck and baby dust!!!! Let us know what happens. :)
  • blkern23blkern23 Member Member
    Thanks Melly. I'll let you know what happens! My RE never tested me for CMV. I asked him about it and he said it really is insignificant. I don't know why some feel it is important and others don't. I'll be thinking about you next week. I wish you luck with whatever donor you use!
  • blkern23blkern23 Member Member
    After 8 months I finally had my 1st IUI. It was my first 2 week wait and it felt like an eternity! I had my blood work today and I'm PREGNANT! I can't believe it. I'm in shock. I was worried about donor 2993's counts but it really does only take 1 swimmer to make a baby. Thank you donor 2993!!!!

    Melly, how is your 2 week wait going? What donor did you decide to use? I wish you luck and hope you have the same result I did!!!
  • MellyMelly Junior Member Junior Member
    I am so HAPPY for you blkern23!!! Congrats. :) I had to go with another donor 4520. Im into day 6 of my TTW period and I dont know what to do with myself. LOL Congrats on your news again, I will keep you posted on mine.
  • blkern23blkern23 Member Member
    Thanks Melly! I really hope you get great news. I think my tww was the longest 2 weeks of my life. My mom told me a couple days into it that I really just need to go to bed and not wake up until the 20th. I really wished I could have. I absolutely drove myself crazy. I would research every little thing and nothing would really tell me anything anyway. I ended up doing a dollar store test the day before my blood work. I knew I'd be getting the call while I was working and wanted to be prepared. I didn't really have any symptoms of being pregnant and the test was negative. I was convinced it didn't work and was preparing myself for the next cycle. I was shocked when they said I was pregnant. I really wasn't expecting that.

    I'll be praying for you.
  • MellyMelly Junior Member Junior Member
    WEll i didnt wait the whole two weeks.. I took a test yesterday, on Thanksgiving and it was negative. But I havent missed my period yet so Im still hoping. (Its only been a one week wait. LOL) I dont have any kind of symptons either, but I'm alos not getting an cramps, and I suffer with horrible cramps each month. So I will keep my fingers crossed, and thank you for your prayers!! Good luck and keep in touch.
  • blkern23blkern23 Member Member
    Hang in there! I wish I could give you some advise to make this last week go faster for you. Although I can tell you not to trust the tests before your blood work next week. I took several and they were all negative. I did not have any symptoms and really now I still don't have any symptoms. I was nauseous the day of my blood work and the day after which I originally thought was nerves. But that has gone away and I'm back to having no symptoms. Most people would be happy about that but I guess when you want it so badly you want proof that it's real. I go back Monday to get my second beta. Normally they would have had me go back 48 hours later but that was Thanksgiving so now I wait until Monday...6 days! It's one wait to the next.

    Keep hanging in there and I'll keep praying....
  • blkern23blkern23 Member Member
    I went in for my second beta today. It doesn't look good. They told me not to worry but how is that possible???? I go back for a 3rd beta on Thursday and go from there. My 1st beta was 63 and today it was 144 (6 days later because of the holidays). It should have been at least 200 if not higher. I'm praying there is a miracle out there waiting for me and it starts doubling the way it should and everything is ok. I had a miscarriage October 2011 and can't imagine having to do it all over again. I'm praying for a miracle...
  • MellyMelly Junior Member Junior Member
    blkern23 I hope your appointment on Thursday goes well. Did they give you any meds to increase your beta numbers? Can they do that? I havent tested since Saturday (it was negative) but they put me on Eastradiol and progesterone. So well see what happens. Im going to test again on Thursday, which would be exactly my ttw. I have been getting some cramping at night and i have been waking up for the past four nights 3x a night having to go to the bathroom. I just cant seem to stop peeing, esp. at night. Did you have any of this? I wonder if its a normal thing? Hope all goes well with you. I'll be praying for you..
  • blkern23blkern23 Member Member
    Thanks Melly. The cramping and peeing at night are all side effects of the progesterone. The progesterone can give most of the same symptoms of pregnancy so it's hard to say whether or not it's due to pregnancy or just the progesterone. Just one more thing to drive you CRAZY! I have been crampy since my IUI which I'm told can be the progesterone and the pregnancy. I didn't start getting up at night to pee until I was pregnant though. Will you be going in for a blood test for your Beta or are you just supposed to do a home test? My doctor's office had me come in for bloodwork one week after the IUI to check my estradiol and progesterone (which have been very good) and then bloodwork for HcG Beta and progesterone 2 weeks after the IUI.

