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How many vials do you buy initially?

Hi Ladies,

I've really enjoyed reading your posts and feedback on other folks' issues and questions - very helpful and inspiring. baby dust all round!

So my question is about the initial sperm purchase and how many vials to get. A little background on me - I'm 38, single, and will be trying for my first IUI in a few weeks. Wee! So excited. :)

But I have some challenges: I have a unicornuate uterus - singled horned, sort of half a normal uterus. My doc believes the chamber is big enough to carry to full term (and let me tell you, that was such a relief to hear - was devastating to watch that scary HSG). Anyway, the issue is that my uterus only communicates with one ovary - so i won't be able to try every month... only when the left side is ovulating.

So i'm thinking with my unicorn :) and my age, this is going to take awhile. I thought I'd take advantage of the "buy 8 get 2 years free storage" deal and have them store locally in austin and save a bit on shipping. And then if by some miracle I get a BFP early and it sticks, I could keep the rest in storage and perhaps try for a sibling later if i can manage it. (altho i'd be absolutely thrilled with one and know it would truly be a blessing.)

But in reading about many of y'all's experiences on the forum here it seems after 4-6 tries its pretty common to ramp to IVF. So I'm wondering if I'm putting too much faith in IUI - getting 8 prewashed, i'm locking myself into it... and if by some miracle it works early - who's to say I'll be able to do IUI years from now for a sibling try?

How many vials do you buy at one time? I know cost is a huge factor - but if you can swing it to buy in bulk and ensure you have what you need - do you? Do you get ICI to ensure you have the flexibility to do either IUI or IVF?

I'm trying to decide between two really great donors (2754 and 4199). One has only 8 vials of IUI left (no ICI), the other has enough of both.

Thanks y'all,


  • Artangel737Artangel737 Junior Member Junior Member
    I just ordered my first set of 4 from (4199). They told me to start off with that. I have my first IUI on Jan 9 or 10 and I'm excited and nervousness at the same time. I'm 41 and first time trying to get pregnant.
  • maria2maria2 Senior Member Senior Member
    Ask your RE! My place recommends getting ICI because they wash regardless of ICI or when I did IVF, they told me to just get cheapest (which was IVF prep), but I could have gotten the ICI prep. So first things first, ask your RE if their lab "washes" the sperm or should you buy IUI prep....Good luck!
  • jennimac_atxjennimac_atx Member Member
    So I fiiiinally decided on 2754 and went for it yesterday morning - got 8 IUI - yay! Ugh that donor decision was so tough.

    Good luck ArtAngel, 4199's a Cutie and seems such a sweet good kid! I'm glad we weren't grasping for those same available vials!

    And thanks Maria, I do need to talk to my doctor about my longer term situation - at what point down the line is it time to re-evaluate IUI, and would i be able to do IUI for a sibling try (is a second even possible with my unicorn?!) I guess i was still in a bit of a vicodin haze at my post-op appt on xmas eve where he explained my unicornuate-ness - everything moving so fast y'all. Will ask at my next appt which is 1/10 - a sonogram to see which side is ovulating - Left Left Left! :)

    Happy New Year ladies - here's to a wonderful year of sticky BFP's! Showers of baby dust! :)
  • jennimac_atxjennimac_atx Member Member
    ah and forgot to mention that my RE was ok with either - preferred IUI, but could process ICI ... so i thought i had some flexibility.
  • moewhit25moewhit25 Senior Member Senior Member
    Personally, I would have only purchased 2-4 vials and then had a long discussion with the RE about when to move to IVF. As Maria mentioned, IVF prep is cheaper and if you end up going that route that means that quite a bit of money is wasted on the more expensive IUI prep type. Good luck with getting through this whole process. It certainly can be a rollercoaster ride. Wishing you early success....
  • robinrobin Senior Member Senior Member
    It took me 8 months to get pregnant. I was 37 when I started and EI when I gave birth! I had to do the iuiKs every other month bc I only have my right ovary. I was still at the reKs office evry month to see what was happening. My advice be aggressive. Start with some sort of meds with the iui if possible to give yourself more than one target on the months you can try. If possible I would move to injections as soon as possible (if insurance or financially you can swing it) while it took me 8 months, I was only able to do 4 iui's bc could only do it every other month.

