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Ovidrel & IUI

jtemballjtemball Junior Member Junior Member
So I know the Ovidrel is suppose to stay in your system for a while, but I got antsy and decided to look for the infamous false positive today (6 days post injection, 4 days post IUI) - Nothing, maybe a VERY faint line for positive. Is this even possible? It seems like it should still "be there".
Only other differences from the last IUI (without the trigger) was some spotting the day of the IUI and again on day 3 post.
Hoping for the best but have 12 more days til the blood test provided AF doesnt show.
Anyone else have a similar experience?


  • KatileKatile Junior Member Junior Member
    Some people's bodies metabolize medications faster than others. You k ow you had the shot done (lol) so I wouldn't worry too much about it. I never test though before my expected period, just so I don't have to worry about all this stuff. Good luck and baby dust!
  • familylove3familylove3 Member Member
    So ovidril is a trigger ?
    I'm 30 using donor sperm getting ready for my first iui sometime this week. Just finish clomid n testing is starting tomorrow
  • tal970tal970 Member Member
    I have had a few IUI's with just clomid, no trigger shot / Ovidrel. Every situation is different depending on your testing.
  • tal970tal970 Member Member
    Btw, a trigger shot is a HCG shot that the doctor gives to ensure ovulation. Not familar with Ovidrel.
  • jtemballjtemball Junior Member Junior Member
    yes, the ovidrel was my trigger. Still hoping for the best... Blood draw not until the 25th, trying to keep positive and busy.
    Thanks everyone
  • familylove3familylove3 Member Member
    When do you know to take the trigger? Goes it help your chances. Cause I'm all about doing the things to increase chance for success. The nurse told me fri or Saturday will prob be the day I'll go in for my first iui. My follicle on Monday were good many small one around 8-9cc but one on each side that were 15cc. Do I keep all those follicle when I ovulate ?
    They say after the procedure you can go around doing normal things. But it something to just go home n rest?
  • jtemballjtemball Junior Member Junior Member
    my doc told me when to take it based on the size and number of my follicles on my day 10 ultrasound.
    To be honest I am kinda new to this having this been just my 2nd IUI and the 1st with the trigger.
  • Anne72Anne72 Senior Member Senior Member
    When do you know to take the trigger? Goes it help your chances. Cause I'm all about doing the things to increase chance for success. The nurse told me fri or Saturday will prob be the day I'll go in for my first iui. My follicle on Monday were good many small one around 8-9cc but one on each side that were 15cc. Do I keep all those follicle when I ovulate ?
    They say after the procedure you can go around doing normal things. But it something to just go home n rest?

    I did not take a trigger when I was on unmedicated cycles. When I was on medicated IUIs, I used Ovidrel as my trigger and I was told a specific day and time to take the shot by my doctor. He then scheduled the IUI within a set number of hours after the shot. The timing depends on the size of your follicles. I switched to an HCG trigger when doing IVF.

    Not sure what you mean about keeping follicles when you ovulate. Generally, ovulation means any mature follicles will release the eggs that they hold.

    After the IUI procedure, you do not need to rest, you can resume normal activity.
  • familylove3familylove3 Member Member
    I'm at day 15 in my cycle. Clomid didn't help cause I'm biggest follicle is only 18cc n I only have one. I'm feeling very nervous thinking I'm not on the top with better chances will two big follicles. I will get back today what my progesterone level are. So maybe sometime this weekend I will be getting the iui done. Does any one have any positive thoughts for me with going forward. I just really wanted to go in with good things to work with.
  • Anne72Anne72 Senior Member Senior Member
    I'm at day 15 in my cycle. Clomid didn't help cause I'm biggest follicle is only 18cc n I only have one. I'm feeling very nervous thinking I'm not on the top with better chances will two big follicles. I will get back today what my progesterone level are. So maybe sometime this weekend I will be getting the iui done. Does any one have any positive thoughts for me with going forward. I just really wanted to go in with good things to work with.

    It only takes one. One woman on here only ever got one follicle and she gave birth in July. Keeping my fingers crossed for you
  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    it only takes one and one the size of 18 is just fine. That was the size of my follicle, when they gave me the trigger shot and that is the month when I conceived. I am the woman anne is talking about above. I only ever had one follicle! My son is now 3 months old. remeber most women only release one egg each month. Go in with a positive attitude because it can happen!

    Baby Dust!

