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Torsion of tubes...

jtemballjtemball Junior Member Junior Member
DOes anyone know ?.....
So we have been trying now for a while (7 failed IUIs) I had the dye test at the beginning and everything seemed to be fine. all my blood work was fine etc etc.
in the last mo (mo 7 of trying in office) a blip of sorts is notices on one of the US. the RE decides to go do Laproscopic surgery and hysteroscopy to see what is up ...
no endometriosus, a bunch of polyps removed, a few "functional cysts" on 1 ovary and both tubes are clear and passable, but considerably twisted.
At this point the RE's recommendation is 1-2 more IUI with a possible different donor sperm then move on to IVF or jump to IVF....
I am torn. our insurance will pay nothing towards ivf but covers in full the iui.
on 1 hand I think well why not maybe a switch will help, then the other side of me says we've already gone this far with IUI is a different donor really going to make a difference?
At this point I am just trying to get as much info from anywhere and everywhere before making a decision sometime before my next cycle starts.


  • Anne72Anne72 Senior Member Senior Member
    Don't waste time and money on any more IUIs. I did 13 IUIs with zero issues. It took two IVF. Move onto the more effective aggressive treatment now if you have a tube issue. Just my humble opinion.
  • familylove3familylove3 Member Member
    I would say try one or two more as what the doctor suggest. Your insurance covers it. That advantage of that. I say give it one more try or two cause you never know. And there is nothing like seconding guessing yourself later on down the line.
    My short story is need to use donor sperm due to my husband has damaged sperm. We're on our 4th iui. We have no insurance coverage with either iui or ivf. But my doctor is suggesting two more at least before we move to ivf. Cause financially it's a big step.
    Good luck. God bless n baby bust
  • tal970tal970 Member Member
    Since your insurance covers the costs for the IUI I would keep trying as your doctor recommends if it were me. Not sure if you are using oral meds or injectibles. If you are using oral like Chlomid maybe you should try injectibles. My doctor has said you increase your changes going from oral to injectibles via IUI (but it still isn't as high as your chances are with IVF). The cost of the medicine is higher, but again if your insurance covers the meds go for it.
  • CaliforniagalCaliforniagal Junior Member Junior Member
    I too had a tube problem and they recommended IVF which was successful for me. But it's not only the tubes. I tried the first 2 IVF's with my husband's sperm with no luck. When I used donor and IVF combo, I got preganant. I really didn't know my husband had an issue (poor sperm motility) until we couldn't get pregant.
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