    Good luck and baby dust!

    I swear there are like 6 degrees of seperation between those of us using donor 2754!

  • jennimac_atxjennimac_atx Member Member
    Thanks y'all - well it looks like maybe i did get a bit ahead of myself huh. I was just feeling the pressure of the "buy 1 get 2nd half off" special and the looming price hike in 2013... my own fiscal cliff! ha
    My insurance does not cover this - i'm not deemed "infertile" and hence covered until i've tried IUI 6 times... so i just assumed i'd be hammering away on this path at least 6 tries - and that it could take at least a year... so didn't want my donor to sell out and didn't want to pay the storage all that time.
    i'm going to call Fairfax tomorrow after i hear back from my RE's office (awaiting a call-back) - perhaps there are some options for me...
    We'll see! Thanks again!
  • dag3gdag3g Junior Member Junior Member
    jennimac_atx: Keep us updated! I am pregnant by 2754, due July 4th! Good luck!!!
  • jennimac_atxjennimac_atx Member Member
    So i went in for my sonogram today and yay, the left side is going to ovulate - so i can try this cycle!! my doc wants me to start testing on Sunday, but who are we kidding, i've been testing since yesterday, lol. so early next week i'll go in for my first IUI. :) i'm just so excited! and a little in disbelief that its finally starting after months of tests and surgery and appts... ahhh, it begins.

    And thanks so much dag3g, same to you! yay for 2754!

    - Jen :)
  • law_aplaw_ap Junior Member Junior Member
    I bought 11. I initially only wanted to get enough to get the two years of free storage, but then I learned my donor was going inactive and only had a few left after that, so I bought a few extra just incase. I got pregnant on the first try, so I will have plenty to try for a sibling this year :)
  • dag3gdag3g Junior Member Junior Member
    Best of luck to you!!! Hang in there during that two week wait - it can feel looong! But also keep in mind it could take several tries! I'm 38 also and it took me four tries. Keep us updated! :)
  • niks2004niks2004 Junior Member Junior Member
    My RE used 2 vials per try (without doing back to back IUI's). Based on another forum I'm on, I know that most RE's only use 1 vial at a time, but my RE insists that he gets better results wih 2 vials. I'm 32 and a single mom. It took me 2 tries (4 vials). I'm currently 19 weeks pregnant by 2754.
  • jennimac_atxjennimac_atx Member Member
    Thanks y'all for the encouragement and info! As an update on me, i did have my first IUI in Jan - it was so cool. The waiting was brutal, but i really think things were percolating. maybe it was all in my head, but i felt different - i really did. but alas, AF came on CD23 and it was confirmed a no-go. was disappointing, but ok, i knew this was going to potentially take a while. So this cycle, i went in to see which side was ovulating and was the wrong side this time. honestly i saw it as a blessing - this process has been super crazy non-stop for months and work is INSANE right now... so i saw it as a nice opportunity to take a break.

    so will go in again for the checker sonogram next cycle, roughly end of Feb - hopefully this time the egg is brewing on the Left side and i can try my second IUI! :)

    baby dust, all!
  • Misslissa30Misslissa30 Junior Member Junior Member
    what donor? I am looking for 4009 of you would be willing to change ownership of 1 or two? It is a long shot it is same donor but I thought I would ask.
  • jennimac_atxjennimac_atx Member Member
    what donor? I am looking for 4009 of you would be willing to change ownership of 1 or two? It is a long shot it is same donor but I thought I would ask.

    Hi MissLissa, i'm using donor 2754. Good luck finding more of 4009, perhaps you could post a thread on it if you haven't already (sorry for the slow reply, missed this)
  • moni0811moni0811 Junior Member Junior Member
    Happy, happy good news!! Congrats of your pregnancy! How are you doing? I have selected Donor 2870, have 2 vials in storage.
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