    I'll be thinking of you on Thursday and I'm praying for both of us every night!
  • MellyMelly Junior Member Junior Member
    Blknern23 so today is my tww day and my test said not pregnant. I called the Dr they want me to go on on Saturday for a blood test.
    My period is now 4 days late and I'm never late. I guess I will have to see what happens. I don't know how long it takes for it to show up in a pregnancy test.
    I think it should have by now. I don't know what's the longest post iui day that gave a positive reading?

    How was your appointment? I hope all is well and you have good news to share!
  • blkern23blkern23 Member Member
    Well my day wasn't too good. My levels dropped from 144 to 114 so I'm in the process of a miscarriage. I can't believe I made it this far for it to end up like this. I had a miscarriage last year but really had no fears of it happening again because I thought they fixed everything that would have caused the last one. Now I guess I just wait for things to take its course and go from there. I still haven't bled at all so who knows how long it will all take. Last time I had to take meds to force the miscarriage but I was further along last time. I tell everyone my body is too dumb to figure it out on it's own. It didn't sound like they planned on going that route this time. We'll see...

    Nothing like surviving your 2ww and still not really knowing. It's a shame your doctor's office wouldn't take you in today to do the blood work. Everyone and every test is different so it's hard to say when your test could be positive. Some things I've read say not to test up until a week after your missed period. I have a friend who had done tests that all came back negative when she eventually found out she was 12 weeks pregnant (obviously not an IUI)! The test still hadn't been positive. So the urine tests are never a sure thing. The blood work on Saturday will be the sure thing. I know you mentioned starting progesterone earlier this week. I started my progesterone the day after my IUI and was told it will prevent my period from starting until after I stop taking it. I don't know if that is the same with you starting it so late. But keep that in mind as a possibility as to why your haven't gotten your period. I hope that's not the reason though!

    I'll keep praying and hope for a good result on Saturday. Let me know how it goes!!!
  • blkern23blkern23 Member Member
    Melly, I'll be thinking about you for your blood test in the morning. I hope you get good news!!
  • MellyMelly Junior Member Junior Member
    Thank you for your rpayers I wish I had good news to report but I dont. The bloos test was negative and i did get my period Yesterday night, after all. So it did not work the first time around.
    Are you going to try again? I have 1 vial left so i will, just havent made up my mind as to when yet. Im so sorry to hear that your numbers werent good. This is so emtional and it does take a toll on you. I dont know how women do this 5 or 6 time. Sometimes even more. Tehy must really be strong. I give them so much credit. I will keep in touch and I hope you do the same blkern23.
  • blkern23blkern23 Member Member
    I'm so sorry to hear that Melly. As my mom says, "it just wasn't the right baby yet". I do plan to try again. I don't know when that will be. I have to wait until my beta gets down to 0. After that my doc wants to do an HSG test to check to be sure my tubes aren't blocked. After that I am free to try again. I plan to try as soon as I can but I expect it will be a couple of months. Stay strong and don't give up. I will continue to pray to give you the strength to carry on and try again. Does that mean you are not trying again this cycle? I would like to stay in touch. You can continue to write on the forum or you can email me anytime. My email is By the name is Becky. Stay strong!
  • CRippli1CRippli1 Member Member
    blkern - Hi, I just went through and read all of this thread. I am preparing for my first IUI in a couple of weeks and I am planning on trying with donor 2993. Do you think when you try again in the future that you will use him again? Did you use one or two vials? I think you said he had 35% motility but it was obviously enough for you to get pregnant once, so I'm hoping that it's not an issue for me. We'll be using two vials and going in two days in a row. My husband has a zero sperm count but as far as we know from the few tests I've had done, I seem to be 100% healthy, so no drugs to assist, I'm doing it all naturally. I'm really nervous about it though, it's just hard to believe I could ever get pregnant after all we've been through. Part of me wonders if I should choose a different donor who has had really strong/high success rates, but I really feel attached to this donor, his health history, etc...
  • blkern23blkern23 Member Member
    CRippli, I really like this donor also. It obviously only takes one because I did get pregnant on the first try with only 3.5 million swimmers. I doubt that all his vials are like this but I guess there's no way of knowing until they are thawed. I know he has other pregnancies. I did not have back to back IUI's, my office only does one per cycle.