  • familylove3familylove3 Member Member
    Thank Ann n robin. Im having second insemination of my first iui cause yesterday my follicle didn't drop but my levels said I was ready n I had to give myself the trigger. I have to say I have a positive attitude. But it's so good that if it don't work it's going to be a hard recovery cause my husband n I can't help but plan special moments in our head about when we'll tell ppl. I've been working on booking my calendar for the two week wait.
    Robin how long did u wait to tell ppl your BFP !
  • familylove3familylove3 Member Member
    Robin. When did you start to to feel your symptoms ?
  • familylove3familylove3 Member Member
    Good luck tomorrow.
    Sending Baby dust your way.
  • jtemballjtemball Junior Member Junior Member
    Hoping for the best. I'm on another round of waiting.
  • familylove3familylove3 Member Member
    I got my period last night. N getting it was totally the worst feeling. I feel so miserable I hate myself. And cause I have no help from insurance I pay out pocket for everything n anything. I can't just try again I have to wait to save money. I got help this time from my brother n father
    They had to use both vials. So I have to save money for that as well. The pain I feel is totally overwhelming. I hate myself. And feel like I'm never going to be a mother.
  • baby_emababy_ema Junior Member Junior Member
    I am sorry :(( I know how you feeling , this week I will do my 4th IUI, and I am paying everything out pocket too, I just placed the order for donor 2770, I hope this time will work... dont give up.. just be positive , God will help us...
  • bcarneybcarney Member Member
    It took 4 try's for me. And it's more stressful after I got a bfp in which I'm not even sure it's viable. So hang in there it will work for you :)
  • familylove3familylove3 Member Member
    After your first one not working did the others get easier to take?
    You hang in there yourself.
  • bcarneybcarney Member Member
    1st 2 was with one donor then I switched to someone who had much better count. I never got my hopes up with any of them I continued to live my life like I was normal. Just wrote the iui off as another docs appt. it worked on the 4th try. Well I'm still in the testing stage blood work to see how the beta #s are increasing. This part of it is more stressful than the 2 week wait. My advice is to continue ur life as u normally do and if it happens then it will happen. You don't want to stress.
  • familylove3familylove3 Member Member
    So I did my first iui two weeks ago. N I started to get light spotting the two days before I would have normally gotten my period. But sadly it got heavy last night that I had to use a tampon. My husband keeps going online to tell me my symptom are normal n do happen. It kills me before the moments when I forget how said I am n still have hope.
    So here's my hope acting up.
    It should so crazy n weird. The prenatal vitamin have in the past cause me
    Spot so maybe it's them causing mr to bleed unormal.
    I have slight cramping. Day n half of lite pink n then mud color discharge day three bleeding today dark to lite but have clots.
    Normally I get very bad crapping pain where I'm laid up in pain.
    Anyone ever have this happen where it turns our good.
  • Anne72Anne72 Senior Member Senior Member
    If you think you might be pregnant you should be using a pad rather than a tampon. I had very very light spotting but some crampsmthatbfelt like ice picks when I got pregnant. I'm actually bleeding more now at 16 weeks than I did when I got the positive. But everyone is different. Take an HPT.
  • familylove3familylove3 Member Member
    The doctor office confirmed I'm not pregnant. They did blood work to check. I knew I wasn't cause my period was heavy. But hearing the words from the PA was hard. I think that if I could be one of those ppl who can just try again I'd be okay. I wouldn't feel so hurt n angry. But I'm not financially I'm not covered for this. Not many are. N what sucks if there are truly so many ppl having infertility to should have better coverage n faculty shouldn't rap u with fee every way possible. That's just how I feel. But then again this is my angry coming out. Sorry
    So with today bbn ill have to save money to try again n maybe next time ill have then up my clomid n start it sooner.
  • familylove3familylove3 Member Member
    Does anyone feel that doing them back to back gives you a better chance ?? I have to wait to do my 2nd iui cause I have to save money.
  • jtemballjtemball Junior Member Junior Member
    When / what made your drs think to check your progrest. levels? my doc hasnt said anything at all about it...
  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    each docs office is different. My doc would not do a blood test until you had a positive hpt. the hpts are very accurate so really no need to go in for blood work. My doc would tell me don't test until 16 days after the trigger that way the hcg from the trigger is out of your system and no false positives. Just different protocols for different docs. Some women start on progestrone right away, never did that for me and I never took it during my pregnancy. Don't worry that your doc does it differently. Only suggestion make sure you are going to an RE not just a regular OB

  • Tlnb81Tlnb81 Junior Member Junior Member
    first round of Clomid 100mg today, I am scheduled for cd11 ultrasound on friday. My doctor said if i have mature follicles he will have me take my Ovidrel (trigger) on friday night and it takes 36 hours from the trigger to ovulate. SO my planned IUI is both Sunday, & Monday. He does 2 days back to back to make sure he covers the ovulation period. i know the tww after is going to be torture!!!
  • tal970tal970 Member Member
    I'm really surprised your doctor is waiting until Sunday to do your IUI. After the trigger shot you can ovulate anytime studies say usually 24 to 48 hours later. I really hope you don't miss your window. My doctor does not believe in doing back to back, he fells it doesn't increase your chances at all and concentrates more on the timing of the IUI. I had my 4th IUI last week, first time with a trigger shot and my doctor performed the IUI the day after my trigger shot. I started getting cramps the night of my trigger which lasted for 2 days. Goes to show the difference in doctors. My doctor is probably in his 50's and started out as a regular OBGYN and eventually specialized in fertility treatments. He's not an official RE, but he's a very popular doctor in my area (most women with fertility problems go to him).
  • Tlnb81Tlnb81 Junior Member Junior Member
    I actually triggered on Friday and had my Iuis on sat n sun. My doctor is a well known RE in NYC and believes 2 back to back increase the odds. Also might be Alittle different for me since I can't do it the "natural" way being I am in a same sex marriage. So I cannot increase my odds by doing an Iui and having sex while ovulating. I had cramps and pains the two days after my trigger. Now I'm 1dpo and in the tww.
  • dreamsabc123dreamsabc123 Senior Member Senior Member
    Robin, when you got your bfp did you do back to back iuis?
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