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Lesbian Family (Creation)

Hello everyone,

My wife and I are just beginning our journey with the process of IUI. I am f/24, and my wife is 32. I can remember since the age of 19 wanting and feeling the urge of being a mother. To myself there is nothing more special than a bond between a parent and a child, and knowing that little person is someone you and your lover will raise and love unconditionally.

I recently went with my wife to our fertility center in NY, and had our consult which also included the Sonogram. Luckily the Nurse said everything looked good, (Ovaries & Lining), but I am still skeptical for reasons unknown. Our next visit will be within the five days- ten days after my (friend).

At the next visit I will be undergoing the HSG test which I am extremely nervous about after reading how painful it is. I was wondering if anyone else could elaborate on what the HSG is like and what I should expect. Also, since HSG deals with Radiation I have read that my partner cannot be in the room with me, so that is kind of stressful. However, once the HSG is done and hopefully turns out to be normal my wife and I can finally purchase our "swimmers", and then give it a go for IUI cycle 1.

We were wondering if anyone has had a successful IUI being around my age- 24, and through how many cycles it has taken. We wish everyone the best of luck in trying to concieve. Please pray for us-!

Good luck everyone!


  • Anne72Anne72 Senior Member Senior Member
    I did not find the HSG to be painful in the slightest. Maybe the mildest of menstrual cramps. I find for every medical procedure, just breathe slow and deep and stay calm. It's when you imagine things to be painful that they most often are. My HSG test took a grand total of 13 seconds. Easy peasy.

    If you are just 24 and have no known issues, you should get pregnant relatively easily. I'm 40 so it took 11 IUIs and 2 IVF. I'm now 6 weeks along and praying hard that I'll keep the pregnancy.

    This is a roller coaster of a process. Just breathe and know that the end result is worth it all.
  • sine4mesine4me Senior Member Senior Member
    Hey there,
    I also had the HSG and a SHG (sonohysterography) or saline ultrasound. I have no pain threshold lol and both of these were very easy. The worst part is the speculum! You'll do just fine :)

    I was 36 when i started the process and just turned 37. I've had 5 failed IUI's and am moving on to IVF in October. On paper, there is no reason i should not be conceiving. The good thing for you is you have age on your side!!

    Good luck and best wishes on your journey!
  • babyboobabyboo Junior Member Junior Member
    I had an HSG and it was no big deal at all! It was over in less than 5 mins and I didn't even feel anything. I think it can sometimes cause cramping if you have a tube blockage, but hopefully that won't be the case for you! My wife was also allowed in the room with me, as long as she wore the lead protective shield during the procedure. I got pregnant on my third IUI and had our sweet little girl 9 months later. Good luck to's a wild ride! :)
  • dbrrtt1dbrrtt1 Junior Member Junior Member
    My partner and I are also getting ready to start our first IUI attempt. We both are F/28, but DP has a hx of uterine CA with radition/chemo tx, so I will be the carrier. Our fertility doctor didn't run any test other than blood work, but I don't have any significant risk factors for infertility other than irregular cycles, so we are starting with fertility meds right out of the gate. I look forward to hearing more about your experience - it would be nice to connect with people going through this process at about the same time. Wishing you luck!
  • ButterflyButterfly Member Member
    hi there,

    i actually just had my HSG done this past thursday and it was not bad. slightly uncomfortable during dye push because of balloon, but not bad. totally bearable!! and it did not take long at all. the cool thing was that i got to see the dye flow through my fallopean tubes on the screen. the tech told me that i might expect some cramping afterwards because body trying to get rid of it. but i experienced no cramping.
    the tech made me feel really comfortable before during and after, explained everything she was going to do. my procedure consisted of a couple quick xrays and two pelvic tilts. thats it! so dont be nervous and if u have time, do a little research on it. should help with your expectations and put your mind at ease.
  • cykaqueencykaqueen Member Member
    Thank you all for your quick replies! Anne 72 congratulations on your pregnancy I will pray for you! Sine4me thank you for your kind words of encouragement also good luck to you on your ivf in October! Babyboo thank you so much for the info I will tell my wife about your experience so maybe she can come in the room with me. Also congratulations to you on your 9 month old aww :).butterfly thank you for your reply good to know all the details I appreciate all the input! Good luck in your journey as well! Thank you all so much for your kind words! :)
  • cykaqueencykaqueen Member Member
    Thank you all for your kind words and all of the details this is very stressful and it's really a blessing to be able to talk to others about what my wife and I are going through. Good luck to all of you who are still trying to have a child and congratulations to those who have created their families! :)
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