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Cramping after IUI

dreamsabc123dreamsabc123 Senior Member Senior Member
Hi everyone!
I had my first IUI on Tue and now two days later I feel like Im cramping. It seems like it would be too early for it to be my period, but does this mean it probably didn't work?


  • Anne72Anne72 Senior Member Senior Member
    Hi everyone!
    I had my first IUI on Tue and now two days later I feel like Im cramping. It seems like it would be too early for it to be my period, but does this mean it probably didn't work?

    I had cramping the two times that I got pregnant. It could be implantation. But really, I know it's hard, just try not to think about it and analyze every little twinge. You'll go nuts.
  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    Cramping after an iui can be normal. It probably isnt your period bc it would be way to early. Like anne said I know its difficult but try not to analyze everything it will make you crazy. Take the next two weeks to think positivwe and envision that you are pregnant. Positive thinking goes a loooooong way!

    Baby dust
  • tal970tal970 Member Member
    It's too early to be your period and likely too early for it to be implantation cramps. I had cramps after some of my IUI's, they weren't successful. I have read some of this forum where some of the women were successful & they experiences cramps after their IUI like Anne. I would take Robin's advice and try not to read too much into cramping you get this early. My doctor's office had suggested it was the fertility drugs that I was on that was likely the crulpert for the cramping.
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