    As far as RE suggested I use a different cryobank all together. The office has recommended Fairfax for their whole existence but I am told lately they aren't getting as nice of specimens. I don't know that they get tons as poor as mine, but they have had enough to stop recommending Fairfax. So I am using a donor from California next time. My RE also wants to have 2 specimens at the office each time in the RARE event it isn't any good I have a vial to fall back on. So I still do have one vial there from this donor so if my other donor isn't any good they will use this one but the plan is to use the California one first.

    I don't think you would need to worry the vials wouldn't be any good especially if you are using 2 vials back to back. If this is the donor you really like you should use him. Like I said he definitely has pregnancies and I got pregnant on the first try. I would be curious what the levels are for your 2 vials. When are you having your IUI? I'm hoping for the beginning of February for my next attempt. I am counting down the days to my next period! Let me know what you decide.
  • CRippli1CRippli1 Member Member
    I think I'm going to go for it with him. I'll be sure to let you know what the numbers are like, assuming I am told. My cycle just started yesterday so I'll be going in in about two weeks. I'm getting so antsy! I can't wait!! I keep trying to remind myself it's not likely to work on the first try...
  • blkern23blkern23 Member Member
    I wish you the best of luck! I am anxiously waiting for my period to arrive. It should be here this week. Then I can get this cycle started. If I ovulate early again this cycle we may end up sharing our two week wait. And it has happened for many people on the first try. It's a tough balance between thinking positive and not wanting to get too excited. Keep me posted!
  • Fairfax CryobankFairfax Cryobank Administrator Senior Member
    We are very excited to see that our patient’s are taking the time to become familiar with the quality of the specimens they are receiving. Here at Fairfax we stand behind our product as we’ve conducted a lot of research to come up with the most efficient sperm count needed for optimal success.

    To help understand these numbers, please visit our blog post: What’s in the Numbers: Explaining Post Thaw Motility and Total Motile Cells

    Please refer to the table listed below to see what our Specimen Quality Standard is for each of our specimen preparation types. 

    Specimen Quality Standards

    Specimen Prep Type

    Total Motile Cells/milliliter (TMC)

    Clinical Use


    20 million/mL (10 million/vial)

    Pre-washed vials, ready for intrauterine insemination


    20 million/mL (10 million/vial)

    Ready for intracervical insemination OR can be washed for use as an IUI specimen


    5 million TMC/vial

    Ready for intracervical insemination or can be washed for use as an IUI or IVF or IVF with ICSI

  • CRippli1CRippli1 Member Member
    Had my first IUI today with donor 2993 and will be going in again tomorrow. It was much more uncomfortable than I expected, uck! But of course totally worth it! I'll post in two weeks if I get a + or -

    I wasn't given any post thaw numbers, I am just going to a family practice and since this isn't an everyday thing for them I don't think they go as in-depth as other reproductive-specific places do. But in the paperwork that came along with the sperm from Fairfax, it says the "Prefreeze Motility" is 55%, the "Post Thaw Motility" is 35% and then it says "Count/mL" 65.4 M -- any idea what the "M" might stand for??
  • blkern23blkern23 Member Member
    That's very exciting. I wish you the best of luck on your first try!!! I'll be anxiously awaiting to hear how you made out in 2 weeks. The "M" would stand for million I would imagine. So if you truly had 65.4 million with 35% motility that would give you about 23 million good swimmers! You only need one to make it!!!

    Unfortunately I didn't have such luck. Once again there was another unexplained problem. They won't do an IUI again this month. I'm back to waiting another month and hoping for the best next month. I'll be watching to see how you make out though. Good luck!!!
  • CRippli1CRippli1 Member Member
    Well I'm fairly certain I'm pregnant! Took a test this morning and got a SUPER faint line (doesn't even show up in photos) but it's the only time I've EVER taken a test and seen a second line show up and it showed up in the first 3 minutes... my next cycle is due to start on Mon/Tues-ish. I'm going to take another test on Sunday but I'm feeling pretty confident!
  • blkern23blkern23 Member Member
    Wow...that's VERY exciting! I would imagine by Sunday the line will be darker. I can't wait to hear!!!!
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