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To Note:
Private Donor Groups and Private Sibling Connection Groups are now located under the category "Groups". Search the donor number in the search box and you should find exactly what you're looking for!

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1) Press "Join" at the right of the group
2) Once prompted to confirm your request please list this information so we can verify your information:
Name (under which the vial was purchased)
Clinic Name
Donor number
Child Date of Birth

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How many tries?

screaminseahawkscreaminseahawk Junior Member Junior Member
My wife just had her 2nd try with an IUI sample with no luck. I told her that I read it's like a 15% chance of working and we just have to be patient. She keeps talking about it feeling different the 2nd time around and she thought she was actually pregnant this time... I know everybody's case is different, but I was wondering how many tries it took everyone with IUI to become pregnant? We are going to try Clomid this time and some dye thing that flushes out the tubes and increases our chances. I'd just like to give her a better idea of how many tries it will take. We only have 3 more vials of the donor we wanted, so we are a bit stressed (especially since she wanted two kids). Maybe we'll have to try a different donor with more vials... Why can't this be easy?


  • howdyhowdy Member Member
    it took me 3 tries!! 3rd time WAS the charm. but hang in there. I know it's tough to wait but my advice is to just think positive. Everyone is different. When you wife said "it feel different". that's EXACTLY what i told my husband when we left the 3rd IUI procedure. When my doctor finished, I FELT DIFFERENT. like I knew that was going to work. And sure enough .. it did! Please don't give up. You guys are closer than you think. Each day is closer to getting that positive. My son is 7 months now from a donor and we just couldn't be happier. Best of luck and yay for clomid!! :)
  • Newby1012Newby1012 Junior Member Junior Member
    We tried 4 times, the last with clomid, which finally took. Unfortunately, had a miscarriage. Then, back on clomid, with a positive pregnancy on the third try. Turns out it's twins!
  • screaminseahawkscreaminseahawk Junior Member Junior Member
    Howdy, thank you for the encouragement. Last time my wife said it felt much different than the first but it still didn't work. Hopefully this Clomid thing will do the trick. So I guess the Clomid worked for you? Did it work on the first try? Her doctor guarantees it will work within the first 3 tries. I'd say that's a pretty ballsy thing to guarantee, but I'm hopeful it will work.
  • Anne72Anne72 Senior Member Senior Member
    I did 13 IUI. I got pregnant on the 4th but lost it at 8 weeks. I finally got pregnant on my 2nd IVF and am now 25 weeks. I'm shocked that your doctor would make any guarantees. The best thing is to try to stay calm and focused on your goal but also just enjoy each other and don't let this take over your life.
  • tal970tal970 Member Member
    I had 5 IUI's before I got a positive. All of the them except one were with Chlomid. How a doctor could suggest he could get you pregnant after 3 tries on the med's is crazy. Maybe you should joke with him since he guarantees it ithat f it doesn't work by the 3rd try you get your money back.
    Today I'm exactly 6 weeks, have my first ultra sound next week. Once I get past 12 weeks I won't be so nervous.
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