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Elevated Prolactin

yanla_tilyanla_til Senior Member Senior Member
I just got a call with the results of my Day 3 blood work and I found out I have elevated prolactin level. They are going to do further testing to find out the cause.
Did anyone else find this?


  • blkern23blkern23 Member Member
    I had that problem. Originally they put me on a med that I took once a week. That worked within one month to bring my level down to normal. However, I was also having some elevated Thyroid levels and they can work together (thyroid and prolactin). So my thyroid levels continued to rise so they also had to put me on Synthroid. Once my thyroid levels got back to normal my prolactin corrected on its own and I no longer needed to take the med for the prolactin. I do have to say the whole process took a couple of months. But if my thyroid levels were fine it would have only taken 1 month to fix the prolactin. Did they also run your thyroid levels with the day 3 blood work? I hope that helps!!! Good luck!
  • yanla_tilyanla_til Senior Member Senior Member
    Thanks so much. I was sitting here worrying and crying. This whole process seem so unfair at times.
    Do you think it is somehow related to the fact the we also both have short cycles and eggs being released too early?
    I am not sure they checked my thyroid level. I am going back on Friday for day 8.

    Thanks again.
  • blkern23blkern23 Member Member
    The process does seem so unfair. I will be on my one year mark in March. Almost a year and I've only had 1 IUI, got pregnant on the first try and miscarried. Now I'm back to the waiting game. It is definitely unfair. I really don't think you have too much to worry about with this other than the time it takes to fix it. And trust me I know how much the TIME factor sucks. I feel like I've wished a whole year of my life away just anxiously waiting for the next cycle to arrive for them to tell me I have to wait another month.

    It is definitely a good point about us both having short cycles and early ovulation. I didn't really think of that. Make sure you ask them about your thyroid on Friday. I definitely have a thyroid issue that I will take meds for forever. My RE put me on the pill for 2 months in order to get rid of cysts and they did my 1st IUI right after the pill so my cycle was back to 28 days. However after my miscarriage it is back to the 25 day cycle again. I don't know why they are so short. It is something worth asking on Friday also. My mom and I have discussed many times that you would think my levels would be different on day 3 with a 25 day cycle than someone else who has a 28-30 day cycle. Let me know what they say. Good luck!
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